Do you think $60 dollars for a multiplayer game is fair?
But most of us seem to find it unfair (80% of +500 so far)
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Ya, it really does. If it's only repetitive shooting against other players, I'd say no. But if it's some vast world with many discoveries and possibilities to explore, I'd consider it. It would be similar to paying for online Skyrim which is already available and can be used as an example. However, my opinion is not indented because I don't really play these types of games.
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+3 muliplayer server will eventually go down forever
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$60? That's cute, asshole publishers now charge $90-100 for complete game striping content as DLC!
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It depends on how big is your salary and how much do you like multiplayer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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As I said - it greatly depends on person. I'm poor for example, I would never buy the game for 60$, even if it's the best game in the world, because I would starve then. But for someone with bigger income it may be totally acceptable. And again, I'm interested in multiplayer only if it's cooperative campaign, and not interested in deathmatch, arena, and so on, so I wouldn't buy arena-style game even for 1$, but some people play ONLY arena games, so they sure would buy it. There is no answer that would suit everyone.
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Age of Empires 2, when the Zone was still around. x)
Manyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hours on there... Years even. lol...
Multplayer, with ability to make custom maps. Even more so since the new HD version, but talking THOUSANDS of player created scenarios, ranging from pure PvP Castle blood-esque games, to virtually full RPG style scenarios. Still remember one which used to take us 4 hours at a time to complete, as people who actually know how the scenario went, when to heal, where the secrets were, etc. lol
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The most played games on steam are multiplayer only. Dota 2, Counter Strike, Team Fortress 2.. it's the other way around.
Why should you play a singleplayer game everyday for about 5 years? o_0
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But after 5 or years, you can still play single player games to the fullest. Most online multiplayer games die within 5 years from lack of players. Especially pay-2-play ones. All the games you listed are classic (or new versions of classic games), and are guaranteed by giant company to be kept in service. They are rare.
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Mulitplayer games will die sooner or later, unless they are constantly updated with new content added in, have great modding support, are simply competitive or unique. That's why the games you listed are still popular.
Meanwhile you can be sure that you are able get back to singleplayer game almost any time and the only problem you man encounter is incompatibility with newer operating systems.
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Yes, that's totally right. Interesting conversation here.
(Getting back to the topic) - I wouldn't like to pay 60$ for a game, single- or multiplayer. That's really expensive to me, since I don't have much money. But if I would, I would prefer spending it on a multiplayer game, since I will spend more time playing this kind of game. Guess I never spent 500 hours on a singleplayer game :>
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For me that's a huge rip off. I'd never pay that much for a game. Also I think that when people buy games at those prices they are basically showing to companies that it's ok for players to be robbed. So you can then expect afterwards more rip off in the form of season passes, DLCs, etc. Look at Evolve. That's my personal opinion.
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Depends on whether the person buying is a multiplayer junkie or not. I have bought CS:GO for 15 bucks and sank 1000 hours into it so far, it would be well worth it even for 60 or possibly more. On the other hand I have also spent hundreds of dollars on single player games which I have never played, though that is just my own mistake. :O
Anyhow I would not judge the pricetag based on SP/MP but rather on enjoyable/not enjoyable. Even if you spent only 50 hours playing it, that is still just 1.2 dollars for an hour of fun, seems reasonable.
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If we are talking about MMORPG, it depends which one you have in mind, if you are talking about Multiplayer FPS such as new Battlefront which includes 50$ seasons pass, then I have to say no. Buy yourself a couple of cheap fun games instead, you'll regret it less in the end.
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It depends on the game. If you think you'll get a load of hours of entertainment out of it, sure. Servers, patches etc. need to be paid for. A SP game with 4 hours of gameplay can be much more expensive comparatively.
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Depends on the game....
Is the game bad or poorly optimized? - If yes, it doesnt worth it.
Are they release a new episode of the game in every year? - If yes, it doesnt worth it.
Are they add extra maps and gamemodes, weapons in paid dlcs? - If yes, it doesnt worth it.
Do you think the game will bore you after 100+ hours? - If yes, it doesnt worth it.
Does it have proper player base? - If no, it doesnt worth it.
Are the devs fix the bugs and keep update the game? - If no, it doesnt worth it.
Do you have friends who would play the game with you? - If no, it doesnt worth it.
There are some games I would even pay 60 USD for it but I don't need: CS:GO, Heroes of the Storm.
There are some games I do not pay 60 USD for it: CoD, Battlefront.
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well, Wow has a monthly subs so.
but 60$ for every game is too much. i can wait for a sale. and i don't like MMO so...
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If 99% of the players leave in two months like with Titanfall, no.
If the publisher pours tens of millions of dollars to keep it afloat that eventually results in a solid player base like Destiny, yes.
