it reads like its just been run through a google translation and there is an untranslated word which google suggests is polish, so according to the currency conversion it only needs to be about 125 USD for 500 of the polish currency. there are packs and software on steam that go even well over that, but steamgifts limits the points to 100 for entry, so you just might not have noticed.
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but steamgifts limits the points to 100 for entry, so you just might not have noticed.
That's probably the key point, given how not only have there been several packages on SG that had MSRP over higher than $100, but the amount of ClickTeam/GameMaker software alone makes for a pretty heavy negation of any claim that games exceeding that value aren't on SG. :P
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Judging by the context I think the author was supposed to be talking about the rule that you cannot giveaway keys you got for free from another website (e.g.
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Having read that part in the original language, I think the author was unaware of the regifting rule and thought giving something you won here is acceptable. Or interpreting it another way, he thinks you can't give games you won here on other sites, but can regift them here, which makes even less sense.
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Just hover over any text in the "Steamgifts com scam" section at the original page and you will see the text in original language.
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First thing that jumps out at me is that the English is very bad. My assumption is that English is not their first language. Second, I think the author sort of missed the point of the website. Personally, I joined because I had an abundance of spare keys for Steam games and wanted to put them somewhere. I find that to be a fairly common issue among users like me. (Bundle addicts. :P) That being said, signing up for this website didn't require the sharing of ANY personal information. Only my public steam profile which was... well, public. This is a weird and somewhat slanderous article.
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I imagine a lot of people came here to just give stuff away, and not care too much about winning themselves
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Yep, that's why I came here. I had already given away about 80 different steam games on reddit before I found out about this site.
That said, I do enter giveaways for games that seem interesting.
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It's fair to say that after I gave stuff away, I've continued to enter random giveaways. I've won some pretty cool stuff here. And while I do still give stuff away, my giveaways are more infrequent. I'm trying to keep my bundle addiction under control.
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Not sure if it's because I'm just so tired I cannot comprehend simple English at the moment or because it is actually legitimatly worded like ass but...damn it hurt my brain trying to decipher what some of this article was actually talking about. can understand the general point of it all but reading it specifically word for word was just painful and confusing.
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Google translate would explain a lot actually. It's useful, don't get me wrong, but so very limited. A lot of foreign words and meanings don't tend to have direct translations in other languages or the phrasing of sentences is in a totally different order...remembers trying to use it for German class assignments back in school and cries heavily at the sheer failure I faced.
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It's fun. I know I've used it as the impetus for some rather silly translation shenanigans to turn sentences into, uh, kinda different sentences.
Having taken German before, I can relate... (I don't remember much of it now, alas. Besides Scheisse. LOL)
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Haha, one of the main positives about language classes has always been learning swear words and finding out how to incorperate them into full sentences. Heck I used to do it in the normal school english lessons back when I was a kid. As soon as the teacher handed out the dictionaries it was straight to browsing for words to ahem expand my vocabulary. Course it was pointless given where I grew up as it meant I knew basically every current word under the sun at that point. Still didn't make it any less fun to look them up though...even funnier when you get caught.
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Yeah sentence structure is always weird.
Sprecken ze Deutsch?
Parle-vouz Francois?
Aegoga wakarimaska? (Can't remember what Japanese is so used the Japanese word for English)
Do you speak English?
Y Hablo Espanol?
etc. (Spelling is probably wrong in almost all of them but who cares.)
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So that's where they keep their random number generator.
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In the spanish one you're asking "And I speak Spanish?" :P
What you are looking for is "¿Hablas español?" (that's the more generic one, there's a few ways you can ask, for example in my country "¿Hablás castellano?" would sound more natural).
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I meant to type a period instead of the question mark. I've never heard of "castellano".
We were taught Mexican Spanish, not proper Spanish.
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This is really hard to read... Seeing as there is a random polish word did someone just translate it with Google?
Seems like the author is looking for a trading service, they should have probably just looked around some more.
Not really sure what to say about the topic though. This site is more of a community where you give and you get.
I'm still somewhat new to Steamgifts, but this week I won 2 wishlisted games (still shocked!) - so it's definitely not a scam!
But, you know, it's isn't just all about winning. It's a nice community to have where the gifting goes both ways.
If you just come here to get games you will get successful eventually, but you won't have the best experience imo.
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Considering trades is in the top bar, they should have looked around more.
Plus there's (which is surprisingly still around)
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I like the part where they say that 99.9% of indie games are crap. That right there tells me it's gonna be a fun and educational and unbiased read. Also I dunno what they're complaining about, I've seen plenty of Fallout and Star Wars games on here.
Also, "rozdawając" is one heck of a word.
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Polish word, look at the spelling, hes probably from Poland :)
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If you don't want a "worthless" game, don't enter the giveaway. One man's trash is another man's treasure.
I won Just Cause 3 and Metal Gear Solid 5 within a couple of weeks of each other. "Not worthless" games are listed, and you can win them.
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Well he's saying steamgifts is a scam, while promoting the opiumpulses website.. which is an unofficial reseller store.
