Seems you can't get it if you're a new member , ah well :)
Edit : It works after all...
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I'm getting this message: DIESES angebot gilt nur für neukunden Anyone has Idea how to solve it?
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Because this game has loads of achievements and is 'connected' to Steam in a really awesome way.
...SERIOUSLY. You have an effing game for free and you are like 'meh, it's not steam'? I thought the point of owning a game was... you know, getting around to play it and enjoy it.
Apparently it's about +1 on Steam Library. Whatever you say, Steamgifts. Guess that I made a mistake in buying Rayman Origins for ~3.5 euros. It wasn't Steam version, no point in playing it :/
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I don't know. What's the difference between food you bought (in this case: got for free) and food you stole?
(by God, you're an idiot...)
Piracy IS a crime. I won't say I don't steal stuff from the Internet, because I do. But what if your favorite band said "Hey, we're giving out our newest album for free. Enjoy, guys!" you'd say "Meh, it's not on <some kind of music drm>" instead of "gee, thanks!"?
Ungrateful bastard.
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Yeah, yeah, children in primary school use that argument. I know it's fighting windmills, but I'll try.
Imagine you wrote a long essay for your studies. It took you literally weeks to do so. Then someone found it and copied it. He turned it in, you turned it in. He got A (as a prize), you got nothing at all.
He didn't STEAL your essay, he just copied it.
Or maybe, since we're on Steamgifts... you bought a Steam key. You showed it to a friend, he COPIED it and used it. You still have your key, right? So he didn't steal from you at all.
If you can't at least tell piracy is not right, then there's no point in having this discussion.
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and no you will be surprised and if you can give me a valid point in why piracy is wrong then ill be surprised. (a valid point that it correct i may add), and before you say it, piracy have never effected sales; this have been proven many times and it shows if anything it increases them.
also the first example is plagiarism not copying :]
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With "I CAN NEVER BE WRONG!!" attitude, no, I won't bring you a valid point.
I pirate a lot and the truth is, if I didn't do it, lots of artists wouldn't see my money, because I'd never buy their album, cause I wouldn't have known of them.
Still, it is a theft. I know it's comfortable for you to say "I'm not a thief, I just copy :]", but that's just what you think.
I understand that if you were to make a living from writing/directing/creating video games/making music, you'd be totally cool if nobody bought your stuff. Oh, sure, you'd have to find yourself a job (more or less shitty) and you wouldn't have that much time for creating stuff, but you would be fine. Piracy is good.
Let's imagine EVERYONE in the entire world turns into pirates. They all just 'copy' stuff. Bands have no money from recording music, so they just stop doing so. Same with game creators - they will earn no money whatsoever so they'll have to switch jobs eventually. Therefore no new games. (ofc excluding some bands that make music only for the enjoyment/satisfaction and some indie game developers - for big game studios like Ubisoft no profits would equal death).
You'd still say piracy is totally ok and does everything to increase sales? If yes, then you're a moron. If no, then what's the difference between now and then? Only that a certain fraction of people pirates stuff, not 100%.
And remember - we started this discussion, because some guy couldn't even tell a difference between a game being given away for free and a game downloaded from torrents. If YOU think they are both the same thing, then this conversation is meaningless.
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Dude, before you start bringing up 'primary school' arguments, I suggest you check yourself the nature of this 'free game'... It's too shadowy and the guy has a point here. We get no key for activation of the game, but a weird download link from a weird download service. Piracy? Seems legit to me.
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I assumed the site was legit. It seems like a normal web store for me, but I might be wrong. Anyway, German site of CHIP magazine is offering the same download (with activation key, no uplay/steam though), I don't think they're shadowy...
It's just lots of people here have this weird mentality, "game is not steamworks, so it's ok if I pirate it".
Oh, and the "primary school arguments" were referring to the guy "downloading games from torrents = not stealing, but copying".
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wait no steam, no uplay....what the difference between this and tpb?
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There's one with like 2000+ entries, and I am 99% sure it's not the steam version, but this one, that anyone can get for free
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"Sorry! This offer applies only For new customers"
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P.S: Enjoy !
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