Do you ever buy games you've never heard about/that don't get mentioned often?
I don't buy a lot of hidden gems, but my whishlist is full of them.
I hope to find some good discounts or, better, find some of them in bundles ^^
Oh, it's Cat Quest a hidden gem? Spent 6 bucks on it and was totally worth it.
I'd include also AER, Epistory, Jotun. They were all in the lowest tier of HB and were some nice surprises to me. I like unique artstyles and those games didn't disappoint me.
Also Stories: The Path of Destinies was a nice discover. I enjoyed very much the core mechanic of replaying everything, each time knowing something more based on the earlier playthroughs, and I look forward to play the developers next work.
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I hope to find some good discounts or, better, find some of them in bundles ^^
Well, don't we all do lol.
I'd say Cat Quest is still a hidden gem, I've heard about it but don't really see it mentioned often. It's been on my watch list for a while since I really like it's aesthetics. Epistory was pretty good; the narrative reminds me of Bastion but it's much more bland than it. It's rare to see a game that relies on typing though.
I have to check out the rest though, especially AER and Jotun. Those are in my library cause of the monthly but have never touched them. Cheers for the recommends!
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Cat Quest is absolutely purrrfect.
Fun, full of puns and cute. Also, combat system is simple but, you know, not THAT simple. It keeps you well engaged.
It's a pity, there was a good deal for CQ yesterday on Fanatical ;/
Oh, I almost forgot! My favourite old game from a couple of years ago was actually a hidden gem! I'm talking of Beyond Good and Evil, of course. Back in the days I was the only one who played it. LoL.
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You purrety much sold me on the game. I can wait for a better deal though, or rather my backlog amount forces me to :P.
BGoE is actually a cult classic that I've heard about, will have to check it out before the planned sequel releases. Thanks!
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I got gifted Cat Quest for my bday last year and I really liked it! :)
The constant kitty puns though, that gets a bit old quickly... and I wouldn't say it's very challenging. If you grind for levels and can successfully evade enemies' attacks, it becomes quite easy. But being a filthy damn casual, that did not deter me from enjoying the game at all. But if you're the kind of gamer who looks down on people who play on anything but the hardest difficulty, stay far, far away from Cat Quest. yes sometimes I even play on easy omg
I'm not sure if this one can be considered a hidden gem anymore, but Super Panda Adventures was a total blast for me. If you are interested in the metroidvania genre, I'd say go for it. Even at full price, it's worth buying imo.
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You may find this post interesting. A lot of good recommendations.
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Dang, pretty good recommendations inside. Been a while since I last used SG so never really noticed that post. Will have to take a look at it. Thanks!
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How about World to the West? It's a pretty charming metroidvania-ish/puzzle-ish (Adventure? Yeah, let's go with Adventure) game where you switch between controlling one of four characters with varying abilities. Often the challenge is getting them all to a specific place so that each would solve their part of the puzzle.
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*Opens Steam Link only to discover it's already in my library*
Must be from Humble Monthly. I must really control my spending lol. You sold me on switching characters to solve different puzzles. Is it like Zelda, and how linear is the game?
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The intro has some references to Teslagrad, but otherwise I don't think there's much is any crossover.
Then again, even though I 100% World to the West, I never got far in Teslagrad.
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It's supposed to be kind of a sequel to Teslagrad, yes :)
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A point and click with a Renaissance-styled art is pretty unusual. Painting's not my kind of thing, but that premise seems to be really absurd and I just have to check it out..
As for Killer is Dead, pretty much everything made by Grasshopper Manufacture is bizarre in a good way with an over-the-top gameplay and B-Movie plot. You might want to check out the recently released port of the old game killer7.
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Oh, I've seen Anima. I'll plug a game I won, Fortune-499. Underrated. It's funny, it's got an interesting concept, and the storyline and setting, plus the aesthetic, is pretty cool. I'll probably write a review once I finish it solidly.
My wishlist is apparently filled with too many niche pixel art games, though. Take Haque, The Caribbean Sail, Lucah: Born of a Dream, and the most recent one I'm following -- Kynseed.
