If i recall there was a jquery conflict if you used greasemonkey, but tampermonkey was fine.
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im using tampermonkey tho
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You might want to reinstall it then, but make sure you export everything to import later.
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No colors have changed just the extra background removed, it probably looks lighter because it is a gradient so the longer it is the more light color you will have near the top.
The stylus version i have been working on since forever currently has 100+ settings.
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Oops 😳 corrected now, as for the other version i'm crossing my fingers for this month.
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Now available for testing SGv2 Dark with stylus options , Stylus required.
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Happens when RaChart Enhancer is loaded before SteamGifts Library Checker because they both use the same css id. You can correct by uninstalling RaChart Enhancer and then installing again, or wait for me to update to correct for that scenario.
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That fix is was included in the update i pushed out last night ;)
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I have a tiny issue with the theme: in the RaChart Enhancer settings, the "Reset Colors" button pushes down the first checkbox option, so it overlaps with the second one (it doesn't happen with the default theme, but that's fairly obvious because the whole layout of that settings window is different). https://ibb.co/qrQSYyS
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Dropped support for userstyles.org, you will need to reinstall for github hosting.
Version 1.5.9
Version 1.6.0
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Version 1.6.1
ESGST up to date as of v8.7.2
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Hi, I just switched from ESGST version to Stylus version of SGv2 Dark. I have 2 questions:
1) The Stylus shows there are 187 issues for SGv2 Dark. Is it normal?
2) When selecting the text, the color of the text becomes green which is good but if space is part of the selection, I can't see clearly if I have selected it or not(used to be white text and blue background). How can I change or improve that?
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::-moz-selection {
color: hsl(91, 45%, 38%);
background: hsla(0, 0%, 43%, 0.5);
::selection {
color: hsl(91, 45%, 38%);
background: hsla(0, 0%, 43%, 0.5);
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If i understand correctly that should be fixed in the next version. Since themes will be removed in the next esgst version i also added options for the selection colors, as well as giveaway enter buttons.
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Hi, I used to have this installed directly in ESGST but since theme option will be removed I installed the script from greasyfork and I use tampermonkey.
I have fixed page width option to 1. But its still wide. Is there an option Im missing or is the feature broken?
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It is functional however there appears to be a alignment issue in firefox where the input for fixed page is actually in line with General Text
, I will correct that for the next version.
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General text fixed it. I have always thought fixed width was better. But now when I used wide for a day I kind of got used to it and thought it was better. At least in the disussions :)
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Version 1.6.2
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Now that ESGST dropped themes, using the greasyfork script of this is causing a problem that didn't happen with the ESGST theme version.
User tags from ESGST that use dark text are basically unreadable now because of the text shadow (I think? I already have text shadow opacity set at 0 though). I don't know why this wasn't an issue on the ESGST version but is through the script.
There's also a black border around the notifications at the top (number of new messages, etc) which wasn't on the ESGST version, which I would like to get rid of but don't know how.
But that's nowhere near as important as making user tags with black text readable again.
Edit: setting text shadow transparency to -1 fixes the user tags being unreadable. As a new person to using the script version, it seems not very intuitive that a negative number is what turns it off rather than zero.
Tbh it would be helpful if there was a way to turn off text shadow opacity for ESGST user tags specifically, but keep the text shadow on otherwise. I don't know if that would be possible, especially now that the theme was removed from ESGST.
Example (without theme, then dark theme with text shadow opacity at zero):
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I'll see what i can come up with, did you miss the the explanation of the opacity in the OP or was it unclear?
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The explanation is kind of confusing. "0 represents the default value(which is not shown)" makes it sound like 0 is off, because "not shown" sounds like text shadow would not be shown at all. That's the key part that caused confusion.
"Negative values make it more transparent and positive values make it less transparent starting from its default value." that part being after what I previously quoted, gave me the initial impression that:
it defaults to 0 (completely off), and then because I already had that impression for 0
positive values turn it on and make it stronger (sort of like going from normal text to bold text, but with the shadow instead)
negative values turn it on but with weaker amount the more negative (starting with just a little transparent, going to mostly invisible)
A was also tired though, so take my misinterpreting with a grain of salt. I was just going to check SG quickly before getting ready to go to sleep, and then all of a sudden there was no dark theme anymore. Which lead to me installing the script when I wasn't mentally at my best :/
The part where it says "0 represents the default value(which is not shown)" I think would have confused me no matter what though. "Not shown" would mean "off" to me no matter how I look at it.
