Mate, there isn't even an email option, the last change of the gifting system only made direct gifting possible to friends. Exactly that's the source of the problem that you can send it to your current friends now, or timed. If they refuse, it will get automatically refunded, you can't even change who'll get it in that case. There's no option to store them at all.
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Most likely the 22nd, according to (which is usually fairly accurate. It's always near the ladder half of june)
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I'll probably spend less on this sale, because of the new gifting policy. I used to buy stuff for myself, and also buy stuff I would save to give away on SG. Since I can't do that, I'll likely just buy stuff for myself, and continue to shop for "gifts" on other sites.
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Indeed, it will be interesting to see how Steam will react to the pretty likely drop in sales compared to the previous sales, since this is the first one since they implemented the new gifting policy.
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Haha, yeah that's a possibility. I'm curious to read about the stats ^^
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I'm pretty sure I saw some articles in the IT press saying things like "Steam made X% more this sale than the previous one" after some of their other sales. I don't know if they communicate the detailed figures though. And I don't know if they always communicate either (notably if the figures turn out to be disappointing)
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Well there's the new policy, there's underwhelming bundles(or lack thereof, looking at you Humble!) during the last week, there's the upcoming Sale....
So yeah it's one of "those" times :P
Been "fattening" my Steam Wallet for the past month or so with the cards accumulated since the last sale and now I'm just waiting for the discounts to come. Hopefully they'll be a few I find satisfying but I'm not holding my breath ever since the flash giveaways were removed. Real shame, it was even the first time I had decided to join SimGive but Steam just had to screw everything up ;-;
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I agree. The Sekai bundle was the first one I've bought in a looong time.
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Same here. There were only two games I didn't want for myself, so I ended up buying 12 games for $12, leaving me with two to give away.
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How much are you saving? I just really got into gaming on pc a couple months ago. This is the first large sale altogether that I'll be partaking in so I don't know much yet. I have a bit over $80 USD, is that enough to pick up quite a few games?
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It's a decent amount, and depending on what you want, it can bring you a dozen or so titles, maybe more. Or if you plan on going after newer AAAs then probably 3-5.
Your best friend when checking Deals on Steam is IsThereAnyDeal(and for ease of use Enhanced Steam add-on) which will show you the price history of every game you're checking across multiple sites and how many times it has been bundled before, if any. That way you can ensure you're getting an actually good deal and that it doesn't get frequent ones lower than what is being offered at the time.
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Thanks C: I already use IsThereAnyDeal, but I'll check out Enhanced Steam as well. Sounds like I might need to get some more money :P
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I'm spending about 80 dollars on friends (a LOT of birthdays around this time) and probably closer (hopefully) to 150 on me. For me, it's the most wonderful time of the year
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Cool C: What are some games you're hoping to pick up? I've got a few in mind but I could use some suggestions
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Oh, boy.... there's not a TON of genres I like, so our tastes may not overlap. and I have a pretty big backlog as it is.
I don't go for specific games, more games I'm interested in that I can get at a good price. So, like, I'm not paying full price for a game I don't even get to for another six months or so. But if I get that same game at 80% off...
Here is my wishlist - all the games I've seen that I want to take a chance on. If I have to pick give games in particular that I want, It'd be...
The House in Fata Morgana
She Remembered Caterpillars
Emily Is Away Too
What Remains of Edith Finch
This is already on top of the 150~ games I have in my backlog I still need to play... idk. It's hard to describe. I'm one thrifty bitch so as much as I like a game... I like the deals more?
What games are you looking to get?
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Top games I'd like to pick up are probably:
Terraria, Stardew Valley, Blackwake, The Long Dark, and Playerunknown's Battlegrounds.
But I'm honestly pretty interested in all 160 games on my wishlist :P
Edit: Emily Is Away Too was already on my wishlist, and I already own Everything, but What Remains Of Edith Finch seems pretty cool.
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You guys are just getting warmed up.
Wishlist: 612
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Wishlist: 194
The worst part is that I want to buy them all even through I have a hell of backlog
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I'm close to that. lol
Don't own as much as you do, but sure want around 3k too.
And it only gets bigger. ^^
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I was using follow with some success for awhile; On steam you can go to a followed tab and discount sales usually become advertise popping up on activity feed and such. Unfortunally its not as useful as wl, clutters my activity feed and also clutters my group on list on sg- since i found out i could look at my ratios in every group the number of pages bloated by followed games became another burden.
Im still unsure what i do. Sometimes i clean my WL following insead, other times i clean my follow (sometimes wishlisting/re-wishlisting). Its all a pain in the @$#
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…and this is my entire waitlist spread across all platforms… >_>
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i would say it has much more to do with the gifting now being all complicated... Its a shame cause to this day i still see no good reason to do it....
i doubt the sell will do much to change that tbh...
