More than 500k tickets have been created on SG, that some people took care of in their free time.
Actually the open tickets are on a record low and that's probably the reason why some turned their attention to some remaining tickets from ancient times. ;)
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Site had trouble with a lack of support staff, so they could not keep up with reports etc.
There have been recruiting sprees already, and these tickets do get handled a lot quicker.
In unrelated news, welcome back, hope you enjoy the site as it is today.
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the fact that you didn't activate your gift 5 years ago does not mean your report was waiting for 5 years ;)
SG support relies solely on reports, if you stopped being active there's a very good chance noone checked you for activation back then (especially since b4 SGT introduction checking activations was much harder and almost noone was doing it beside few GA creators). You became active again now, and as we have tools for easy checks nowadays someone checked you and reported you. Maybe someone you won GA from, maybe someone who saw you in discussions. Point being you got reported just now and received a suspension you should have received back then but didn't ;)
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Well this explains the situation nicely, but the real question is - aside from this specific case - what's the point of suspending someone because of something he did years ago?
Main function of punishment is to encourage people to abide the rules.
If someone made one mistake years ago, and then he was "good", then it's safe to assume that he learned to obey the rules by his own.
So, if it isn't something that would result in lifelong ban, punishing someone after years makes very little sense to me.
It's not like he gets away with it completly. He gets permament "unactivated-game-status" (which in long run is worse than any suspention, since it bans him from basically all SGT GAs) and it can be used in sutuation when he breaks the rules again (like suspended sentence, probation).
So (if person didn't break any more rules) simple warning and info that "mods are watching" would probably be better than suspencion out of blue.
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Nope much to soft rules in the past and it was harder to found rulebreakers. Partly the worst users, with partly over 30 red entries+, will first catched after years. They don't learned anything.
Maybe you look into the sgtools checks because i can't say more because it will then maybe be calling out.
Punishing years after the things are a bad solution and with AUTOMATIC checks (that informs the support when red marks show up that are not investigated in the past) -that would save a lot of time for the support and the users- such thing would not happen. But we have no automatic checks and a "bad" solution is better then no solution and nothing that will be done against rule breaking.
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to add to what Masafor said, - selective rule enforcement creates creates not nice precedent. Rules as of now are simple - you gotta activate all wins. You don't, you get suspended. You're not allowed to leak private GAs. You leak, you get suspended. Etc - simple rules, simple results of breaking them, if we consider that vast majority of community are not english native speakers it becomes even more important. What you propose on the other hand not only complicates things but also leaves rules to personal interpretation. Was this rule broken long ago enough to forget it? How long is long enough - if I didn't activate 1 year ago am I safe? What about few months, after all I did activate everything during these few months. What about other subjective matters? Noit activating brand new AAA game seems like much worse offence than not-activating 1$ asset flip. So maybe we will suspend just a person from AAA game and not person from 1$ shitty game. Also who is to ensure that even in such subjective system like you propoise rules are going to be ebnforced fairly? You report me for some 1$ game I didn't activate years ago, but report is read by support member who likes me so they decide that it was long ago enough to let it slip, next day they see same kind of report but for known forum troll they dislike, so they suspend him right away. How is it fair? In current system it's easy - I objectivelly broke the rules, I get suspension, no matter personal likes and dislikes of support members, no matter personal thoughts on was the game worth it, was the time long enough, in such a small community where most of active members maybe not know but at least recognize each other it's the only way to assure fairness of judgment, punishment and equal treatment of all users, no matter personal likes and dislikes.
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I understand your point and I'm not saying I disagree completely, but I have to point out that you exaggerate way too much.
Simplification is a strong argument that would buy me alone, but other things are just nitpicking.
You can get suspension for 3 days and you can get one for month. Do someone wo unactivated AAA get longer suspension? Do mods give shorter suspension to people they like?
Youre not concerned about discrimination of AAA/non-AAA games or mods favourinting someone now then why additional rule should change anything in this field?
Setting time limit isn't so complicated - I mean even real life crimes have their expiration date.
As to non-english-speakers - if someones english is so bad that he won't understand simple warning - then he won't understand suspension after years.
It's like punishing dog for pissing the carpet year ago - punishment may be fair, but all we gain is confused dog ¯_(ツ)_/¯
And I agree with Masafor when he says that "bad solution is better then no solution", but that doesn't mean we have to stick to that one solution forever.
Anyway I'm not demanding changes - as I said suspension isn't "real punishment" here and it isn't such a big deal - you can live without those idk 4 games you would win during that month.
I just wanted to point out something that makes little sense to me: punishment for sake of punishment.
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You can get suspension for 3 days and you can get one for month. Do someone wo unactivated AAA get longer suspension? Do mods give shorter suspension to people they like?
Youre not concerned about discrimination of AAA/non-AAA games or mods favourinting someone now then why additional rule should change anything in this field?
