Will your week start with a puchase?
Eh, about the only thing I would be interested in is the Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle. I will probably skip this one.
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I still have a Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle gift on steam. Do you want to trade?
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Nah, i'm fine. The bundle is only 2$, so I will probably end up buying it anyway :)
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missing only Toren, so skipping it, but for anyone not owning Slain - it's worth buying this bundle just for this one game alone. I bought it on Steam at 66% off I believe and it was worth every cent and then times more! :> just don't judge by reviews, when game got initially on Steam it was shit, developer pulled it off store, spent a lot of time fixing and upgrading it and then re-released as Slain: Back from Hell. Since then it is getting almost only positive reviews, but these negative ones from release still drops average score.
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Thank you for the comment, I added a note in the OP.
Also thank you for the prices :)
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Aye, I see, thank you. I was also wondering how come this activated in Germany for earthmind, but now everything makes sense...
Unfortunately I haven't been at the PC until now, therefore I wasn't able to update the thread sooner. Hopefully the note didn't mislead many people into buying this bundle, thinking it does activate in Germany.
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Package? No idea what you mean. It's just that I am German and I have it in my library (got it in some past bundle iirc - Edit: I think it was the Killer Bundle 5 from Bundlestars).
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Didn't work for me either at least not through the Steam client directly. What did work though, was to activate it through the browser while using a proxy.
If you want to do that, here's the link you can use to activate the key via your browser (just replace the X's with your key): https://store.steampowered.com/account/registerkey?key=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
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Hm, maybe it was different two and a half years ago. Now that it's brought up ... I do remember slightly there has been some post about this game in the "For Uncut" Steam Group. Is it possible this game has not always been on the index conditions it now seems to be in?
However, sorry for getting your hopes up, folks.
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Yeah itΒ΄s a clusterfuck, i played the free weekend and was like "yuss, will buy later" and then someday 2016 they removed a shitload of games that could be bought/activated before, Dark Forces being one of them (at least i got lucky with that one!). WouldΒ΄nt be all that bad if they didΒ΄nt also ban key redemption - which also is an on & off thing from my experience, some games work, some donΒ΄t ....
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It's a nice bundle especially for the price. It's unfortunate how many of these I already own already. I don't own the Triad game but don't have an interested really in it. The Tropico 4 Collectors bundle is about all I'd be interested in..
The Tropico 4 collectors bundle, how is this being distributed? All one key? A base game key and a DLC key? Or is the base game and each DLC separate keys?
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Thanks so much for the info.
@sensualshakti Might be worth mentioning in the OP.
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Good to know! I see that this sub has the exact same content as the Store sub, therefore I will leave the Store sub in the chart so that the link works.
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Somewhat interested in Slain, but not really any of the others. Think I'll wait for it to hit $1, or a bundle with other games I want.
Still hoping for Fanatical to re-bundle Clustertruck since I missed the last bundle with it.
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Interested in Slain and Toren, very nice starter. I think I will wait to see the rest of the bundles before deciding though.
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As many keys as lines in the chart.
There's also a small note about that under the chart :)
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Time limited offer. Ends in 90 days
Are they serious or is it a bug?
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That's where I saw it. I'm pretty sure I've never seen such a long limited offer for a bundle before.
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I've never seen such a long limited offer for a bundle before.
But note that a number of Fanatical/Bundle Stars bundles have been running for years.
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Sure, quite a lot, but once the limited offer (1 or 2 weeks) expires, they keep running for years with a higher price, except during these short Bundlefest periods.
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Wow, Slain: Back from Hell and Monster Slayers DLC are both on my wishlist. But since I own other 6 (or 7 counting Tropico with no DLCs), I guess I'm skipping. Still, nice bundle, Toren also looks cool. Getting the Monster Slayers DLC would surely suck me in one more time (I played about 10 hours of it when it was released, had tons of fun, but it's way too random/unfair at times).
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tbh, Slain alone is worth the whole bundle price ;) whole bundle costs almost 50% cheaper than historical lowest for Slain alone and if you enjoy the genre and 'metal' style it's absolutelly wonderful game. I bought it directly from Steam and I don't regret buying it before it got bundled ;)
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Yeah I agree, it's been in my wishlist even before the "Back from Hell" reboot. But you know, I've waited forever for it to get 75% off there, and when it got, I've decided to wait 80% off... haha, really cheap of me.
I will probably buy it on the next huge steam sale, since I have lots of steam credits on the wallet, and I pay in BRL (R$), so the prices are reasonably lower compared to U$ (general exception are Bethesda, Warner, BANDAI and other huge publishers that don't give a damn for regional pricing). Alone it costs like U$ 2 to me on sale.
Still, it's pretty hard to play any platformer after playing Dead Cells for a few hours, since the freedom of movement and animation tweening make you control your character too much, and anything that doesn't allow that make me feel like I'm controlling a Mecha... took me a while to get used to Salt and Sanctuary, for example. Of course it was a really extreme transition... due to stamina and harsh combat mechanics, darksouls-esque.