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I have the opposite problem - the vast majority of the games I want aren't on GoG. I did get some decent discounts off of the Humble Store Sale (with an additional 10% off with my monthly coupon) though.
I wish there was an easier way for both sites to import your steam wishlist.
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if u use tremorgames - u can get Deathspank+Deathspank 2+Slick Precipice of Darkness only for 1000 coins (one key, Tier 1 of Hothead Games by Humble Weekly Bundle - 2013 year)
They still have +50 keys in store (bought one few weeks ago)
EDIT damn, u already have Deathspank 1 😭
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Probably a mix of both. The gifting change has really hampered some users ability to gift on a regular basis, while others are most likely waiting for the big discounts before going mad. I doubt we will see the similar number of giveaways as we have in the past (in part due to SimGives not happening), but there will be an influx shortly.
Sidenote: Holy fuck it is already mid-June. Where the fuck has the time gone D:
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Sale? What sale? Steam stopped having sales years ago. Now it's just an illusion that people like to believe, and that Valve wants us to believe - that you're saving a lots more money than you usually would. In fact, you're just spending all your money on one specific day rather than throughout the year, and the sales are no better than any other day. Quantity over quality. Lots of "deals" which hardly compete with the deal you saw last week but didn't buy because "it'll be further discounted during the Steam sale".
Yes, I'm a grouchy fucker. Just ignore me.
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Yeah, I think he's right, too. You used to see all of these crazy discounts, 75%-90%, that lasted for about 24 hours on AAA games. It kept you checking every day during the sale and also picking up some indie games you were interested in as well, because why not throw a couple in the basket at that price, right?
Now, we at most see 40%-50% off (which admittedly is still a pretty nice discount), and those discounts always come around eventually in the weekly sales.
I've bought a lot less directly on Steam over the past year or so, ever since I discovered the power of surfing bundle sites and since Steam stopped having real sales.
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Is probably rather because you have now almost all the interesting games that have come out over the years already in your library
Not much good & fresh stuff came out since lets say 2012 ..... and if it were bundled quickly ...even AAA Title have never been so cheap and lost value so quickly as in the last 2-3 years.... Almost all new release come with a steamkey that was not always so ... apart from ubi and EA crap
In addition you do not need a sale games are now permanently for the lowest price somewhere available
for example why should i / you wait for Dishonored 2 66% off price or so would be ~14€ which probably does not even happen but I / you could go into a local store and simply grab the retail copy for 12 € or just order it over amazon or so
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Agree. Average sales caught up with the discounts and in the meanwhile Summer and Winter Sales got weaker, and lost their uniqueness by having bland or no events, along with the (understandable) removal of flash and community pick discounts.
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True but also false.
Nowadays discounts that were only seen on sales happen year around. Last sale i spent less on the sale because i bought more during the year- same with this one.
Its true they want to feed the illusion of how special the sale is- but arguably its worse (overall) regarding steam and discounts
Btw some crazy deals we don't see year around still happen (less of then)- and more importantly some publishers/devs don't go on discount as often or at all but are lured by the event.
There are titles that i didn't saw going on discount (or big enougth discount) since last sale that i hope will be as low again.
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The only thing I am looking forward with the sale is the free event cards. I am only interested in the sale of two DLCs, and only because they are sold only on Steam. I will be more interested in the Humble sale after the one on Steam ends, I hope they will have the same deal on the one game I want to really buy at Humble. :D
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Right you are. This is the first time I actually plan on crafting, and crafting during a sale at that. I figured I should put my exceedingly growing collection of trading cards to "good" use. :P
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"Is God real?"
"Only God can confirm it. Everything else is just speculation based on old written documents by people who desperately tried to form a particular system of faith and worship that could advantage everyone".
Sorry, I'm listening to chill music, trying to study for an important exam and this came out. Woops.
yup, God bless Valve.
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i come from a future when the sale never happend, life hastn been the same since that day... 33 years ago
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Kindda... tho they evolved into something more than just a toy, it came to a point that so many people were using them that scientist realized that they could draw power from the perpetual motion machine that was fidget spinners, now without fidget spinner our lives couldnt be, no fidget energy would mean tons of deaths... sadly this mean that people took advantage of this... most corporations thought that the trend would die off quickly discarding it into, "just a toy that its a bit useful"... but there was a company that realized the power of them... and now they control our lives... i came to the past to destroy those who will become our fidget overlords and get rid of those damn machine once and for all
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By now, I usually have an inventory full of games to give away. Since I can only afford to buy games infrequently, that is how it had to be. Now that I can no longer stash games for later, however, I am no longer buying my "stock" from Steam. The "new gifting system" has had a tremendous impact on my giving.