Highkey check out this curator-group thing, too. It has served me well :')
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Fortune-499 does seem to be Earthbound-weird from the screenshot. Will have to add it to my To Play list as it's already in my library from the Monthly.
My wishlist is apparently filled with too many niche pixel art games, though.
Oh hey, me too! It's one of my favorite art style. I've seen couple of games like LiEat and Misao: Definitive Edition which have been on my wishlists for quite a while. Also check out Confess My Love and Transparent Black on my edited post if you don't mind a more narrative-focused game.
Gonna check out that curator group. Thanks!
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I'm following Kynseed as well, looks like a pretty interesting game :)
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Played that to completion not too long ago. It was hard, but it was very much like Bloodborne. Unfortunately, it's very lacking in the sound department and the enemy variety. I really liked the sanity system though.
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You could try "Usurper" then, the sequel... its platformer and easier and continues after the end of the first... a third game is in EA and will be like first just bigger and still same storyline...
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Been eyeing on the Usurper for a while, seems like a very interesting Castlevania clone. Thanks for the recommends!
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I really liked Always sometimes monsters
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This game has been on my library for a while but I've never really bothered to touch it thanks to its RPG Maker XP aesthetics. How's this game?
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Not sure if exactly a hidden gem but been playing CrossCode for a bit now, very nice game, decent combat and map design.
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Added A Room Beyond to my wishlist, looks right up my alley. Thanks! :)
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Cave Story+, Oldschool graphics and and a great soundtrack :)
Aviary Attorney, very good Visual Novel :)
Oh My Gore!, kind if a TD game where you also attack with your minions. Enjoyed it a lot :)
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Strange Realm of Mine is a small and short indie game dealing with the meaning of life, existentialism and death does it really well, despite not having complex game mechanics or branching narrative design. Really interesting game, if you enjoy story heavy games about philosophy.
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Pretty cool list:
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Oh, and this game is not a hidden gem, but it is very much recommended!
Skipping it. I don't like playing the bad guy.
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To be fair you're not actually playing the "bad guy", just like Rockstar's Bully. It's just the localized title that gives that kind of impression.
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Bought System Crash + Underworld DLC roughly four weeks ago after it was sitting in my wishlist for over 2 years.
To get all achievements you have to play through the complete content 2 times.
Well 7 days later and 44 h logged in the game i do not regret the money and time i have invested into this game.
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I love me some cyberpunk! Card games are not really my thing though so I guess I'll have to see how tolerable the combat system is.
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Good thing is it has a Demo.
Rules are easy to get (first tutorial mission was enough)
The general atmosphere of the game wont change over the course of the game.
So if the demo is not able to catch your interrest you sure wont find anything you like further in the game too.
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Demented Pixie - a bullet hell rogue-like with pretty enjoyable inventory management minigame. Really neat visuals too, in my opinion.
The Padre - a great 3D horror adventure with voxel graphic, paying homage to old titles like Alone in the Dark and Resident Evil. Really nailed the spooky atmosphere in my opinion. 100% jumpscare-free!
Magic Flute - a very enjoyable artistic puzzle game, based on Mozart's opera The Magic Flute.
Just Bones - a puzzle platformer kind of thing, featuring a cute skeleton using his bodyparts to overcome the obstacles.
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positively reviewed confess my love exactly 1 year ago, 22 november 2017, an amazing game! =)
lieat too, awesome! Well, there are so many games to mention and you all area already mentioning lots of great indie gems!
I buy all the time potentially interesting indie games, especially if they're in bundles, and review them all if I can =)
so among the asset flips and the stupid platformers or puzzles I often found really good games..
and well if you like visual novels, there's really lots of them out there!
anyways I'd point out for instance to games like epic battle fantasy 4 which is one of the most beautiful rpgs I ever played and it seems it's not -that- famous =P
love tower defense games? check out all the ironhide games available on steam! this one too! so few reviews in all these years =P
and too bad that there's only this one -> of the snail bob series on Steam, play it and all the other ones on flash websites, they're awesome =P
I could recommend really too many indie games ahah =)
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positively reviewed confess my love exactly 1 year ago, 22 november 2017, an amazing game! =)
You should play Transparent Black then. Storyline is cryptic but will surprise you if you've played CML before.
