yeah well there is about 1-3milj people now i think but they most likely will get more people now because evrybody was so bored on fucking cataclysm.... it's gonna get improved very much now. even im not happy about the pandas but the world bosses coming back + so much better end game . just waiting for it
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The biggest reason they lose players is because they don't provide enough content fast enough. That's not to say patches either. It's the amount of time from x.3 to x+1.0
Too much time with ICC, and too much time with the Dragon Soul raid. If they'd just hire some more employees, they could have a team for expansion purposes and a team for patch purposes. They're spreading themselves too thin.
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Good game, terrible expansion. I played the beta and I can say truthfully that it will not be an enjoyable x-pack.
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The Cataclysm cinematic was amazing, along with the other ones. Even though I don't want to, Blizzard will make me buy MoP and play it. But still, Cataclysm was great and this is just-ew.
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WotLK was best imo..... Of course that's when I joined.
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Each expansion has had it's ups and downs.
BC was great for hardcore players, but most of the content was slow and dull looking.
Wrath was great up until ICC was released - almost a year of that, with and updated old raid and one new little raid that from what I saw, was not very interesting or fun.
Cataclysm I didn't even play 'til a couple months back, did all the instances and Raid Finder, and that was it. The storytelling in Cataclysm - between quests and instances was some of the best seen in game thus far, but the fights weren't all that interesting.
MoP I haven't played, but it looks like the settings won't be the most interesting this time around. However, I am curious to see the story unfold based on the war rather than a big bad.
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The Pandaren were first (briefly) featured in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Back in 2003.
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The video is great and Blizzard is raising a lot of hype for this new expansion, but I have to say I played the beta of MoP and it wasn't any fun.... WotLK and Cata were OK..... but this seems plain bad.
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That wasn't why I didn't like it. I expect bugs and errors in a beta. It just didn't hold my attention. After 5-10 minutes I quit because I just wasn't...... interested.
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I love WoW (don't play it anymore though) but this is just weak and lame. If you compare it to previous WoW Cinematic, especially WotLK. Nothing epic here, no boss introduced, no big fight or lore revealed, just some fat pandas... (inb4 flame, I know about lore/Pandaren)
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Yeah, seriously, who are we going to fight for the big new raid? Is Kael'thas going to come back again?
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The big bad is pretty much going to be shadow/evil spirits and likely Garrosh toward the end. I don't play anymore, but I like to follow the lore now and then and that seems to be where it's headed.
EDIT 1: Also, this expansion is supposed to be heavy on the horde vs alliance aspect of the story rather than facing some ultimate world-threatening evil. Back to Warcraft's roots, which I think is a fair direction to go in.
EDIT 2: This expansion also marks the move forward in Warcraft's lore rather than going back to so much of what we know from Warcrafts 1-3 (bringing in the Pandaren doesn't count as digging into WC3's lore as they were just hired help). Also a good thing, in my opinion.
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I haven't been following the lore since the Deathwing raid came out..... What happened to Garrosh?
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Garrosh seems to have gone mad with power, and now that Thrall isn't focused on saving the world, I'd wager he's none too happy about Garrosh putting the horde's balance of trust on the line - not to mention Garrosh killing Cairne and it looks like he'll also be starting an attack on Theramore. Thrall and Jaina have a kinship that he wouldn't let anyone destroy.
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I remember hearing something like Thrall won't be back in Orgrimmar for a while.... If you're right, then I'll be glad that Thrall's back, he was a favorite before Cataclysm. Also, I always though Garrosh's actions were a bit supicious.
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Garrosh is the one who always wants to fly off the handle, but as Thrall's right hand, he was able to keep him in check. With Thrall gone, Garrosh quickly took everything to extremes. And I'm pretty sure Thrall and Cairne were friends too, as they forged the alliance between the two races in WC3.
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That's another thing I don't understand about people, they complain about killing the big names one after another, then comes a more peaceful expansion, and all of a sudden Y I NO KILL SARGERAS. Too huge crowd, impossible to please everyone.
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Unfortunately, a large portion of WoW players never played Warcraft before 3. All they know is names like Arthas, Sargeras, and Illidan. So they expect the biggest meanest evil out there to show up every expansion. It doesn't have to work like that, and that formula grows stale (and somewhat has). This is a nice breath of fresh air from, "OHHH NOES! THE WORLD IS DOOMED - WE MUST WORK TOGETHER EVEN THOUGH WE HATE EACH OTHER!!!!"
The tone is set right off the bat when you make a new panda. You're forced to choose sides between a war you aren't really a part of. Basically, horde and alliance found indigenous peoples that they're forcing into their armies. Brings out the dark side of both of them.
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See, I like that direction, but then people start trying to throw logic at an MMO with, "How is Garrosh stronger than Sargeras, Illidan, or Arthas?" But when that game has an instance where you're fighting alongside a lv 85 Night Elf Illidan before he's a demon, and you can go fight/kill a supposedly much more powerful lv 70 demon Illidan, that logic is useless.
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Borderlands 2 for me..... 1 month and 2 days... :(
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I agree! =D
This would be terrific in IMAX 3D....... drools
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I cannot wait. That is all. Whether it holds my interest for a good while, no clue, but cannot wait. Even if I'll be playing Borderlands 2 more.
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I recently got into Diablo 3, and with Borderlands around the corner, probably won't touch MoP for a good long while. Maybe when they do a, "Come back for 7 days free!" thing again. Maybe I won't have to buy MoP then and I'll just re-sub for a month or two. XD
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Honestly, I miss the 'epicness' that W3 and previous WoW expansions had. Well, this one still rocks and keeps the WarCraft style but looks a bit more comic or plastic (I don't know how to call it :)) than previous videos. Also, that's first video with some 'fun'... Well, maybe I am too old :). BTW., only WoW I enjoyed was pre WotLK - because of the way they moved the lore to - so you could rather call me a conservational WarCraft fan :).
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I haven't played WoW for ages, and even when I did it was just pirate servers, I don't care one bit about it, but Blizzard's cinematics are always awesome.
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For those interested in quality CGI
Just don't start flaming, that's all I ask.
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