Ah. I played the first only. Had pretty cut-scenes, but it was a generic WWII shooter of its era. Tried later one of the modern ones, it felt like as if the "game" is a movie that sometimes lets me decide the other of which enemies the auto-aimbot kills instead of me.
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They dont mean skill as in perks. They mean skill as in beeing good in the game to shoot down your enemies. right now its just "run around and knife everyone to death" in a way. its so easy and doesnt need anything like strategic thinking anymore meanwhile the older games (from what they say. my oldest CoD was 4 so i cant really say anything about the older ones) you had to actually think how to move and aim carefully as to not die. in other words you needed some skill, as in being good in it, in the game to win and not just rush around and massacre everything
Edit : 5 seconds before me. really? stahp ninja-ing people XD
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Potentially ruining any gamer cred I might have but I don't hate it because I've never heard of it.
Thought it might've been a spoof name for a game that you just invented OP. because of the large number of games in the COD franchise, might as well call the next one infinity etc. as nobody can keep count anymore. I see that it's actually real though!
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I don't hate it, I just ignore it since the last one I enjoyed was CoD 4 with Promod and dedicated servers.
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Because people don't like games being copy and paste so they complain. When the game tries to do something different they complain that it isn't copy and paste because it doesn't play like "COD" anymore shrugs
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Because people dont know shit...i guess, they clearly just want to be part of the crowd or take video gaming a bit too seriously
I keep seeing RIPcod comments, and people hyping over Battlefield. Yes im sure Battlefield wont be the same game all over again, unlike COD.
I usually just ignore COD and BF altogether, especially when they're not even out yet. On what could you base so much hate?
Was the remake even announced as a standalone for people to be so pissed?
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I think the whole future/space theme is used too many times and Infinite Warfare was the tipping point. Also, WWI themed games are by far uncommon compared to WWII games. I don't trust EA as much as I don't trust Activision. After BF3, I am skeptical of where Battlefield is going and has been years since Bad Company 2 was released.
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Don't believe most of the "hate" that is generated towards it. The majority of the people criticizing it are still going to go out and buy it and love it (yet still probably leave negative reviews about it on Steam). The rest are pretty much either Battlefield fanboys who refuse to play it because it's not a Battlefield game, or are the type to bash on it yet play it in secret anyway.
People do these things just to "fit in". It's nothing new.
Personally, I don't play the games anymore. I'm really tired of them, and all of these other FPS games.
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most likely because you have to pay extra for cod 4 remastered
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People don't mind paying for CoD 4 Remastered , i think the issue is they have to buy IW to get that , they can't buy it standalone with a reduced price.
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Give it 1 to 4 months and it will be sold separately ^^
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iam still buying it for the remasterd CoD4 and ofcourse the Single Player.
but i have my doubts about the MP...
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I would say that making the game looking more like star wars then for example halo is, did pretty big role in people negativity about the game ^^
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Well, in the trailer there are some character animations that still being used since CoD4. And other problems ? a producer that dont listen to the people. aways going more and more futuristic that i wont be suprised if the 2018 Infinity Ward's CoD is a Futurama episode...
Last games, always using recycled textures, sounds, and multiplayer level desing, dont know why this wont be the same.
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The thing is, very few people actually buy the EA Sports games every year. There is usually 2-3 in a decade that stands out and people stick with those mostly.
With sports manager games, it is just about having the current player database ready.
And I cannot recall when was Red Alert a yearly game. Even if you count the expansions as separate games, there have been only 7 games in that series in total. Hell, there have been fewer games in the Command & Conquer franchise than in CoD. And C&C started in 1995.
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Everything is wrong with that game.
Shooting physics is terrible, I'm not talking about realism (I like arcade-ish FPS games more) I'm talking about the actual bullet physics. If you die while shooting, your bullet will vanish. I jump to someone and use a shotgun to blow his head, OOPPS my bullets vanished because his Sniper Rifle bullet is faster than mine and he headshots me while running.
Server-client netcode is f**ing terrible. If you shoot someone, you see your bullet going inside them in your screen, it may not happen on their screen. It happened to me in Advanced Warfare like a million times.
Hundreds of weapons and only 3 of them are used server wide. There is always an OP weapon and CoD team doesn't care. It took them 4 months to fix the goddamn laser weapon in Advanced Warfare and they buffed another laser weapon afterwards so everyone uses the same 3 goddamn builds.
Hackers, every single call of duty game has shitload of hackers and CoD team doesn't care. "We already sold it, why should we care ?". I tried to play Advanced Warfare last month, every single server has cheaters. MW3 already died years ago with the same issue.
It's also repetitive as f**k. If you played one CoD game after MW released, you pretty much played them all. I'm serious, same bullet physics, same animations, same gun effects, even THE SAME GODDAMN FIRES EVERYWHERE. I played first MW, then Advanced Warfare and everything was same except the weapons and textures. Weapons were a lot shittier and textures were CPU-heavy futuristic shit with no real gameplay value.
Those are just "game" issues, I don't even want to talk about the business model they're using. If you buy 2 CoD in a row, you're a retard. That's it. I always supported CoD over BF but I'll buy Battlefield 1 this year even though I hate its realistic gameplay. I will not give another penny to Activision.
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I never even bloody heard of it until a few days ago. I also haven't heard any strong opinions either way, although unless there's a gameplay demo out or even gameplay footage, there's not much basis for one. However, I strongly suspect that the COD/Battlefield "fandom" has severely died down after years of being peddled the same dull games that are forgotten almost as soon as they hit the shelves. As such, there's barely any hype to speak of, but there's still a bunch of bitterness.
And the MW Remastered package shenanigans really didn't help, either.
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I am not sure i would say everyone hates it.I think the word hate gets over used as if you dislike or disagree or downvote something they turn you into a hater.I would say dislike and hate are two different things.
That being said i very much do not like the games and i think they have not been good in years and they deserve what they get,it the same thing in every game watered down gun play,health regen,allowing you to jump to avoid being shot,no shooter should ever have a jump option,climb only.The spawn campers,the trash talking 12 year old and angry Russians.Even bullet drop is non factor just point the dot at the target no matter the distance you will hit them I do not mind arcade type shooting but i also like a good balance with some realism.It just a bad game over all why people still play it i will never understand but eh whatever turns them on.Also takes very little skill to master just lots of time to learn the maps as shooting is just a matter of pointing the gun as i said no real bullet drop just point the crosshair and it will hit the target.If they even added half ass bullet drop system in it,the true skill of players would really show as you would have to think of where to put the bullet vs just pointing.
They want to change it into a yearly franchise yet even when they do it every 2-3 years they still seem to fail at a lot of things so what makes them think they can handle a yearly deal.I think they suffer from EA Syndrome they will not be happy until the ruin the franchise and then blame it on something like piracy or lack of interest or something but they will never blame themselves for being stupid..They claim a lot wanted the direction of the new game yet so many disliked/ hated it?I am no genius but if so many wanted that type of game why did so many dislike the trailer???I would think if a lot people wanted it most would have liked it.
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the new battlefield honestly just looks better to me. a triple a world war 1 shooter interests me way more than what the new cod looks like it will be. I am excited for cod 4 remastered though
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i just wonder why to much people hate that game?
it even not release yet.
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