
my problem is that I usually have around 100 or more ENTERED GAs simultaneously.
Meanwhile I sometimes activate a bunch of keys on my steam account at the same time.

This usually leads to a situation where I already entered to a GA then got the key for the game so I should remove myself from that particular GA.

The problem is that when for example I activate 10-15 keys and I am entered to 100-200 GAs it is really hard and time consuming to check all GAs one by one.

Usually in this case I open all ENTERED GAs, remove myself and try to reenter is it is allowed (I don't have the game already).

Another way to search for all the bought/activated games one by one.

So my suggestion is a button or a new panel which leads to a server side rechecking of all my entered GAs and list the ones I've already have or simply automatically remove me from those GAs.

Please if there is any more convenient way or an addon/extension that can do this checking share it with me!

Thank you and keep up the good work!


2 really handy tools for this problem from the comments:
SG Game Tags script which adds a tag to your games if you own them and it works on the "Entered" page also.
Steam Licenses page on Steam which is an exact list of all your activated licenses with the date of activation.

8 years ago*

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You can type in the game into the search bar on your entered GA tab and it will list them so easy removal. It doesn't take that long, how many times would you have over 15 games at once? (that you know you've entered GAs for)

8 years ago*

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Well you are right that this mostly affects only the more hardcore game collectors. For me it is not rare to get 20-30 games in a batch.
And yes, what you said is the fastest way, just shouldn't forget to check every time I buy some new games.
So my suggestion if accepted could get a low priority for sure, it is only convenience feature.

8 years ago

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Use "SG game tag" addon, it tags every game you own, even if SG can't hasn't detected it.

8 years ago

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This is a really great help, thank you very much!

8 years ago

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from what i''ve seen this has a little bit of a delay (maybe a hour or so) between adding the games and the tags appearing.

8 years ago

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Thanks for this info also, added the link of this tool to the main post.

8 years ago

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or me it is not rare to get 20-30 games in a batch.

Just cross-reference off of https://store.steampowered.com/account/licenses/
(Within Steam Client: Click your wallet amount in the top right; from there, click View licenses and product key activations)

8 years ago

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Thanks, added it to the main post.

8 years ago

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Jogos, mivel ha a "sync" funkciót használod is, a már futó benevezéseknél az sem jelez és csak manuálisan tudod visszavonni őket.
Én úgy szoktam, hogy amiket tudom, hogy meg fogok vásárolni, azokra már előre nem is jelenkezem (persze könnyű nekem, mivel viszonylag kevés játékom van).

8 years ago

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Igen, pontosan ez a helyzet és abban is egyetértünk, hogy ez főleg a sokjátékosoknak tud gondot okozni, főleg ha gyakran bővítik a gyűjteményüket. Nálam gyakran adódott olyan, hogy innen-onnan vettem vagy 30-50 kulcsot egyszerre és elfelejtettem átfutni, aztán 3 winem is volt zsinórban és mindháromnál rerollt kellett kérni. Felesleges plussz munka a staffnak és szerintem ha lenne egyszerűbb, gyorsabb módja ennek a csekkolásnak, akkor jobban odafigyelnék rá és kiindulva abból, hogy általam kiírt GA-ra hányszor kellett ugyan ilyen okból rerollt kérnem lehet másnál is jól jönne.
Akár odaáig is elmennék, hogy a rendszer a GA lejártakor dobja ki róla azokat, akiknek megvan a játék.

8 years ago

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"Akár odaáig is elmennék, hogy a rendszer a GA lejártakor dobja ki róla azokat, akiknek megvan a játék."

Igen, mindenféle szankció nélkül egy automata újrasorsolás. Ez szerintem is korrekt lenne.

8 years ago

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Here is the fastest way:

If you win a game, check if you own it already.
Yes: Request a reroll
No: Yay

8 years ago

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That's exactly why I request this feature, because the method you advise leads to unnecessary overhead from staff side to handle many reroll requests because of this situation.
Also it causes inconveniences on creator side as he has to open a ticket, spend more time with her/his GA, etc...
So this situation you've described should be avoided and it is of course the responsibility of the one who entered to the giveaway but with the current ways this checking is not too convenient and fast and this is why many people forgets or simply skips it. At least this is what I experience since I already asked for many rerolls on my GAs because of this and I myself also asked for this many times for a GA I've entered and forgot to leave.

But anyway, the already mentioned tools help a lot with the situation, I've updated the main thread with them.

8 years ago

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