That's pretty retarded.
Sidenote, opiumpulses is not a marketplace like g2a/kinguin as far as I could see.. so how are they getting their keys?
Looks like they have hundreds if not a thousand games, including windows 10/7. How do they acquire a bulk quantity of those at a low enough price to resell for a profit if they aren't endorsed by the publishers/devs? I don't get it.
They can't be stolen, they'd have way too many chargebacks to stay in business.
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Yeah, I thought it would be kind of dead as it's kind of old. But was surprised to see some recent comments in there, especially as you said the one from that famous ex-steamgifter.
Funny how winning games for yourself is selfish, while winning games to try and profit is not.
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Well shoot, just reading the first 10% of comments was a doozy. I especially like the part where he says "Bots don't where shoes." Great laugh before bed.
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Guy also has random looking name
Fun fact: d3mbic4 resembles word Dębica (only spelled wrong as Dembica) which is just Polish city. Eventually there is also Polish producer of tires called Dębica. And if you'll take a look at this guy's Steam profile you will see he's actually from Poland :P
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scam confirmed
Recently, I wrote about (Legit Free Steam Key Website) – I won there already 2 good game (participated in 100 giveaways – maybe less, spent a minimum amount of time, not even a dollar spent. Nothing gave !!!). This is legit website vs
Suppose that won the exclusive 10,000 the keys to the indie games. Steam is valued at $ 10 (insanity). After the deal, these keys (giving away) – you’re a super account
(scam confirmed)²
another super good article
(scam confirmed)³
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Is... that page is about 85-90% advertisement?, the main page. One humblebundle article and countless tweet-cleaners, mosaic image makers and others o.O
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so... wait.... i just saw your won games and..... you won doom / remember me / payday 2 / mortal kombat / shadows of mordor etc.........
and you don't won any good game???? guy you should be banned forever just for that.........
no more comments.....
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Haberlo dicho antes, yo no lo escribí solo lo copie porque me parecio absurdo, los juegos que he ganado, estoy agradecidisimo con los creadores, y los he jugado (al menos en su mayoría creo yo).
Hay que ponerse a estudiar más para evitar malentendidos como estos.
De igual forma me parece absurdo me recrimines algo.
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Lo recrimino porque en esta web hay mucho niño suelto (gente menor de 16 para que lo entiendas) que cuando lea esto se va a ir directamente a esa web que mencionas, con lo cual probablemente mucha gente pueda perder su cuenta o cualquier otro problema.
Yo ni siquiera entre en esa web que mencionas, no me fio despues de leer el articulo, es el tipico "anuncio" de eres el visitante 1 millon dime tu cuenta bancaria y contraseña para que podamos darte 100 mil euros!!!!.
No necesito estudiar para pensar esto, solo tener logica y experiencia navegando por internet, quiza eres tu el que deberias pensar un poco las cosas antes de copiar todo lo que veas.
Por mi parte ni siquiera pienso visitar esa otra web que menciona el articulo, nunca se sabe con estas cosas jamas se debe arriesgar y hacerle publicidad es lo peor que puedes hacer.
Pero oye si te parece divertido.......
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*También debes entender que mi intención no es hacer visitas al sitio, implícitamente escrito creo yo, se cita la fuente por no dejar hilos sueltos (si tiras la piedra no escondas la mano).
*Si yo dirigiera intencionalmente a un sitio maligno créeme que soporte me banea y cierra el tema en menos de lo que canta un gallo, ademas la gente no es tonta como tu crees. Aquí encuentras mucha gente bien informada de lo que es un sitio falso y posibles amenazas a la ciber-seguridad.
*Estudia Inglés, (Y ortografía en Español). Necesitas lógicamente nociones básicas del lenguaje como comprensión lectora. Los lenguajes son un tema completamente hermoso y enorme de estudiar.
Pero oye si no te parece divertido...
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Exacto aquí hay mucha gente que no es tonta,pero date un paseo por los foros y veras como todavia hay gente que es timada usando la web steamtrades.
Ademas si de todo lo que dije solo sacas que debo tener mejor ortografía con eso demuestras lo inteligente que eres. Por si no te diste cuenta es sarcasmo lo que te acabo de decir, solo te lo digo porque veo que necesitas ayuda para enterder las cosas y una pauta que seguir.
Mira pequeño fanboy de la ortografía esto es internet, estas en un mundo aparte del "mundo real" y aquí solo a unos pocos "fanboys" como tu les importa escribir como dicta la Real Academia Española.
Obviamente no necesito nociones básicas de comprensión lectora, en todo caso eres tu el que las necesitas ya que no supiste responder mi segundo mensaje.
Otra cosa, por internet + ciertas palabras = fácil timo o scam como se conoce en internet, si mirases mas los foros de todo tipo te darias cuenta lo fácil que es engañar a la gente y robarle los datos de sus cuentas, ya sea steam, bancaria, etc...
Ademas antes de que vengas diciendo que hay que ser muy tonto para caer en esas cosas te diré que no hace falta darlas para que te roben nada, solo hace falta entrar en una web, hacer lo que te pide y ya tienes un troyano en tu ordenador que "guarda" todo lo que escribas sin que tu lo sepas.
