I enter if I can stick to the rules, I leave if I cant.
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www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/ORiiy/ ???!??? i don't get it,how the hell do i replace the characters with OP's engrish-spanglish ?!?!? xD I see a big O and an R and acriss instead of across so another "i" then "y" from wyn and hell.... -.-
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I dont know what you're talking about..................
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Was it a public giveaway? If so, the rules can't be enforced (other than reroll if you own part of a bundle).
With private stuff, the bonus rules must still be allowed by Support.
Anyway, I'll normally leave a comment in those smaller giveaways anyway, unless I'm in a hurry.
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I won Fortix in part because of one of his massive super-giveaway posts. So yes, he should be a mod for that reason alone ;)
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Same here. Some people tend to think they are funnier than they actually are and simply "tease" others. But.. There's always that one person with a hall monitor mentality.
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I think people can set the rules they see fit for their giveaways - it is after all their game to give away.
If I enter or leave the giveaway depends on the rule. I never enter without following the rules though, that's just really annoying for creator and the support team.
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If it's a rule like "comment something else other than Thanks" I am in support of it. You need some effort to get what you want.
If it's something too much like commenting on multiple websites, it depends on the game then. If the game is popular and much wanted, I would not mind, but if it's something like from a bundle, that's a big no.
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Hmm, good question bump. If someone makes rules, either follow along or don't enter. Sometimes you will see private giveaways in the forum, a list of rules, but all the people who don't read English very well will enter anyway. Don't know what happens in those cases, presumably support people have to waste a lot of time doing re-rolls. :(
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A related question out of curiousity: if I create a giveaway and state "Be online so I can add you and gift it to you" (preferring that to emailing the gift, less chance of any issues being claimed at my side), and then the person is not online (not so much of an issue), and then rejects my friend request when they do come online (a slightly bigger issue), and ignores my message on their steam wall (kinda odd at this point), can I request a re-roll? Should I wait 7 days, then request a re-roll?
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If public, have to wait 7 days. Save your time asking support. I was in a similar situation once. I was ignored repeatedly, then suddenly I was acknowledged. Sheesh. I wonder if it was the same person? Identical story.
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I personally do not mind rules at all in a giveaway. They own the game and have full authority over the game and what they want to do with it and I have to abide by those rules out of respect and simply because they are the owner of the game. Thats like complaining that your parents/friend bought a game for you but in order for you to have it you have to do what they say and since they own it they have full authority in that situation, simple as that.
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Well generally it annoys me a bit. Most of the time it's the "hey look at me I'm giving a game and you must be ****KING GRATEFUL and I set the damn rules around here because this is the only place in the world where I have any control over other people" -attitude. Sometimes it's that I just can't be bothered to do anything extra. But I acknowledge that anyone can do what they want with their games. Personally I don't care at all, I don't stalk my winners nor do I even bother to check if the winner commented anything. Actually, most of the time I don't even look at the giveaway after creating it.
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I like this post.
The only time I've looked at my giveaways were when they were private and active. Once it's over I look at the winner and try to contact. End of.
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Don't like the rules? Just move along.
As long as it's within the Steamgifts rules (ie it's been approved by Support) who cares if a handful of entitled ballbags kick up a fuss?
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O was thinking about this eaRlier when I came acriss this won that had some "must do" in order to wyn or they'd re-roll. Do you guys still enter or leave?
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