Theres nothing you can do but enter more stuff.
72 entries is practically nothing, some people have well over 1500 with no wins.
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I seriously doubt you have entered giveaways with ~50 entries or your estimated wins would be much higher than 0.07 :p
Anyways as said above the only thing you can do is keep getting into more giveaway and eventually you will win something, at least you are not the kind of "this site is a scam, i haven't won anything QQ" guy, just keep trying :D
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Did you look at my entry win ratio before posting that? I'm not bitching, merely stating that OP has hardly entered anything and that complaining now is going to do nothing. I was using the fact that there people out there with more than 1500 entries and no wins to say that OP shouldn't loose heart with the site.
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I was simultaneously pointing out what I assume is a typographical error in your original post while making a joke about the fact that notorious rocker Tommy Lee gave Pamela Anderson hepatitis - which is often abbreviated to hep.
Anyway, keep entering those giveaways and eventually (in a veeeeeeeeeeery long time) something will come your way.
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Since you know all the bitching rules, I have over 1k entries and 1 win. But that win was the Galactic Arms Race dev giveaway where it was actually more statistically unlikely to lose...Can I still bitch, or does that win (despite its odds) forfeit my right to bitching?
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rants I never win anything Q.Q why don't people just give me all the games!!!!!ONEONE!11!!ONE! It's so frustrating and I either understand the statistics but got so hopeful about winning a new game I irrationally forgot the chances were slim, or I just have no concept of statistics... end rant
...That does nothing! These threads are stupid.
Anyway, thanks for the advice. I may join the group. Depends on how much I want to feel like luck hates me.
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They're a Steam Group for people who have been a member for a month, and gone 500 entries with 0 wins.
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...And then there's the "At the End of the Rainbow" club, for people who are even more unlucky than that....
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If you keep making such great giveaways, I'll allow you to bitch a little bit. :P
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I only won giveaways with like 100 copys of the game LOL
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If you stop entering giveaways, everyone else has a better chance of winning! :D
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Until this reaches 2, you can't have any complaints whatsoever and even then, you should keep it down to a dull roar, as there will still be hundreds of users far worse off than you. :)
My advice is don't expect to win anything, and only enter games you actually want, not the ones you're more likely to win. That way any wins you get are games you will really enjoy, and you won't be taking a game you're not really interested in from someone who wants it. With this mindset, when you win, it's not only a nice surprise, but it's actually a game you wanted, and will enjoy playing!
Give a bit, and you'd be surprised how much of a difference it makes to how you feel about the site. It's also a good way of banking karma!
Be lucky, be grateful and thankful for the opportunity to win games at all, and post more (but for the love of Gaben, not more moany threads, please) :P
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Good luck :)
Keep an eye on that "estimated" stat though. At the moment, with the giveaways you've entered, you still have less than a one-in-fourteen chance of having won anything at this stage. If you keep entering the same sort of giveaways, you will probably have to enter thirteen times the number you've already joined to reach a position where, statistically, you might reasonably expect to have actually won something.
As others have said, just enter for the games you want, then forget about it. The green bar comes to those who wait...
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My story is kinda like that :D. Got my first win at 1200 something. Thing is, entering GA has gotten into my routine so much that I forgot why I'm on the site in the first place. Something like when you open up a browser and you instinctively click on facebook.
And so it was one day.. I clicked instinctively on SG and a nice surprise awaited me. :D It truly is the work of karma. It is only when you forget the desire to win, you win. ^-^
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I love moaning threads. It gives me something to point and laugh at. )
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Well, coming here and complaining sure does tend to lower one's chances a lot. That secret luck stat doesn't like it when people feel entitled and complain. Now you must sacrifice a copy of Fortix to the Steamgifts altar in hopes of gaining forgiveness!
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I am mostly kidding, but the main gist was meant that if you give stuff away it seems to help your luck a bit (that and gains access to contributor giveaways), just some crazy weird thing. And people here love Fortix (it's a forum in joke, you can't buy Fortix except to give it away, must win your own copy).
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you will never win, leave sg and let more chances to us :D
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Indeed they don't. Somebody clearly skipped an entire term of elementary probability classes.
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it seems to work like that on non-contributors...maybe someone eventually skipped elementary and have gone to high school probability classes...or perhaps he's a child star that's why he skipped elementary probability classes or whatever you wish. ;D
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Haha. No - these are independent events, so the odds of winning a 1,000 entry giveaway will always be 1 in 1,000, regardless of the entrants' track record.
Just because you've tossed a coin six times in a row, and it's come up "heads" every time doesn't make the chances of tossing "heads" the next time anything other than 50/50 (provided the coin isn't rigged)
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Exactly. "Estimated wins" doesnt mean "Future wins". It just comapres you to other SG users (I believe) and tells you how many the average people with your entries have won.
For exmaple, My estimated wins are 4.03 & I happen to have won 4 giveaways, I could have won 0 or maybe 300. Its still the same chance as always, The "Estimated wins" just compared your luck to others.
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Actually, it just add the odds of winning for each giveaway you entered. If a giveaway has 1000 entrants, you have 1:1000 chances to win, so 0.001. Enter 100 of those giveaways and your estimated win will climb up to 0.1.
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What if I toss my cookies three times in a row? What are my chances of clearing everyone else out of the giveaway until it's cleaned up?
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It's just a matter of looking at it from everyone else's perspective. A post exactly like this comes up at least once a day. Eventually just became one of those hot-button issues. You'll notice as you become more involved in the forum. :-)
Welcome to SteamGifts, may your stay be a bit more pleasant than this thread has been, haha.
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You read my mind--I just made a post regarding a solution: Everyone check this out and comment on it.
It's a lot of words. Sorry.
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you will never win, leave sg and let more chances to us :D
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you have a long way mate, my 1st win was when I hit 1k entries and today was my second.
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Oh, and giving away games increasing the odds by giving you the option to enter contributor giveaways which tend to have less entries - thus, increasing odds. my wins was contib giveaways only.
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Your fortunes will be reversed in the afterlife according to most major world religions.
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;D hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw
EDIT: Seeing as I have incited an Army, I'll Be plenty patient! haha
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