Uh... Deja vu, there already was that question somewhere yesterday. Today was so much different from yesterday. Instead of ordering pizza, I ate the other half of the pizza from yesterday. Some games, some internet, some existential crisis... the usual.
Thanks for the gibses.
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What? You order a pizza and don't eat the whole thing at once? Amateur :D
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It doesn't fit in my belly :/ It's 28 cm diameter (~11 inches for metrically challenged people) deep pan pizza. I can eat like a quarter of it, then quarter again later... and on next day again quarter for morning, and quarter for evening. Where should I fit the whole pizza??? ;_;
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Isn't 28cm medium size? Poor super thin people will never know the heavenly feeling of eating a WHOLE FAMILY SIZE PIZZA AT ONCE! Being a man finally pays off :D
I thought I was gonna die but it was sooo worth it
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I could do better if I find a sponsor. Somebody's got to pay for those pizzas
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I'm thin and I have eaten gigantic pizzas in the past, man. ;P Still, that's all in the past. I'm trying to avoid the unhealthy food.
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Today was better than yesterday!
Thanks for asking!
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Your cellar burnt down? So did the rest collapse or did you just lose a storey?
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Shit, yeah, too true.
For some reason I just got a pic in my head of someone (Bruce Willis lookalike) standing in front of his burnt down house, it's started raining like crap and he wants to smoke a cigarette and his last match is doused just before he lights his cigarette.
And he just isn't surprised or angry any more :/
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Holy shit, I was actually thinking of a white (dirty now) tank top too oO!
I gotta go to bed, hope everything works out for you.
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not too shabby, I slept till 11 AM, I had funny dream, in which I almost befriended an evil demonic entity that wanted to take over (dream)world... later I lurked around steam gifts as usual, did some sculpting, and now I will play Amnesia :D
sorry about the fire :(
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Ahem, I don't know if you know what you're doing asking me about my dreams, but here you go:
So in this dream I was a wizard (uhm... witch? actually it had some other name in dream, but basically it's the closest descriptive I can think of) and the order I was part of sent me to a mission to stop the aforementioned demon. Currently it had it's lair on some nearby island and its underlings were kiddnapping people to dug out the power source that would ensure this demons world domination (it couldn't use magic to dug it up, 'cause it would cause intereference and the thing would blow up like one magical atom bomb), as it already had another existing power source which was kept on that island. The plan went like this: I'll let myself get captured, steal the power source, run away with the help of the order on the first full moon, the demon will go after me, but we will have enough time to set the trap, that would use stolen power source as bomb, which would effectively destroy our foe. Because the demon had ability to monitor entire island, stealing the source was the most difficult, fortunately (or rather unfortunately for me, because this is how I got into this) I had the ability that could cloud it vision for some time. After I got to the island, I was of course put to manual labor as all other people and soon enough I witnessed that the ability I was told about was not restricted to merely seeing things, the demon was giving orders to his underlings while "physically" being somewhere else. I don't quite remember how, but we started talking with each other. Poor thing was pretty bored (murdering gruesomely insubordinents gets old fairly soon actually), 'cause its minions were akin to stereotype of orcs - big and stupid, and people were naturally scared shitless of it (I wasn't afraid, 'cause I knew it was only a dream), so I was the only creature on the entire island with a spark of intelligence who might do as conversational partner. Our relation helped me to scout island and eventually I didn't have to work. Over a time I even had dubious pleasure of meeting it in person. Seriously if it was not a dream, I'd be pretty scared, but it's hard for me to describe how did this thing look like Anyways plan was going swimmingly thanks to our blooming friendship and soon enough I knew the location of the power source. All was left is to wait for full moon for order to sent me mean of transport from the island. When the day has come I felt kinda sad because of this, but went along with plan anyway. I've stolen the source got magic powered super speed boat (it actually was flying instead of swimming), but the demon find out about the loss sooner than we expected, basically it chased me all the way from the island, so there was no time to properly set the trap (well, technically we could, but we wouldn't be able to flee from the site quick enough) - the only thing I could do was to simply commit suicide and detonate it, when the demon is close enough. But at the last moment I decided against it, 'cause although I don't mind dying I don't like this type of martyr bullshit and I liked talking with the demon (friendship above all). Sadly the demon wasn't too impressed with my change of heart, killed the members of the order that were there, and had me imprisoned at the island. I woke up and I don't know if we ever reconcile D:
As for sculpting, I meant 3d sclupting in zBrush :) I making this character now: http://orig13.deviantart.net/b89c/f/2014/290/d/f/feast_final_by_ketka_by_ketka-d8356fa.jpg
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I slept for like 20 hours, something's wrong with me.
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Not when you only sleep for 3 on days that aren't the weekend/
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Okayish. It was raining all day, so I had an excuse to stay at home and do what I do best - absolutely nothing.
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But, judging from your incident, my day could be worse.
Sorry to hear about your basement, and glad it wasn't worse. :X
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I slept for 3 hours, woke up, worked, back home, tried to study, lots of coffee and here I am. It could have been better.
Could it be that you really meant your day was awesome. I mean, not having running water undoubtedly sucks, but I have some good memories about it because of the places I had to take showers in :)
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Like other days :
Since i live with my parents and they always listen to government channels [ political news ], i have to listen to those news too, which are mostly about western governments like UK, USA and their culture shock and how they want to destroy Islam. -_-
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Nice piece of information here!
Hope things will improve in your country!
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went to soccer with my kid, painted a room in the new house of a family member, made and ate food, cleaned the house a bit, made some ga's for the Berlin U+Sbahn event of Keo and right now one of my neighbours is having a party and their bad taste in music in driving me crazy
good luck on your house!
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I could complain about my day, but after reading about yours... cheers mate, I'm glad we are still alive and kicking!
All the shit that happens to us shows that we can stand up again and keep up with the beating...
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Been to the county for the first time this year! Other than that, not much. Anyways, have a great bump!
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Hopefully you'll be able to solve your problems and will have some celebratory time in the country as well. Cheers!
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Mine was awesome! There was a fire at my house, my cellar burnt down and I won't have running water for a few days. Oh! I also saw Batman v Superman today, it fits nicely with the rest of my day...
Have a nice day!
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