Depression and anxiety is a huge butt. I feel you. Holding on as well here.
Would be great if society in general was more receptive and helpful to those helping it.
Although to be fair, in recent years people have become more aware of it as compared to the past. Thank goodness.
Baby steps, hopefully.
I hope that you mange to defeat those demons, they are hard bosses to battle but I believe you're stronger than them!
There are a fair number of people who are willing to help if you need it, thankfully.
(Thank you to my doggo and a couple of friendos!)
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hugs Definitely more aware of it. When I was a kid I thought I was just a freak and no one else could ever feel like me but as I got older I found that was far from true.
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Mhm. It's a bit scary how much difference a day can make.
One day you're feeling good, and the next can be a complete 180.
Or vice versa..
Sometimes, I honestly want to give up too.
If you need to vent etc, poke me.
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You were already in my whitelist of course but I'm still stepping by not for the giveaways (thanks a lot for all of them) but just to say that I'm 30 years old and I've been struggling with lots of mental disorders since I was 14-15, I lost school years, lost every friend and tons of opportunities.. but I managed to get my life back year after year, I graduated, I defeated many illnesses of mine starting with panic attacks and agoraphobia, thanks to doctors, medicines and my own will. So you're ALL not alone and you WILL find help, it's a generic "you" which in Italian is rendered as "voi" and not "tu" (2nd plural person) xD.. Don't ever stop fighting, everything's defeatable. I'm not OVER depression and social phobia, I still have TONS of issues when it comes to create some friendship bonds or not to fall into depressive days, but still I am WAY more aware now than when I was just a teenager lost in his own mind without help. Step by step, thanks for everything mate and one of the most important things is always to SPEAK about these issues, SPEAK about chronic illnesses (I've been suffering from chronic pelvic pain for years and years, and I'm struggling to raise awareness at least here in Italy/Europe for these "invisible illnesses"), we must not (when we can of course, not when we don't have even the strength to get off our bed ;) ) stay silent but speak loud and fuck everyone who attack us just for having such disorders. We did not chose to suffer from major depressive disorders or anxiety, let alone physical (and often "invisible") illnesses.
Thanks a lot and best of luck to you and to everyone of us who's always been struggling with these illnesses. It's never over!
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I do not know if they have the necessary medical equipment in Italy, but in the U.S. the doctors are able to scan your entire body for "hot spots," bringing hidden infections and/or injuries out into the light. Pain is the body's way of telling us something is wrong, so chronic inflammation means something isn't the way it should be. One thing you can do as a "general health boost" is to boost your immune system and fight inflammation. Look into foods that do one (or both) of those things for your body.
Congrats on your progress versus Depression, though. One of the most difficult obstacles to overcome is a loss of Hope. Depression is a liar. Keep fighting the good fight, and know that you are not alone. )
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Well, I tried many things but of course I'm still "young", I'm from the late '80s so I think I've got lots of things to try too.. although I managed to improve everything, Northern Italy and Switzerland have both awesome health care system although I never tried the American one (well, I've been only to Asia and Africa but never to the American continent even as a tourist..).. I tried everything I could afford here for what concerns physical illnesses and it turned out quite well, of course CPPS is a syndrome which still has not a cure so for what concerns it I've got to hope that scientists find something new... but now I can live almost a normal life, even for what concerns my arm problems (three surgical operations in my right arm) and so on..
On the other side as you correctly said, depression and mental illnesses of course are way tougher in some way and very difficult, often, to defeat.. or even to control! There are no "universal" drugs for everyone, I tried DOZENS of medicines both in Switzerland and in Northern Italy, and it took me years and years to progress, defeat many mental illnesses (agoraphobia, social anxiety, panic attacks and so on) and control other ones, never letting them bring me down anymore (mainly major depression and borderline personality disorder).. though I stopped taking drugs at the age of 27-28 'cos I was really fed up, I couldn't go on anymore, I mean, started at the age of 14 seeing every kind of doctor, sometimes I had to talk to them in English or French, without interruption until the age of 27.. now I'm trying to walk by myself with my new strength and do my best, always asking for help, and living every day with positivity and no worries, doing everything positive I can! Thanks a lot 'cos as I said of course I think that I'll never get over these things completely, so it's fundamental to know I'm not alone and that you must keep on with hope and never being afraid of asking for help instead of isolating yourself.
