Haha, It seems to me that you are being sarcastic, and serious at the same time. Well as I told I'm super new to the platform (except that I am taking part in giveaways and have been here a couple of times but not for long, always) and I'm learning things, the things I got to know about have "mostly" to do with the questions/areas of Steamgifts I wanted to know about, namely being, how to know if a giveaway is fake/legit (IK that's a dumb question ) , How/what a profile of a person usually tells and so on. I know the basic rules of the website/s similar to Steamgifts, but I think it's time to finally "reread" the rules and familiarise myself :D
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StarPONY is not being sarcastic. The core rule here is you activate every game you won on your own account. If you give away a game you win, it is violation of the site rules and your account will receive a suspension for failure to activate a won game.
If you'd like to give another user a game, you have to buy a copy to give away. You cannot give away a game you won here.
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Haha! Yeah, Starpony was just being honest. Maybe sarcastic with the first line =)
As for your other questions. There is no real way of telling if a giveaway is legit/fake until the giveaway ends. If the gifter does not deliver the game after 7 days, contact them. If they still don't deliver, mark as not recieved and/or report them, especially if they are still making GAs and didn't respond. It doesn't happen that often because people who make fake GAs generally get banned.
EDIT: Also, Cole has 4k games on Steam, so probably buys a lot of bundles anyway. I would send him a "thank you" on his Steam wall, or write him a message in one of his old giveaways. You can do that to message someone on SG directly. Just telling someone that you appreciate them can be more than enough. ;)
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Iirc you cant enter a giveaway on behalf someone else in this site, so it is not allowed to pass your gift to someone else either. If you feel like wanting to give the man a reward, you can always gift him/her another game yourself :)
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Won games are not transferable and have to be redeemed on own account. You may, however, ask for a reroll therefore kind of "pass" your gift to a random one of the original giveaway participants.
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when you win a game here, you have 3 choices:
1) activate it on your account
2) tell the creator to reroll (that means game will be won by other RANDOM giveaway participant)
3) do none of the above and be punished
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You could always gift them something nice outside of SG, if you desire so (or you could just write a few kind words to them, that's what I'd do). Just not a game won here, that one you should activate on your account, the rules are pretty straightforward about that.
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You can't regift keys or pass it to others. you won it - so you have to claim it ^^
the automated system will check to make sure you activated it on your account.
In fact, if you do this, you will get an unactivated win - and be blocked from using the site for a few days. Better check the site rules.
You can however, create a new giveaway (in that group for example) as thanks for the others who have given away games.
Or ask for a reroll - and have whoever else entered that giveaway win the item instead.
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It's a meme on SG from before I joined, so I'm not totally sure what it is, but I guess that so many copies of Skyrim were being given out years ago, that everyone started saying "thanks for skyrim" on every generous giveaway, regardless of whether or not it was skyrim? However, this practice has (mostly) died out.
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shit never gets old! over 9000 internetz to you my friend ;)
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Hello, I'm sorry I just give more priority to the people who took their valueable time out of their lives . Once I finish replying to the real people, I would go and read everything, which would be easier.
I created the thread 7 hours ago to thank everyone, and as you can see in comments, It's my brother's birthday today (now , it "was" ) and that kept me busy, The problem with redeeming the code by clicking two links is that, that the code is not YET available and my 3 friends I just made in past days, let me know that the key would/should appear there in the next 24 hours so I don't consider it so bad ;)
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While I wholeheartedly agree with you, I snooped around & ItΒ΄s true. The creator of the GA they likely won hasnΒ΄t been online for 24h +
you can check for yourself in Unlucky7 Group, the creator lives in Bravos without a name ; )
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Your friend Cole has over 4000 games on his account. I have no idea what you won, but I doubt that it's something he doesn't already have or have cheap access to.
Cole would be far more upset if you attempt to break the rules, than pleased by such a gift.
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Congratulations for winning your first giveaway! I remember the excitement it was :)
However, as has already been pointed out, you should really really give the Guidelines and FAQ a thorough read before proceeding to use this website, assuming you want to avoid getting in trouble.