Asi que por favor no vengas de listo y enseñando tus dotes de ortografía, eso no vale una mierda aquí y solo demuestra lo poco que conoces internet.
Para finalizar, si diriges a la gente a esa web ya que la nombras por una razón o otra, la información esta en el texto (, esta claramente en el texto y claramente dice que le da mil vueltas a y no necesitas mucho tiempo para ganar buenos juegos, asi que quiza seas tu el que debe aprender ingles antes de postear posibles timos. Te dire que es tan facil engañar a la gente para que te de sus cuentas y contraseñas con solo pedirselo, si no me crees informate un poco de los timos que habia en el juego diablo 2 para robar cuentas, te sorprenderas de lo confiada que es la gente, ademas solo tienes que poner la television y ver un poco las noticias para verlo por ti mismo. Y si en negrita das un pequeño aviso, pero la gente aun asi visitara esa web por la razón que sea, lo que deberias poner es claramente algo del estilo "esta web es un timo y os robaran la cuenta no entreis" mientras no lo pongas tan claro para que lo entienda un bebe de 1 año la gente (niños sobretodo) entraran en ella. si no mira a JustArchi alguien que sabe programar etc... y que tiene muy claro todo esto, fue timado en esa misma web lo dice un poquito mas abajo de este post.
Pero vamos te importa tanto la gente de habla española y hispana que te molestaste en traducir el texto al castellano no? ahhh no, si no lo esta, es mejor avisar solo a la gente de habla inglesa y que entienda ingles que a tu propia "gente". Pero vamos que tu ortografía es la polla y eres el mejor y superior solo por eso.
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Gracias por continuar con lo de la ortografía :). De verdad :). Ya veo que tu unica defensa es esa :). Me alegraste el dia.
La vida es algo mas que trabajar pero bueno tranquil@ algun dia lo entenderas aunque quiza ya sea demasiado tarde.
Y si, en internet solo a unos pocos les interesa la ortografía como ya dije, pero parece que te falta comprensión lectora como para haberlo entendido incluso usando tu propio idioma. Anda vuelve a leer mi ultimo post haber si esta vez oh gran dios de la ortografía (pero no de la comprensión lectora) eres capaz de entenderlo.
Ah y no vuelvas a repetirte con la tonteria de la ortografía etc.... ya aburre, o quiza no tienes palabras para refutar lo que dije?
Yo te pido que practiques la comprensión lectora ya que parece que no la llevas muy bien o solo entiendes lo que ati te interesa.
Ademas te invito a que copies mi mensaje y me digas exactamente donde dije que la ortografía no sirve en el "mundo real" ni profesionalmente.
Para terminar y ya puestos a pedir que parece que nos gusta mucho, anda corrije todas mis faltas de ortografía que seguro que disfrutas con ello que debe haber unas cuantas :) , pero no te olvides del resto de lo que te pedi en el anterior mensaje y este tambien eh!!!
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Perfecto, el dios de la ortografía se quedo sin comentarios que usar para defenderse, dejas mucho que desear despues de tanto hablar y de creerte superior a los demas, a la hora de la verdad eres como todos los "fanboys" de la ortografía solo saben corregir a los demas aspectos ortográficos y nada mas y encima sin respetar a los demas ya que yo nunca te insulte en ningun momento y por el contrario tu si.
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Nah, I easily found the SG profile of the article's writer already. :P
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They even hacked the website to hide their won games...
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One thought that is constantly on my mind is, the internet will be old, one day. Very old. Let's say in like, 50 years. Most usernames online will be used up but people who either don't use the website anymore or even worse, died. What will happen eventually? Implement an expiration date on accounts? Or will we all use names like "hH^$grNBRTg4$^th5$ehg"?
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Oh and then I suppose I'll be forced to use hH^$grNBRTg4$^th5$ehg1 :(
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This username is already in use.
Available alternatives: hH^$grNBRTg4$^th5$ehg12, hH^$grNBRTg4$^th5$ehg14, hH^$grNBRTg4$^th5$ehg17
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steamgifts is a pure scam. i was promised free games and stuff but all i got was hot gamer chicks wanting to play. feck, i'm leaving!
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Joke apart, there might need to be some warning about gambling addiction.
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I don't get it. I mean I get it, but I don't get it. Like if you want to use some shady site, which apparently gives out hitman absolution, which I'm pretty sure is being given out on SG like candy, especially during every humble bundle Square enix sale, then he really isn't trying hard enough. Also he's level 0 so that means your chance of winning is already limited if you enter public giveaways. SG is popular I dunno what that site is, but clearly it doesn't have a fraction of the traffic of SG, then sure you're going to win more. I don't understand how it's a scam.
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What you are going to read will shock you.
Just Surfing I found this. Article fully copied from site to prevent flood you with advertising, and increasing site visits, (I'm talking about you too Buzzfeed).
Edit: there is a GA, just go below and find the link.
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