Glorious Fortix is always a good choice when in doubt! It is nice that you want to give something back but do not stress about it. It doesn't have to be a AAA title to make someone happy.
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I would feel guilty too if entered frking 1650 giveaways and commented only 20 times...
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Even though my family isnt in that great status, I still do my best to giveaway from time to time...
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Yeah I considered giving away 170 thousand copies of Steam Complete Collection, but idk ppl don't comment on giveaways...
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Way to treat someone who's expressing their gratitude for the opportunity this site gives.
Personally I much prefer the people who are really thankful when they win something over the people who spam every topic and giveaway with useless and pointless comments.
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Let me give you the facts.
4 months
~1650 entries
Practically no contribution to the forum.
6 wins
Nothing given back.
I understand the purpose of the thread, but he went about it all wrong.
Saying something as simple as "Thanks" on a giveaway is at least bothering to do something rather than just entering. Comments exist in the giveaways for a reason after all, people are simply trying to express their gratitude for the opportunity. If you're going to call that spam, you must either be new to the site or no different than the leeches that infest the rest of the public giveaways, pathetically trying to justify their comment to entry ratio.
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Oh right, we forgot that u lost your fingers while fighting a wild ant and you can't comment on a giveaway anymore... Sorrt our bad.
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I think I should say thanks to the people who spare me buying a game for myself, and have ultimately gotten my what I had come to this website for in the very first place.
Then there's the fact that about 9/10 of the people on this forum sound like idiots so I'll guess that 9/10 people who create the giveaways are idiots too.
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There's always some kind of an excuse. Everyone can afford to buy some cheap game/DLC. During the Summer Sale there were DLCs for like $0.25/0,30€. Al least be honest and say you don't want to make a giveaway not that you CAN'T. You have 80+ games on your Steam account, solid PC and connection to the Internet - You are no way poor/unable due to financial situation create after, 4/FOUR months, giveaway in a $0.25/0,30€ value.
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nope. only if you wish to do so. Thats how it should work.
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This thread has gone completely fuckin' sideways. The thanks-spammers are out in force today. Sundae just wanted to express the desire to give something back to the community but the comment-nazis take the opportunity to shit all over a nice gesture. You want a perfect example of maybe why they aren't commenting a lot more? This thread immediately comes to mind.
One last time: Spam thanks in a giveaway if you feel you must, or if the giver specifically asks you to. Otherwise it's not obligatory unless you win the giveaway, in which case you should absolutely express gratitude. That's it, end of story. Drop it.
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The site is about giveaways and community.
No one will care if you personally do not make a giveaway, there are many more people who are contributing.
Insulting more or less everyone in this thread is going to get you far here.
If your looking for some sort of pedestal to stand upon just because your thinking about giving something away (or even if you do) your in the wrong place.
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A lot of hate going on in this thread...
Frozen, first off, I would say commenting is important, because even taking 2 seconds to type a small thank you when you enter a giveaway goes a long way, whether you win or lose. So when people see you've entered 1600+ giveaways and only said something 20+ times, the conclusion one comes to is that you are an unthankful person.
Second, whether you have won something or not, I think it is the spirit of philanthropy, not guilt, that should drive a person to create giveaways. It's called being part of a gifting community, which this is. So when people say, "leecher" I believe it is said with an understanding that a person doesn't care about the community that they are a part of.
Oh yeah, and creating giveaways makes you feel great too :D
I would say do it! Give back! It's never too little or too late to start :D
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I can't decide what side to pick...
On one hand I appreciate that you have the conscience to admit that you should be giving something back to the community. I also am aware that if you can't afford anything then you can't be expected to give back, since SteamGifts is about sharing to those who can't afford the joys of gaming (at least, imo).
On the other hand I notice that you say the following:
"if it was a good game, I'd have to buy it for myself and then get another copy to give away"
Which angers me because sacrifice involves giving away something you cherish. Considering that you won, for example, Deus Ex: HR means that you didn't have to pay for a €15+ game, so the next time you can afford to buy a €15 game you could buy something to SteamGifts instead.
Another thing that confuses me is that you say that you can "barely afford to buy anything on Steam" but then I notice that you have 30 games more than me... and bloody good ones as well (including Skyrim)... which, makes me question the coherence of what you wrote.
All this to say. I'm glad that you feel guilty and it's ok that you can't afford to give back to the community right now... but eventually, when you'll be able to afford another AAA title, think about the nice community that gave you something when you couldn't afford it.
What do you say? :)
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Yeah we were nice till like 5 months ago, then came ppl like u, annoying, flashing with their cash and unthankfully entering giveaways, that's the moment we were kind no more and became rude..l
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Need to give something back but I can barely afford to buy anything on Steam, and if it was a good game, I'd have to buy it for myself and then get another copy to give away.
Just wondered if anyone else was in a situation like mine lol. :)
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