Your thought is very kind, but sadly totally against the rules.
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Sorry, but when someone starts with βmost of the people who are active in the forums knows meβ, I expect someone who is actually really active and has been around for a while. Not someone who made a handful of threads, and somehow still canβt figure out the rules of this place.
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Does it really matter though? He's been nothing but decent in this thread, definitely not the worst newbie I've seen on this site lately.
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aber wenn er doch so dr0llig ist- fast fragt er danach ?!
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You've a cute avatar ! ;)
Congratz for your first win, as explained above, you've to redeem it on your own account, but your friend will be probably very happy for you that you won you first gift so just redeem it on your account and don't worry too much about that !
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Congrats on your win.
Like said before by eeev read the Guidelines and FAQ (found under help)
Regifting is not in line with the thought of this site, although you have good intentions with it.
What you have to do now is either accept the gift, and redeem it on your steam account or ask the creator for a reroll.
You can view the gift under the trophy icon and click there on redeem and received.
Also dont forget to thank the giveaway creator for it in the comments of the giveaway.
If you want to thank your friend you can always add him to your whitelist so that he can acces your (future) whitelist giveaways
You can add someone by clicking on his name on steamgifts and click on the blue hearth icon like I did with you, because you are new and will hopefully learn out of this.
note that he cannot see who added him to his whitelist.
A mistake many newcomers make is to join all the giveaways in the hope for a win, but they end up with games they never gonna play.
With time they become more selective and join only the giveaways they want to play.
good luck with your new adventures on this wonderfull site
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Yes I will read the rules and FAQ :)
Sure I'll add him to the whitelist, I think now that , blacklist is the opposite of whitelist? as someone mentioned about blacklist in comments.
:O thank you , but you didn't have to do that :P
A mistake many newcomers make is to join all the giveaways in the hope for a win, but they end up with games they never gonna play. Hehehe very true :D I will learn this with time I think, but If I see games of my choice I always join them first.
Thank you and good luck to you too :P
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what a topic, congrats my dude. appreciate such a thread ;) wish you the best on SG and keep it up
edit after reading the whole thread//
//also super drunk// end
too much drama, cool 5 minutes to read tho!
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i kinda sound an asshole i think, also to my defense i am fkced up drunk for like the last 6 months beeing held in a hostage situation used as the codename corona 19. not sure anymore whats right and wrong. just get to work, open the bottle, smoke tons of weed and get asleep somehow. the girl left to me is despressed too, dooing what i can to keep us both in excitment that it will be soon over....
forgot why i replied to this thread.... well
i get on a lot of blacklists i guess
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I'd never forget how I used to play Wolfenstien return to the castle when I was a young little kid, I also had to be sneaky sometimes because the characters in the game are dressed "inappropriately" considering the "clothes/dressing" standards and mentality of my country, one time I almost got in trouble But I was saved because the power went out thankfully and I just had to replace the "person" with a ghost and no one suspected me after seeing me fight ghosts, the next time I played :D , I'm a huge fan of Dead space, Wolfenstien and Max payne and I'll never forget those games :P
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Yes, yes. congratulations + thank you, thank you very much. Pls win more often and alot!
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Umm, just FYI, you have not yet marked the game received, otherwise it would show up in your account profile, but it's not there (See first picture below):
If you see the top of the page, to the left of your account name on the top right, there are a few icons, click on the middle icon to go to your wins (See second picture below):
Then if you see the key and reveal it, you can go to your Steam account to activate the key. After confirming that the key works and you have it on your account, you should then click on the circle to mark the game received (See third picture below):
After doing all of that, you have then confirmed that you won the giveaway, you activated the key, and the game is marked as "Received," which gives the credit to the original giveaway creator and gives them the associated CV, etc.
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smtg you might want to know: using the Permalink underneath each comment you can link directly there ...