I really should get into EBF 4 sometimes, it's highly recommended but the art style just kinda looks like it belongs on DeviantArt lol. TDs aren't my kind of thing, but Oknytt and Snail Bob seems interesting. The latter reminds me of Mario vs Donkey Kong series and Lemmings for some reason.
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transparent black is still on my wishlist, well.. I'll definitely buy it as soon as possible!
yeah epic battle fantasy is awesome and they're gonna release the 5th episode in some weeks and i'm super excited ahah and the Steam version has way more things than the regular free Flash /Kongregate one.. if one loves jrpgs that's really awesome, of course it's indie, everything's light-hearted and simplified, but really it deserves way more attention!
Snail Bob is awesome as a whole in my view, and the later episodes are even quite challenging if you wanna find all the hidden stars and 100% the games (available on Flash sites only though =).. yeah I played lemmings a lot on the SNES ahah well as far as I remember it's not a different concept.. you have to control the snail in every movement (running, stopping, walking, turning around..) and at the same time control the whole environment through levers, buttons, spin wheels.. I don't really know why only the 2nd episode is on Steam but it's really a great series =)
thanks for the suggestion, I'll play Transparent Black as soon as I can!
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I'll give a shout out to a VR game I enjoyed a while back called Toy Clash, it's one that you'd sit down to play but it's a concept I haven't seen done much. It's very polished, biggest thing I can knock it for is machine translated English but it's really fun to play. If you don't have VR, they also have an AR version of the game for mobile though I haven't tried that myself :P
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VR is still very expensive to own and my room is not big enough for it. Have to skip the mobile version since I don't game on phones anymore. Premise is pretty interesting though, I've only ever seen it done in Royal Revolt before.
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Binary Domain is pretty nice. Basically Terminator the game. Totally awesome.
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Have to get around to playing that sometime. Looks like a pretty fun TPS. Thanks!
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Late shift i never played an interactive movie before, so i can't say if it's the best, but it was totally worth to discover this sort of games, 1h movie and 3-4 playthrough to discover all, better get it on sale.
Tale of wuxia First chinese game i tried, it's a tactical RPG, martial arts story in chinese ambiance, it's special but i enjoyed it a lot for about 40h.
Out There: Ω Edition a sort of 2D high writing quality space rogue-like, no man's sky maybe has been very much inspired by this one.
Concrete jungle a tetris card game with challenging AI, and urban ambiance (not a sim city like) !
911 operator a game where you play... a 911 operator, the quality phone calls dubs is impressive but game is quickly repetitive without dlc, but it's still a unique game.
And masquerada, probably a (hidden) gem too but didn't finish it yet !
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So this month's theme on BLAEO is Impulse Purchases, which led me to review my Steam library for games that had caught my attention and purchased impulsively.
One game that stood out to me in particular was Anima: Gate of Memories, a 3D hack-and-slash Metroidvania. Combat is very similar to the Devil May Cry series complete with the combo ratings system, exploration has puzzles just like Zelda, and the boss battles were not unlike the Dark Souls series where you had to learn the boss' gimmicks. Story was nothing special and the cutscenes were lacking. But there are several alternate endings, boosting the game's replay value. Anima GoM is pretty much everything I wanted from a 3D Castlevania game, unlike the disaster that is the Lords of Shadow series.
I rarely ever heard Anima mentioned by anyone though, and I probably wouldn't have touched this game if it weren't for this month's theme.
EDIT: Plugging in
another2 games that I also played this month, Confess My Love and Transparent Black. There's not much I can say about the latter without spoiling the whole thing, but those two games are related. The former is about finding a way to confess to your crush without getting turned down, while the latter is the much darker continuation of the former. The translation is really mediocre and the premise seems generic, but the story is actually much more interesting than it would seem to be at first glance. If you're itching for a great narrative experience with good aesthetic to match, look no further than those two games. I do recommend setting aside some time to 100% both games, as the whole story is not explained without 100%ing both games.What hidden gems have you played on Steam or other platforms that you really enjoyed? Curious to see your recommendations.
Oh, and this game is not a hidden gem, but it is very much recommended!
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