Thank you a lot <3 I'll keep on fighting and I hope everything positive to the OP too <3
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You are correct in that Depression is never something that "goes away." Some days are more difficult than others, but we must make it through each one, somehow. Because Depression is "all in our minds," the important part is to focus on "the good," and keep being active. Even if I never live to see another day, I know that some people appreciate the fact that I lived today, and I have hope that I will make someone's life better in some way, tomorrow. )
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already noticed that: you have a "different" approach as per depression, more "physical". that's really interesting, cause most of us talks about the brain, positive thoughts, and so on.
it's a long time that have this kind of thought: it may be simpler than we think, fight depression. like we have chosen the wrong/longer/more complicated way to win that battle.
also, sunlight, simple sunlight i think could help a lot.
thanks for sharing, Khalaq
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The mind, the body, and behavior. All of them affect our mood and how we feel. The mind can be focused and/or redirected. The body can be nourished and healed. Behavior can be adjusted and modified. The important part is to continue trying. Just as our emotions influence our behavior, our behavior influences our emotions. There is an expression used in the professional world, "Fake it 'til you make it." It means to pretend you are accomplished (at some art or ability) until such time as experience and training make you accomplished. It works just as well on your mood. Going through the motions of being happy and sociable push your brain into feeling happy and sociable.
And yes, sunlight on your skin does make you feel better. Just be sure not to get too much. )
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thanks for sharing everything here <3
they're always very important readings for what concerns my personal growth and interests, hoping always to add my contribute and do my best :')
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i'm just... thrilled, my mod.
i have a question for you, firstly: what do you mean by "professional world"?
and, now: got no studies, no pro-infos, no related-book reading. but since, say, maybe twenty years it happened that have learnt just what you said. fake it: your brain is powerful, can kill you in seconds, can make you the new Queen Elizabeth in 15 minutes... the guy, the brain can do magic tricks.
but, if you start thinking "hey, i'm feeling lucky", man, you'll be lucky. and it works also with "cheered up", "happy" and yes, with "dark, so dark, enough is enough", also.
so, why not chose a better mood?
thanks for being here, Khalaq!
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i have a question for you, firstly: what do you mean by "professional world"?
The world of commerce, where you have a "job." "Dress for the job you want" is part of "Fake it 'til you make it." Yes, there is some education necessary for many jobs, but on-the-job experience carries much greater weight. If you are behaving like the professional you wish to be, your performance will continue to approach that level.
so, why not chose a better mood?
You are correct, but when you are feeling "like rubbish," it takes a conscious effort to shift your outlook. Not everyone has that level of willpower. Some simply refuse to try with the excuse that, "I just don't feel like that." What they fail to realize is that mood is affected by behavior, and "acting" like they feel better will actually help them to feel better.
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my niece just got into commerce. and it's funny how much i'm giving her just the same tip: "fake it, in commerce you have to" :D (gotta have a limit, tho :P)
btw, i like very much commerce world. and always loved commercials, ads and so on... there are really peculiar behaviors/ ' studies in that world.
what's important, so ... much important, is that piece of info you've shared:
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I often say that if it could be overcome through willpower alone, then it really isn't an issue. But many maladies need more than just "positive thoughts" to cure. You can't cure appendicitis through willpower and you can't treat diabetes with positive thinking. Overcoming chronic depression is like being able to fly. It's possible, but you often need the assistance of trained professionals to do it.
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Every trained professional is different, just like every patient is different. It often takes time to find a doctor who "fits" us so that we may progress toward vibrant emotional health. A majority of people could benefit from therapy, learning how their minds work, picking up new "tools" and "tricks" for dealing with the hazards of everyday life, and, in some cases, getting necessary medical treatment. The ultimate goal is to grow toward the person we wish to be. This is not to say it is impossible for us to achieve such things on our own, but some of us need assistance more urgently than others, whether for cure to simply get "unstuck" from our current mindset.
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I have been struggling since about the age of 6 so I fully understand how it is to go through that so young. Teachers didn't understand so I would be put in special classes for lack of social skills. Doctors constantly switching up meds trying everything and none of it even worked, I also experience physical pain so bad a lot of times I can't get out of bed as does my grandmother. I hope so much you begin to feel better! Sending lots of love and positive vibes!
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That's definitely what I experienced in my school years - I basically lost all of my friends and I didn't know where to search for help since teachers and my parents too didn't understand, they thought "it was all in my head" while I was starting to suffer just as a teenager from "invisible illnesses" like agoraphobia, depression, borderline personality disorder, anxiety and panic attacks, which are NOT confined to the mental sphere but rather they've got a HUGE impact on the physical one too.. in fact I lost school years and I didn't manage to make friends, my social phobia grew so much that I was marginalized and unable to have social skills. And as you were saying, before finding good doctors that fit me I underwent many of them who kept on changing meds, and most of the times I didn't even need so many drugs or simply they did not work (or they kept me in bed for weeks). Fortunately many of these things have been defeated through years and years of practice, will, correct doses and types of medicines, the right doctors in the right times and so on! Thanks a lot mate, I really hope everything will get better to everyone here who has been suffering of even a single one of these harsh illnesses.. we must never be silent and raise awareness, always =)
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I've been there. I've always thought I should just get over it. Then I got over my getting over it and went to see someone about it. Nothing miraculous happened. In fact, I had to keep looking and try to find someone that was right for me. I hope that you find something that works for you soon.