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To instantly link a comment for someone instead of making them scroll all the way (or on another page) to find it
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πwelcome to the Hive ! πΈπ§π©βπ¦³π¨π½βπ¦±π§πΎπ±ββοΈπ³π»ββοΈ
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I see it now, was just trying to make sure you are aware of the different sections of the site. Of course when you are sent the key, the little symbol flashes, so it's kind of hard to miss. Nevertheless, keep entering giveaways and keep winning!
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I wish more threads from confused newbies turned out this way, that's SG at its best. Love this thread.
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Not at all! You drama is totally innocent (unlike many others I've seen recently), and the thread is more on the positive and constructive side (once again, that's not the case way too often).
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Thank you, I'm glad you liked my drama :P I'll do my best to provide more "genuine" and interesting dramas in future as well ;)
(I can understand that, but it's probably a while before I experience/see any kind od negative/unhealthy dramas)
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Everyone! Please do not fight/attack each other for me, in comments, if you like a newbie like me, thanks, I'm grateful for that and also appreciate your patience and tolerance, if you don't like newbies like me, Please forgive me for this time and the next time I post would be only when I educate myself enough about SG to not be a noob. We all are like a family and we need to look out for each other :D if we fight each other for every newbie who joins then we'd start a world war in just 1 month, so lets calm down and take a deep breath and now understand that we all are here to assist each other and not fight with each other okay?
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Unlucky-7 is one of my favorite groups and I am proud to be one of their regular gifters! With the SG community growing larger everyday (mostly bots and autojoiners because their contribution largely remains at zero), makes it difficult for legitimate newbies to win anything. So in that regard... pay it forward by giving back to the community and start raising your CV that will increase your chances of winning. And congrats on getting your first win! π
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Unlucky 7 is indeed a great group and I make an effort to contribute to it whenever I can, and I suggest you to do the same when your finances improve.
I wish I knew the group in my first year in SteamGifts, before I won 7 games here.
I personally recommend you to pick and choose, and only enter giveaways for games you actually want to play.
There really is no point to "waste" your wins on games that are going to lie useless in your Steam library, when you can instead win games you'll like and enjoy playing.
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Hello everyone, Most of the people who are "active" in Steamgifts forums and support/discussion section know me. I posted about "Help regarding Fake/potentially scam, giveaways" And as you can tell I'm New to Steam gifts.
I also let people know that I've not YET won a single giveaway here, even after trying for a while (And trying for a decent number of giveaways ).
The Community feedback and response really surprised me and caught me off-guard because I was expecting not more than 5 people, to write a single line text such as " don't worry no one scams here, scammers are rarely found here, or ... scammers get banned here so there's nothing to worry about and so on. "
However, I misjudged the platform as everyone seemed so kind and nice about a newbie to this Platform(SG) and everyone helped me a lot, a kind gentleman even Added me on steam as well, and I fucked up there as well, I assumed them to be a scammer because they had a high level "professional" steam profile and even though I have a small CSGO inventory and other "typical" steam gamer stuff..... I can get worried sometimes because I'm not rich enough to afford those things again, shall I lose them somehow. In the future, I can easily afford to "go in loss/negative profit" but right now I'm not doing very well due to some personal/confidential reasons ..... So this gentlemen helped me with everything regarding Steamgifts, and guided me through how Steamgifts works and much more, and I joined some groups he let me know, I believe it's called unlucky 7 or something (I'm not entirely sure as it's been just 2 days ), and apparently TODAY I WON MY FIRST giveaway ;) at/on Steamgifts, and I'm soooo sooooo soooooo happy about it, It's really really motivating for me, as a person to see something "good/positive" happening to me/my life after this long .......
And, as a token of thanks, I Kushagra Kulshrestha/tear from India, declare in my full senses that I want to pass my gift to the kind stranger (now not as much ) who assisted me to win my first giveaway at Steam gifts. Please confirm with me for once, and pass the game to my friend Cole420, who has commented multiple times, on my first "discussion/post" of Steamgifts, like 4 days ago :) Thank you!
Also, big thanks to each and every member of the community, who assisted me earlier, and would assist me in the future :D
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