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Same, same. No more AAA games giveaways unless I buy them from other sources. Oh well, I was spending money I couldn't spare anyways. :P
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The new gifting policy is definitely the reason here. Everyone is region locked now, but the current GA options do no reflect that. The fact that you cannot "save" games for later also contributes to it. However, even if the new system is inconvenient, I still feel like a makeover of the GA options could help to deal with it.
The fact that people from Brazil can gift some games to Philippines and even a few others to some european countries, but not most of them to countries in South America means that the current system is obsolete.
I tried a few region locked GAs just to try the new system and I had to reroll a few of them because people do no read. It was also a hassle to add the winner, then having to wait a few days for them to respond in order to send them their gift...
Imho, without a complete overhaul of the current system, the number of GAs will just go down. (With a few jumps when a good bundle hits us).
I honestly do not know how to adapt the system, maybe based on the price difference (10% difference, IIRC) according to steamdb. Idk. What I do know, is that we need a way to re-integrate steam gifts here and that won't happen with our current GA options.
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Giveaway numbers are only slightly lower than usual for the past year. Heck, non-bundled ratio is at a 30-month high.
What you describe will be felt after the sale and in the upcoming months, unless people realise that the majority of the Steam library is sold outside Steam in the form of keys, and usually for cheaper than during the Steam sales. The region-restricted ones should drop, but looking at the archived giveaways, I cannot see any trace of that either. (Of course, this is the only giveaway-related stat that is not displayed in public, and parts of me really wonder why.)
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I wish :D Sadly I highly doubt that Humble Monthlies have been the reason for the recent rise in non-bundled GAs.
It's quality non-bundled games like Beastiarium that get sold from russian sites for pennies.
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They will eventually but that takes some time. Also even with the Bundle discount the CV gain per dollar is just ridiculous.
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Yeah, Humble Monthlies are also pretty effective when it comes to CV farming but 10x return on investment in CV is not really that crazy. If I'm not mistaken it's pretty much on par with IndieGala Happy Hour or OtakuMaker Bundles but with fewer keys and games somebody might actually enjoy playing. But I have to admit I'm a little biased here.
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I'll admit that I don't really mind people exploiting the CV system. As long as you are contributing, I'm fine with that. After all, the rest of us are only getting benefited. If some games were not the reason for an exploit, we probably wouldn't see those games being given away, would we? :D
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This is ominous, I hope they won't remove sale trading cards because of the issues they had with bad actors farming cards skewing the market/store activity/data.
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It could be me, but I'm mostly seeing a sharp decline in mass giveaways for asset-flipped garbage.
For the rest, it ebbs and flows. And usually there's a slight dip before a major sale starts.
As far as I'm concerned though, there'll also be a dip during and after the sale. Before I'd pick up a few personal favorites to give away as well, but the changes to the gifting system make that too much of a hassle to do this time around. No more gift copies from the steam store from me; sorry guys, girls and attack helicopters.
I will still grab copies from other sources if/when resources allow though. Especially when it comes to sharing love for hidden gems.
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Oooh thanks for reminding me about the Steam summer sale. I keep forgetting to keep track of that! But hey I made a bunch of GAs yesterday and I'm hoping to level up finally :)
But anyway, the sale can't come soon enough. I might not even buy anything at all but I can't help feel my heart pumping at the word Sale >_<
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I feel like I shouldn't spend any money this sale on steam. I'm subscribed to the monthly humble so I get a few games every month for myself-family-giveaways and I got some nice deals on GoG already.
Maybe if I find a nice discount (around 66-75%) for a game on my wishlist I can drop a few buckaroos on steam, but who knows¯\(ツ)/¯
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Losing steam badge xp before sale starts is a nice fuk u from valve . Community badge for some people says "Complete 0 more Steam Community tasks to earn the Level 3 badge."
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I don't know if I want to buy anything tbh. I'm very interested in many games but definitely won't pay cash for them, and I'm unsure about Steam wallet as well. Got 4-pack Starbound from a friend so he'll get something as a form of payment/thanks, otherwise I really don't know if I'll even bother with selling my cards.
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Steam wallet works perfectly. There's nothing to worry about.
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I know, thanks, no worries. I just really don't know what to buy for myself, I'm more than fine on bundles. Last sale I bought a 1€ game for myself along with 15-20€ of gifts, some of them wouldn't be possible now. You know, I'm feeling like eating a good meal at home and then going to a restaurant :)
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I haven't been here for very long, but this has been the slowest I've seen steamgifts. Is this common right before a big sale, or has the new gifting policy made it worse? It feels like right before a tsunami, when the water pulls back...
At least, I hope so.
I'm definitely saving up a lot of money for the sale, too, and less likely to buy anything else. How do you guys feel?
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