Anyway, thanks for kicking me in the butt indirectly, I should have already bought it long ago... now it's on my real "buy it" list, along with Hollow Knight! Of course I'll also be entering every single GA here of it, maybe I get lucky...
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I think I bought their last bundle that included Slain for 4 bucks. I have not activated any other of the games from that bundle, it was worth the 4 buck for slain alone.
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Only games I've played from it are Monster Slayers and Rise of the Triad.
Rise of the Triad is a "reboot" of the classic FPS, so I only played because of that. It plays very arcadey compared to recent FPS games, but still, it's not very good, besides providing some mindless action and some laugh.
Monster Slayers gave me lots of fun, I'd say the 10 hours I've played were pretty nice, it has some really interesting combat mixing turn-based combat and cards like a card game, but doesn't feel like you're playing a card game at times. The progression is nice, but there're some quite unfair combats, or way too much combos from some enemies, and it gets frustrating at times.
I don't have Slain and Toren, but would surely love to give them a try someday. Slain specially, looks like a really awesome platformer.
The rest, I couldn't really care about. For the price, it's a really good bundle.
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I remember I liked Toren a lot. The only game from the bundle I have played even though I own them all but 1.
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Toren's a fun (albeit short) exploration/collection game - I enjoyed it (100%'ed it IIRC)
Silence of the Sleep is definitely worth a play-through.
The standout (for me) in this bundle is Monster Slayers, though. LordofDarkness already described that one really well. I absolutely loved that game. xD
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Slain alone is worth the price - it has awesome gameplay, artstyle and music. I purchased it directly from Steam before it got bundled and it was still worth it. just don't judge by reviews, when game got initially on Steam it was shit, developer pulled it off store, spent a lot of time fixing and upgrading it and then re-released as Slain: Back from Hell. Since then it is getting almost exclusively positive reviews, but these negative ones from release still drops average score. still even more kudos to dev - most of ppl would lkeave the game to earn them money, he pulled it off, invested even more time and money into it, and finally made it great ;)
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it's not really the case of 'improvements' - dev redid the whole game from mechanical standpoint. The whole game-mechanic part got reworked, from controls, which were major pain in the arse in initial release, through combat mechanics themselves (for example in initial edition hitting enemies was not properly cancelling their actions resulting in them hitting you anyway and destroying your combo), to quite significantly changing move-set. It was not a patching of issues but rather whole rework of combat-mechanics part of the game - the part everyone complained about.
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I found no official improvements statement, but I found this article by Polygon: https://www.polygon.com/2016/8/1/12345862/slain-back-from-hell-relaunch-steam
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yes, i'd agree
a great bundle indeed, i bought it and made lots of giveaways since i had already many of the games :)
for its price it's definitely worthy! Dungeons 2 is very nice too :) And of course Slain and Toren, as everybody said! less than 2β¬, I bought it in a minute xD
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Whoa, only interested in Slain, but I think I'll grab the bundle and give the rest away! :)
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Thank you again for posting, Sensualshakti! :D
Looks like a full bundle of repeats from here but Rise of the Triad is a fun game to play. ^^
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Cheers Shakti for the chart as always. Buying for one game and some DLC. Giving away the rest. Great bundle for the price if you have less than half the games imo.
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Out of earlier experiences during BundleFest, there could be a few nice bundles and also the usual repeat bundles.
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True. The other bundle from fanatical interests me more as I have fewer of the games. I'm looking forward to what other treats there are with the bundles this coming week. I've not spent much on the steam sales to be honest so I have some spare cash. Hopefully there will be a killer bundle with some great games. :-)
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a killer bundle with some great games.
Sign me up for a couple of those bundles, Stevey! ^^
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hopefully, and if not this bundle have quite a few great or at least good games to keep you occupied ;) I know for a fact that Slain is awesome title, I bought it directly from Steam long before it got bundled, I also heard Monster Slayers are good as well ;)
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Fanatical Starter Bundle
1 tier, 10 games + DLCs
19 February 2018 - 13 May 2018
View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg - Lestrades
Fanatical BundleFest
New bundles every day - 19 Feb - 26 Feb
Notice: β οΈ Region lock β οΈ
Rise of the Triad - the key does not activate in Germany
and will not be included in the bundle for German customers (they will have only 9 games, for a lower price).Dungeons 2 will not be included in the bundle for customers from South Korea (they will have only 9 games, for the same price)
Price outside Germany: $1.99 / β¬1.89 / Β£1.69 / CA$2.49
Price for Germany: 1.79β¬ (since Rise of the Triad is not included)
β - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.
Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle is 1 key
Monster Slayers + DLCs are 3 separate keys.
Chart created with Lex's SG Chart Maker
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/UserScript for that! It's called the RaChartβ’ Enhancer!
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