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"And every day I fake a smile, trying to convince myself my life is worthwhile."
Damn, that was... I paused at that part and took a moment to think. But I'm not going to be one of those people who are going to tell you how you're awesome, amazing and that your life is priceless. I don't even know you, nor what kind of person you are. However I do hope that eventually you manage to work on your issues and improve your opinion about yourself.
Oh and, worthwhile to whom? To society, to people you care about, to yourself? Why do you care so much about it anyway, can't you just find things you enjoy, people you love and live for that?
Also you say you're sick of being depressed, but then claim you don't want to be saved. Are you perhaps an emotional masochist?
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To the last two sentences:
Depression is living in a body which wants to live, but with a mind which wants to die.
Honestly, there are some moments you really don't want to give up, and then there are moments when you wish you did.
Sometimes it's not that you want to die, but the emotional state you're in is so painful, you rather not be here to avoid the suffering.
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I remember I stopped playing games for months, I would just lay in bed and stare at the ceiling a lot. I hope you feel better <3
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i was in that phase too, sorry to hear for you... i druged myself alot to avoid me going rampage etc... and i just could lay in bed and watch on TVscreen without even able to focus on it, just mental cinema...
I feel a bit better know because i soved a few problems, some cant be solved like saving the world... :'D
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Probably the best post here. If you need, and actually want, to get out, seeking professional help should always be the first step to reborn.
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I have been to 7 mental hospitals and through years of therapy. It may help some people but not all.
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New giveaways added at the bottom as well as a few songs.
I am so sick of feeling depressed, sick, trapped, like I am suffocating daily. Tired of faking a smile for people who don't give a damn about me. I am so sick of the life long struggle I have dealt with as long as I can remember! Screw the depression! Screw the anxiety! Screw the constant overwhelming feeling I will never be good enough! I know no one can save me except me. I don't want to be saved, I want you to just say screw it with me. If you feel the way I feel everyday of my life raise a middle finger to those feelings. It won't make it go away but maybe it will make you feel better.. Idk.. I love you. <3 Enjoy!
Level 0:
Call of Bitcoin
Humanity Asset
Golden Fever
Evil Come
Kraven Manor
Space Hack
Level 1:
Fantasy Wars
Stolen Mouth
Combat Raccoon
Super Flipside
Anubis Dungeon
Faces of War
Level 2:
Centauri Sector
Konung 2
Rolling Sun
Around the Words
Deep Dungeons of Doom
Extreme Forklifting 2
Crazy Pirate
Level 3:
Super Cyborg
The Shadowland
Inquisitor Deluxe Edition
Mushroom Wars
Go! Go! Radio : 8-Bit Edition
Seven boys 2
Bard to the Future
Leisure Suit Larry 1 - In the Land of the Lounge Lizards
Leisure Suit Larry 2 Looking For Love - In Several Wrong Places
Level 4:
Eventide: Slavic Fable
Vegas: Make It Big™
Soul Gambler: Dark Arts Edition
Action Henk
Ghost Master®
Border of her Heart
An Assassin in Orlandes
Level 5:
Panzer Corps
Gulf of Aden - Task Force Somalia
School of Talent: SUZU-ROUTE
Shadowrun Returns
The Flame in the Flood
Level 6:
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition
Doodle WHAT?!
Nether: Resurrected
Level 7:
One Night Stand
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
Use Your Words
Level 8:
The Way
Deponia: The Complete Journey
Level 9:
Holy Potatoes! What the Hell?!
Moon Hunters
Level 10:
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Max Payne
Leap of Fate
Remember Depression & Anxiety are more common than you may think. You are never alone. You are never the only one. People understand what you are going through. <3
Avril Lavigne - Keep Holding On
Avril Lavigne - Everybody Hurts
Matchbox 20 - Unwell
Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
I have many other songs I would have added but they are to deeply in relation to suicide so decided not to add them here to avoid causing anyone a depression or panic attack <3
New giveaways 7/8/2018:
Glorkian Warrior: The Trials Of Glork Level 1
Captain Lycop : Invasion of the Heters Level 2
Conjuntalia Level 3
Star Wolves 3: Civil War Level 4
New giveaways 7/9/2018:
Rolling Sun Level 0
Insurgency Level 5
HunieCam Studio Level 6
Silence Level 7
Serial Cleaner Level 8
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