I feel like an idiot for having to ask this, but how do you search on the Humble Bundle store? I've been looking and I can't figure out how. I remember doing it at least a year ago. With the sale going on I want to know what the deals are, but I don't want to go through every single game alphabetically to get to what I want to see.

8 years ago

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Can you search on the Humble Bundle store?

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I don't know either

search box at the very top

8 years ago

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You mean that search bar right there?
[EDIT] And what the fuck with the three "no" votes? It's right there on top of every page on Humblebundle. ._.

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8 years ago

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Wow... I'm such an idiot lol. Thanks!

8 years ago

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I feel you, I spent about 5 minutes looking for it earlier today.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by SuperMeatIsaac.