Oh, OK. 660 ga... Das sollte reichen ;-) Maximum ist auch nicht wichtig, aber ich wollte jetzt nicht jede Woche nur 3 Stück erstellen dürfen.
english: Thanks, 660 giveaways are enough, maximum is not necessary but I do not want to create only 3 ga per week.
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Greetings from Bavaria
You get an additional slot for three successful giveaways (marked as received by winner). For each deleted giveaway you'll lose a slot. I prefer giveaways lasting 72 hrs max as chances for the participants are higher. In your case as you seem eager to give away many games I'd make it 24 hours as long as you get five entries to earn your CV.
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You'll always get credit for a public giveaway so long as at least one person enters the giveaway, but you'll need at least 5 entries in group or private giveaways to receive contribution value. Generally speaking, lengthier giveaways are more necessary with group or event giveaways, as that gives you a better ability to ensure contribution value is obtained and to reach a majority of the group's members (thus better supporting the group). For public giveaways, there's no downside to making 1 hour giveaways, so the timeframe on those is entirely a matter of personal preference.
If you're looking to increase slots quickly, shorter "flash giveaways" of only an hour or few hours of length are a possible approach. Another would be to get a few of your giveaways marked as Received and then directly ask support to increase your available slots a bit, which they can do under their own discretion where circumstances are suitable.
Can someone please tell me, how much the limit is and how much it increases? In numbers?
I recall it being one additional slot per three giveaways marked "Received" by their winner. Not Received/Deleted giveaways continue to use up the slot you "spent" when creating the giveaway, while giveaways that ended with no entrants refund the initially used slot while not counting for unlocking new ones.
(Entschuldigung für das lange Englisch, aber mein Deutsch ist jetzt schlecht :S)
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For public giveaways, there's no downside to making 1 hour giveaways
I wouldn't say this is entirely true. I have encountered users here that look unfavorably on people who create large amounts of giveaways that last anything less than 24 hours (the thinking being that it isn't really "public" if parts of the world are missing out because they are asleep). It could lead to being blacklisted or excluded from whitelists and some groups. Just something for the OP to consider, if those are things that matter to them.
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The same appears to be true for those who do only longer giveaways, those who only do low level giveaways, those who only do high level giveaways, those who only do giveaways on the weekends, those who only do giveaways for bundled games, and so forth. There are even users who blacklist those they win from, of all things, as well as those who blacklist if you make too many giveaways at once (because you're "flooding" the giveaway list, and they're apparently unmotivated to simply filter the games properly).
If you're approach the site from the scope of blacklists, and your focus goes over to anything other than maintaining respectful conduct (which should be maintained regardless of the existence of blacklists and yet which is also the most notable way to avoid them), you're playing a losing game to start with. Rather, some number of the users who blacklists for more arbitrary reasons (ie, reasons not related to conduct, site exploitation, or similar) will find a reason to blacklist you regardless of your actions, so it's especially unfruitful to be concerned over such things.
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I am aware that it is not possible to please everyone, and that there are many reasons people blacklist. I was not at all trying to debate the validity of this or any other reason for blacklisting, simply that this particular reason exists and MAY be something that a newcomer like the OP would like to be aware of, (same goes for my comment about whitelists and groups). Depending on the OP's own goals (or those of anyone else reading this), I thought it might be something that could be useful for their enjoyment of this site.
Personally, I feel much the same as you on approaching Steamgifts. So long as you follow the rules and remain civil, there is no "right" or "wrong" way to use this site. And frankly, I think that is one of the best things about this community. Cheers!
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Thank you all for your valuable information. Nice community :-)
@veebles: Yeah, I have read everything, but sometimes I did not fully understand what I read
I have created my giveaways as "key" for a week and I entered the keys at the beginning. As far as I have understood my keys will be sent to the winner immediately without any further action by me. Is this correct?
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No, that only happens when a GA has 50 or more keys at the same time. When you make a GA with any number of keys lower than 50, you need to personally enter the new "Winners" tab of the GA that will appear after it's over, then click the "Send Key" button.
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Greetings from Germany ("my english is not the yellow from the egg but it goes")
I am a new member for one day now and I have created three giveaways and now I have to wait for a week to create more.
I have read that it is limited to create giveaways:
"When you create giveaways and your gifts are received, this number will increase. At that time you'll be able to create giveaways with a greater number of copies, and more simultaneous giveaways."
Can someone please tell me, how much the limit is and how much it increases? In numbers?
I have so many games to give away and would like to plan which games I will give away next time.
Maybe I should choose a shorter time than one week? Or what time do you recommend for giveaways?
Thank you in advance.
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