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Version 1.6.3
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Hey, which option would cause least amount of resources to run? Already have installed Tampermonkey and tried greasyfork, which works fine. Tried stylus version which might be better (had to to install just for this skin) and I like that I didn't even needed to reload page for it to work.
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Stylus is the better option and uses next to nothing on resources.
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Since installing the Greasyfork version, sometimes the game titles which is almost expiring turns purple for some reason (including the clock and username), is there any fix for this? I tried looking around in the setting and couldn't find anything purple.
It might be because the game cover is purple? Anyways I'd appreciate if you could guide me to which option this belongs to :P
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Steamgifts colors the clock and username from the dominant color of the cover picture. The script will apply that color to the game title if "Colored Name/Level" is set to 1, same thing applies on user profiles name/contributor level.
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Nothing specific for that but Navigation Text
, Text Shadows
and Text Shadow Opacity
settings will affect it. Other than that you would have to edit changes which would need to be reapplied every update.
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thank you SquishedPotatoe!!! I mean, my eyes thank you
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Version 1.6.6
Version 1.6.5
Version 1.6.4
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Version 1.6.8
Version 1.6.7
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I do override the default colors of the rating, if you change default color it should show correctly. I am not sure what the other categories are or the location from the picture.
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My CSS skills are a bit rusty so bear with me... 😅 I used inspect on the wishlist icon on another giveaway, which is now grey instead of the blue it's supposed to be and it looks like the .featured__column:not(.featured__column--birthday)
selector is over-riding the specified colour
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Featured column got it 👍 correcting now, should be live in a few minutes.
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The text area should expand when you click on it, does it not ?
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if the text area does not expand how are you seeing the links at the bottom?
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ok i understand now, does a restart help or still cutt off ?
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I restarted everything I could think of, same deal...
If I have the thread open and in edit mode, then disable and enable the userstyle it shows the whole post but as soon as I reload, its back to cutting off the last line... Does that make any sense?
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For me its the opposite, it works when style is on and i click edit but if i click edit with the style off then turn on style the last line is cut off.
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can i assume you are using the usercss and not the script and if i post some code you could paste it in ??
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Just have to paste after the last line
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.steamgifts.com/discussions/edit") { .page__inner-wrap.page__inner-wrap--narrow textarea { min-height: 100px; max-height: 95vh; } }
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Yeah the script re-enables the scrollbar once you are past the max height, now i just have to check if i can use that for all text areas.
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Version 1.7.1
Version 1.7.0
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Version 1.7.5
Version 1.7.4
Version 1.7.3
Version 1.7.2
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Yo! Is it really safe to download? I'm using Chrome here and when I try to download it, it says "Stylus will be able to read and change my data on any website", wtf????? Since I use contact lens, white backgrounds really, really hurt my eyes after some minutes though...Thanks!
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I never ever had Stylus do things i don't want. And i used it for very long, many years. Hope this helps.
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9,899 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by UlverHausu
SteamGifts v2 Dark Userstyle
Bright/light sites can be hard on the eyes so for us ocular challenged people i created a darker version. Works on www.steamgifts.com, www.steamtrades.com, www.sgtools.info . Compatible with most scripts found in the addon registry..
Also check out my other style SG Dark Grey.
Note: Style is now hosted on github as userstyles.org is no longer supported.
Install Stylus for either Firefox, Chrome or Opera and then install the style using one of these methods:
📦 Install the usercss which supports automatic updates and customization.
📦 Install manually from GitHub with no customization. The style is in Mozilla format.
📦 Install script which supports automatic updates but no customization.
📦 Install script from greasyfork which supports automatic updates and customization has settings menu via slide tab top right corner.
Last updated March 2 2025 version 1.7.9
Instructions for script version on greasyfork
Save button apply and save color choices.
Reset button resets current theme back to the default Dark theme.
Cancel button closes settings without changing anything.
Negative values make it more transparent and positive values make it less transparent starting from its default value.
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