As for suspension length - it is also strictly decided. Yes, suspensions vary in length, but it's not decided how long suspension will take, it comes directly from your previous actions and number of times you broke the rules. It's easiest to explain on example - suspension for non-activated gift is 5 days. But if you didn't activate 3 wins, it will be 5 days per non-activation, aka 15 days. Repeated offences get longer suspensions, so for example if you got suspended for 5 days for 1 non-activation in the past, 2 years go by and then you decide to not activate 3 more wins you will get double suspension. Like we know it's 5 days per win, so here it will be 3 wins x 5 days x 2 times for repeated offence = 30 days. So yes, while you can get suspension for 5 days and you can get for one month it does not mean that it's in any way subjectively decided by a mod which one you will get, it still comes from strict rules that remain the same for everyone, doesn't matter if you're a friend of a mod who didn't activate small bundle game, or a person mod does not like who didn't activate AAA game. Suspension in both cases will be delivered according to the very same rules.
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I didn't want to imply that mods can give suspension as they want, but that you can set similar set of rules for any "new rule".
So mods won't have any more space to do what they want than they have with suspension and it still won't matter if you're a friend of a mod who didn't activate small bundle game, or a person mod does not like who didn't activate AAA game.
If you can do it with suspencions you can do it with other things.
Also I never intended to erase past "crimes" - if you have unactivatef gifts from 5 years ago, and you unactivate one now - you will still get 10 days of suspencion intead of 5.
Sorry if i was misleading.
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oh, ok then, seems I misunderstood you :) anyway I still believe that even predetermined length of time after which you cannot get suspended is not a good thing - not on SG where detection rate is pretty low and relies solely on user reports. The thing is that right now if you become aware that what you did was against the rules you may want to fix your wrongdoings (for example to purchase a game you regifted and activate it yourself to avoid suspension), if you set a certain time period after which crime goes unpunished then compared with our low detection rate it may cause people to intentionally not fix their wrongdoings hoping they will get lucky, if you set upo period to one year for example and rulebreaker sees that he went for 10 months unpunished he is less likelly to fix it, because 'hey, I was lucky for 10 months, just 2 left to go', it can even encourage further rulebreaking, if someone will get away without punishment once and see it he may start thinking that maybe it's worth to risk it again, if someone is aware than no matter when but sooner or later he may get punished they will be less likelly to take such actions. And inb4 'real punishment is SGT' - no it isn't, because vast majority of community never even enter forums, they stick to public GAs, they can be bots/autojoiners/leechers but they can also simply be people who don't want to get involved and just hope for free stuff without being bothered.
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As I said: "aside from this specific case" Talgaby.
If we would apply probation system here he would break it anyway.
I'm questioning law for sake of questioning law, not to defend op ;P
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How have you been inactive? You've won almost 50 games in the past 12 months.
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I entered a GA and won. When I went to activate the key appeared "duplicate key". as I knew the creator of the GA, I asked him to send me another game and then I marked it as received. even though I was suspended from the SG and now it appears that my account there is an unactivated game and I can not enter some GA's (sgtools) .. I created tickets but so far with no response
translated by google
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don't mind the fact that he has been entering and winning GAs non stop, he said he was inactive so he must've been.
Mully , I like you and all but you need to stop doubting people.
no one goes online and lies or even exaggerate for any reason.
he is also NOT trying to paint himself as a victim for sympathy points. it's SteamGifts simply being a horrible and unfair place.
in the end , all I can say is I am glad that this site is finally dead.
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I was inactive in the community indeed, but I still was contacting people when there was a problem in the giveaway (I asked people to reroll when I won a gift twice or in this case, to communicate that the gift was unable to be activated due to a region lock).
the guy said sorry for that and deleted me on steam, so I guess he wasn't too interested in solving the problem.
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Don't mark it as received when you're not able to activate it and the winner doesn't want to resolve the problem.
If you mark it as received even though you couldn't retrieve it, the trouble begins.
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it was always a thing, but it heppens to this very day - a lot of users don't ever bother with reading the rules until they get suspended for breaking them. 5 years ago and this very day we read the same explanations in the forums 'well, he gave me duplicate key, but then offered another game instead so I marked as received'.
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hello there, I'm a very old member of this community, times change and I've been inactive for a couple of years, but back then I used to be really active in the community.
anyways, seems like I got suspended this last month for a whole month, for not activating some keys... that got sent 5 years ago
the thing is I did activate those keys, and the only one I couldn't activate was because it was a region locked gift, so its still sitting in my inventory.
so, its me or the support team is awfully slow? if I got suspended for a report I got 5 years ago, I can't imagine hows the rest of the stuff lol.
also I wasn't able to click in any link, not even in the reported games, I had to write them down to check now what was going on.
oh and the contact support links didn't even work most of the times, in fact I was able to write my message just once, I guess I'll have to wait another 5 years to get an answer.
so its just me having a weird experience or is this normal? because if its a regular thing the sg team should hire more people to join their support team as soon as possible.
I'm not mad or anything, I got suspended for a legit reason I guess, but damn, it took them 5 years to do it.
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