(this is just a rant about the delisting of fortune island)
fuck microsoft for delisitng the dlc, ong makes no sense why they would do that. the game is offline and works fine offline. i get some of the car packs if their licenses are over but the full ass expansion. and now the only way is to get an ultimate key. so stupid

1 month ago

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Forza Horizon 4?

1 month ago

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there's a whole community waiting for you...


1 month ago

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So many people thriving toward the same goal, so inspiring !

1 month ago

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This is what it feels like to truly belong somewhere. Thanks!

1 month ago

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Geez, don't those poor people have nicer things to fuck? Frankly I would be ashamed to be so desperate to fuck MS :( .

1 month ago

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Lol 😂😂

1 month ago

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Good, they hate you too ;o)

1 month ago

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There are 10 cars and a song in the expansion, thus it has the same license issues as the rest.


1 month ago

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I hate Microsoft for locking the game speed on fps in ITSP and Ori both original and DE parts. It's not how platformers are made.

1 month ago

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Except Xbox Games is just the publisher for those games. All 3 are made in Unity, maybe it's related to that.

1 month ago*

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And I thought that it would be OS related xD But yeah - hate them too, just for different reasons :)

1 month ago

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if your gonna stop selling dlc, not hurting anyone to give it away for free 1st.
been shown to boost game sales

1 month ago

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They likely can't do that due to licensing restrictions.

1 month ago

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the game isnt offline yet. even fh3 still online. if u want to play fortune island that much id recomend to buy MS store account with FH 4 ultimate. its cheap and u ll keep ur progresstion if you played from ms store before

1 month ago

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As a Windows user, I hate MS, but for different reasons.

1 month ago

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I hate Micro$hit too. But right now, is because they forced me to update Skype and this version doesn't have "split view" (I use for work). And they are forcing me to view a screen about update for Windows 11. Luckily they can't force that (my hardware doesn't support).

1 month ago

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I hate Microsoft for many reasons, but licenses and such is much more on studios and- well license holders.

It could be Sony, Nintendo, or idk some crazy well funded indie studio 100% pro gamers, it doesnt matter: LICENSE MATERIAL IS BEYOND YOUR CONTROL

It all comes down to the agreement in license an ip, song etc.
Problem is license holders are very frequently a #%*- and they just wont fly with, idk, a lifetime license to having their ip on that product on sale forever.

If you made a new Forza by yourself (idk, thanks to some super AI and you prompted a new forza with it) but licensed real cars etc you too would be forced to remove itens from sale as licenses expire.

Microsoft is one of the worst big techs, abusive practices, no respect for consumers, profit above all (but so is Sony and most big gaming companies) - but that in particular is beyond then and not really their fault. You bet theyd rather have lifetime licenses to increase the longtail revenue on all titles they could, even at low sales in a decade all older titles now delisting still selling would add up nicely.
Theyre losing potential revenue

Its safe to say everyone ever licensing ips would love for then never to expire, gaming, holywood you name it. IP laws are good but have its flaws, allows all sorts of issues- like the sharks suing over patents or retreating works from sale. Blame the license holders

1 month ago

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Having to pay again for things you have has been a long illness in this gaming business (unintended rhyme). Bethesda has been doing it for so long it's nauseous. IMHO all bundles in Steam (and anywhere else) should be "complete the bundle" and pay only for what you don't have, which is not the case. It would be ethical to do so, but it's not in the hands of Steam but in the publishers. And the people taking those decisions aren't gamers. They're business people. And they know that most of the times, whatever they do, they'll have a lot of sheeps (no actual offense intention, just the right word and analogy) screaming "take my money!"
Also some practices, such as not fixing severe, important bugs and suddenly say "it's not in our interest to spend more money developing this game" should not be allowed. The thing is that everyone would say "I paid for a working product and I don't have it", but the big publishers have EULAs that actually say otherwise.
And me, among the sheep, thinking of the amount of money, time and thrill building a library that could be taken away from me by Steam without having to give any explanation. Millions of gamers in the same situation. And that tard from Ubisoft saying "users should get accustomed to not own the product". What, we never owned the product, we just bought a license to use it. We'd like some laws or guarantees that we can keep those licenses with us, without wrong/arbitrary decisions, like removing the game from the library because there's a new sequel. Thankfully that can't happen in Steam, tho when my library wasn't that big, one independent dev tried to do so, by emptying the depots of a game.
So that are some reasons to why a significant amount of people have gone towards indie devs and publishers, and even there you'll find some greedy and/or stupid hands too.
All of them, all of us, are people. We look for our interests. My current one: why no one is pushing the red button? It's time!

(Btw after the FH4 fiasco, I removed all the MS/Xbox studio from my wishlist. Even when I found the solution to a bug they didn't want to fix and gave us the middle finger. It's really apalling the amount of rights we as gamers are missing.)

1 month ago

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