If you are asking because Battlefront, Battleborn, or Overwatch, we have no idea how much will they stick. Both Battlefront and Overwatch have enough money behind them to keep them going for at least a year, but if the games suck (and let's be honest, Blizzard has ZERO experience in that field and are known to constantly re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-rebalance even their singleplayer or co-op games because they always fuck something up), then it may be a mid-term investment only.
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I have played Day Of Defeat more than 1500h... i paid 10€ for it (Half Life Platinum Pack: H.L, DOD, CS...), so... 0,0067€ / hour of entertainment + friends
Knowing this, i would have paid 60€ for it? YES
You only need a funny game with a good multiplayer community.
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Depends on the type of game, the variety of contents it offers, no. hours it can generate or replayability and other competition out there.
If I can play a game for free which offers almost similar contents and payability, using non-competitive advantage add-on revenue system like premium skins, pets and horse then why should I be paying more for it.
For a single player gamer like me, I have no idea why rainbow siege is price so premium and yet the content feel so csgo like.(same tactical 5v5, just better graphic)
As people like to play multiplayer games with friends, pricing it as a premium turn people off from buying as not everyone willing to pay so much for a game. That is why csgo, some f2p fps and f2p moba like dota2, lol are so popular.
Comparing star wars battlefront and rainbow siege, I have seen lots of content on star wars which i feel it may justify the price like modes, vehicles, unique heroes, aircrafts which has lots of replayability but I cant see how rainbow siege can make up for lack of single player content. If It can accommodate a 10v10 mode, vehicles, modes and other contents other than weapons, playable character, and skins. It may attract certain group of players but i believe it will be quite low as compared to other AAA fps like battlefront, battlefield, cod.
I have not paid >50 for a multiplayer only game in my life and i doubt i will ever do. (I paid for 50+ for diablo 2 battle chest, wc3 to play multiplayer with friends and they are not even multiplayer only which even make them more worth it. Solo complete d2 single player and campaign for wc3) I did paid $40+ for a few single player games but they are worth it with rich content and great game play.
Personally I feel that single player only game is more difficult to make than a multiplayer only game because of the need of a story and ai system and events while multiplayer only does not need more sophisticated system.(i am no game designer, just my personal feel)
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you own quite a few AAA titles that are RSP USD60+ thou so idk if your statement it that honest really is it?
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oh jealous i'm not from US, & prices are greater in my country so AAA games are of my shopping list
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just looking at the average income of Rus & US, US is like 100 times greater so that 25USD u paid is like someone paying 2500USD in the US which i doubt very few would do. In other words you'd be willing to pay $60 if it wasn't a matter of your much smaller income, no? eg ur income was 100times more
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There must be some mistake in numbers - last time I checked the average US salary was only 6 times larger than ours (or else I wouldn't be buying any game at all).
To put it more simple:
Fallout 4 costs $60 in the US, right? My opinion is: I don't think any multiplayer game worth the same amount of money as Fallout 4. But I don't like multiplayer much in general, so my opinion is not objective =)
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It's very subjective and depends on what kind of multiplayer only we're talking about. If we're talking MMORPG, and you know(either by being in the beta, through friends, etc) that it will be good/fun then yeah, it is worth 60$, even if it eventually dies, MMORPGs almost always hit at least the 6 month mark so you're bound to get a ton of hours out of it . If we're talking AAA Multiplayer only FPS that can become a ghost town in a month or two then no, wait for a discount imho, if it's good it will stay populated if it's not then you saved yourself some cash, either way you lose literally nothing by not playing from the start.
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Sounds like an EA game like Battle front to me with is over priced to the max because it's EA and if you get the season pass it's £96 or something which is 145 USD and while i may have a lot of disposable income for that kind of price i want 200+ hours of single player game play before i even get to MP.
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so a singleplayer game can be worth 60$, but a multiplayer game can't. huh. a multiplayer game usually provides way more hours per dollar. a sp only game offers a campaign which you finish at some point, and then you're done with the game. mp games are made to be played for months or even years. level up to max rank in battlefield - you will have spent way more hours than most sp campaigns offer. i never understood, why mp only games must not cost 60$, but sp games with that price tag are totally fine...
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i'd say people like it to have some single player knowing they can play the game into the future even though there might be a small community, no community or even a matter of servers being shutdown.
I do prefer multiplier games I guess and has more worth to me when a game game offers this but some single player stuff is good eg bots in Battlefield makes for a bit of fun. There are people out there which hate people though and prefer just to play by themselves, people are different really and have different views on what they prefer in a game & also what it's worth to them in $ terms
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Apologies if the question has been asked before and is stuck somewhere deep down in the dark recess of this forum. Do feel its a fair asking price or do you think you are being ripped off as a consumer?
Let us know your thoughts.
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