Ok, so I woke up today, checked my email and found out my steam have been hacked recently. I had 10 emails from steam with refunds for Dota 2 stuff to a unknow mastercard. Is there anything i should do except changing pass?

The date this happend was a date when I were on vacation without Internet, so there's no way I could have done it. In addition Dota 2 is not my type of game, so I never play it

No hidden giveaway....just saying

12 years ago*

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no idea o.o steam support is the cliche usual answer? but GL Mr. Penguin :<

12 years ago

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You should definitely talk with Steam support and let them know. If that card turns out exploited you wouldn't want the bank coming after you. Hope you figure it out, best of luck.

12 years ago

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If you can still log into your account, yes, change your pass immediately.

12 years ago

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Scary... good luck!

12 years ago

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Activate Steam Guard (new computer code thingy) and contact steam support about the issue

12 years ago

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When you are changing your pass do it with virtual keyboard in keys you have a keylogger hidden in your system. And as people already said, turn on Steam Guard if you have it turned off for some inconceivable reason.

12 years ago

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I didn't think it was possible to turn off Steam guard lol.

12 years ago

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yeah, had an issue where it popped up EVERY time I logged in, from my home computer the only computer I ever used. after the first of 2 messages got bounced back by the boilerplate keyword bot I got a human who told me to just disable it. (I didn't of course, and just learned to put up with the email check and log in less often but still.)

12 years ago

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Then you probably browsed net using private mode or you set autodelete session data after browser's close.

12 years ago

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don't do either of those things, not sure why it happens. doesn't really matter though, the annoying is rare(can go days without logging in here, and don't buy from steam every day. doesn't do it when I launch steam so can play games without searching my spam folder so its less annoying than it sounds, annoying enough to message support twice but not 3 times.
(was just an example of one reason somebody may turn it off)

12 years ago

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virtual won't do jack to a real keylogger, only the junk ones(the real ones actually analyze data traffic, not what you type)

12 years ago

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stop downloading porn

12 years ago

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great idea

12 years ago

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how would that help?

or do you mean like "Stop downloading viruses that come with porn?

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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lold and +1

12 years ago

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even though they are mostly automated reply bots that scan your messages for keywords to paste in boilerplate from their faq you should talk to steam support. some of them are human and the humans seem to be good.

12 years ago

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I've never received any automated reply from Steam Support o.O

12 years ago

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not real robots, only that the times I've messaged they just behaved in such a way sometimes its indistinguishable(don't know if they were swamped and trying to reply to everything or if it was the end of the day and somebody was zoned out on autopilot or what). like steam's employees failing the turing test.

except sometimes when they're good

12 years ago

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Contact steam support and ask what you should do. Also make sure if you have not logged in from other computer (f.e. school,university, library, etc). Change your pass with Virtual Keyboard. Also check if some friend didn't play a prank on you. Anyways good luck .

12 years ago

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Turn on your Steam Guard and change your email password to be safe.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Got hacked last month and stolen all marketable genuines from my inventory (guy was stupid enough to actually add a few items to my inv to make it look like a trade). Got in contact with support and 2 days later was asked to provide prrof of purchase to prove I own the account. Also got my items back.

What I did after seeing the account theft is change both the pass and email, then deauthorier all other computers with the Steamguard setting.

12 years ago

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Have done most of the things you guys suggested, thanks alot. Btw i always have steamguard activated

12 years ago

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how did ur account get hacked? maybe i ask? did u download a keylogger or u clicked on some link u werent suppose to? the night before u sleep.

12 years ago

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No, it happend several days after the time i went on vacation and didn't have access to internet, and I didn't download anything before

So i have no freaking clue how it happend

12 years ago

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i see ok.

12 years ago

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Steam Guard is a powerful tool. Activate it, change the pass and use an email nobody would know.

12 years ago

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Steam Guard is always on, probably the reason they didn't manage to steal the account

12 years ago

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I hope you sort everything out. Good luck.

12 years ago

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thanks, waiting for steam to answer a ticket

12 years ago

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sry about that man , hope SS helps u solve this soon , they are always better than ***** EA and Ubi support , lol I remember my first ticket , after almost 1 year I had just two games (Simcity and settlers ) in my acc , I didn't remember my steam e-mail :D just had my username ... send a ticket SS: how did u get ur games ... me : they were gifts from ... , SS answered : ok I changed ur mail to this new one go change ur password ... ME : WWWWOOOOOWWWW !!! thanks steam , It was my best support contact .

  • sry for bad english :(
12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Xygon.