better to think big ! but again people are diffrent some may love the way live and who am i to say otherwise
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There is no real "universal" purpose, except the biological one - to reproduce.
But I live (or try to) by the motto - Have fun and be happy.
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nice view but i cant fool myself with these excuses its not enough
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For me, it's to know as much as I can before I die.
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learning is enough but to what point ! if your doing so to get to that answer atleast getting one step closer to it i can agree with that
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I feel it is the search for answers that should define us as humans, not just believing is some mythology.
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on the contrary finding the answer should define us as humans and doin so . not just looking for it
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That assumes that the answer is known, which it is not. Without evidence the answer some may think is real is just a mythology.
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Mainly astrophysics. But I study everything I find of interest. I've been reading alot on quantum mechanics recently.
Physics is everything. All other hard sciences are just a specialty of physics, that is why I chose it as a course of study.
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:| Really ? maybe mate but nothing happends atoumatically everything have rules ! ! and if there are rules ! there should be more wich we dont know
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We already know the answer to life, the universe and everything: 42
The purpose of life is therefore to find the question.
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how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
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As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, If a woodchuck could chuck wood.
(Researchers at Cornell determined that a woodchuck could chuck about 700 pounds.)
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the last book wasnt as good as the others but Eoin Colfr did a decent job of finishing Douglas Adams work
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The purpose of life is therefore to find the question.
That question (which Adams both posed and answered) may be found in the first book.
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I know, but is it the right question?
(It's also in the old BBC series)
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I know, but is it the right question?
No, it is not. The correct question to the purpose of "life, the universe, and everything" is a "Why?" question, not a "What?" question. If Adams ever knew the correct question to ask, he has never given any indication of it.
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i do want to believe there is an afterlife cause i dont find a point in it if there is non
Just because you want it, doesn't make it true.
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With that kind of reasoning leprechauns, tooth fairies and the flying spaghetti monster are equally probable. Do you believe in everything that you cannot explicitly disprove?
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no but my sense of reasoning is not dead yet i dont believe in fairies but ! when you cant prove nor deny something there is something in it for sure you cant simply deny something by saying that mate its not valid
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when you cant prove nor deny something there is something in it for sure
Am I understanding this right? You are saying whenever you can't prove nor deny something, then there is some truth to it? Is that what you're saying (please correct me if I'm wrong)? If so, then I can only tell you that this is completely illogical. As I said, if you apply that logic to god, then you must apply it to anything, and therefore you should believe in anything that you cannot disprove. Yet you don't do that. The evidence for the existence of god is just as non-existent as the evidence for santa claus. Why do you believe in one and not the other?
i dont believe in fairies
Why not? You can't disprove that fairies are not real, so why don't you believe in them? ;)
By the way, your argument is not new and has been considered false for at least hundreds of years. If you don't know it, check our Russel's teapot:
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im saying when you cant deny or prove something there is some thing in it not neseecerly truth or anything .but there is an answer you cant simply deny it you should prove your logic otherwise its just another theory but from what i`ve understand of your last comment i think your just denying logic here you and many says if you die its over and nothing is beyond that now you should prove it ? whats your prove there is non so all i want to say
section 2 . i dont believe in fairies --> again i only said i dont believe em but i cant prove it i think you misunderstood me these are what we say wich have no prove for it same thing i have started in the begining i only claim without prove and im here for some proof maybe by others but you have to see it for yourself you cant rely on what people say or seen without any solid proof
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but from what i`ve understand of your last comment i think your just denying logic here you and many says if you die its over and nothing is beyond that now you should prove it ? whats your prove there is non so all i want to say
I don't think you have read the article I posted. Let me try to explain.
Russell's teapot is an analogy, formulated by the philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872–1970), to illustrate that the philosophic burden of proof lies upon a person making unfalsifiable claims, rather than shifting the burden of disproof to others.
The unfalsifiable claim could be something like a fairy, or Russel's small teapot orbiting the sun. It's a claim formulated in a way that makes it impossible to disprove. That goes for basically any supernatural being like god, like the flying spaghetti monster, like leprechauns or magical unicorns or whatever. If you claim there is such a being that has properties that make it impossible to detect or measure, then I can never disprove it. Your god (conveniently) has that property.
The problem with this is that if we could justify absolutely any belief with the argument that if it can't be disproven, it can be true. Sure, in theory it could. But that goes for anything. Not just god. Also fairies and the flying spaghetti monster. Is that enough to believe in it? No, absolutely not. I could tell you now that I am a 10 meter large giant, living right on top of the earth's core, with five legs and twelve arms. You couldn't disprove it. Does that mean you should think that there is a real possibility that I am telling the truth? Of course not. You would be nuts to even consider that I am telling the truth. Same goes for the flying spaghetti monster. Just because you cannot disprove it, that doesn't make it likely. Based on what we know about the world, there is only an absurdly small chance that the spaghetti monster exists. So small it would be completely unreasonable to believe in it or even consider its existence a real possibility.
Now apply that same logic to god, and you will (or shouid) come to the conclusion that it is just as unlikely as all the other magical beings you don't believe in. If magical beings are too absurd for you, just take other gods. We had many of those over the years. I bet you didn't ever consider that Neptun actually exists. People used to believe in him. What makes your god more likely than Neptun or any other god? Exactly, nothing.
What Russel is saying is that if you propose such an unfalsifiable and extraordinary claim, the burden of proof is not on me to disprove it, it's on you to prove it. If you don't have any evidence for your claim, it is just as unlikely as any random, similar claim.
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I’ll counter that with Pascal’s Wager.
If You believe in god and you’re right, the reward is heaven.
If you believe in god and you’re wrong, the result is nothing
If you disbelieve in god and you’re right, the reward is nothing
If you disbelieve in god and you’re wrong, the result is hell
Ergo, it’s better to believe in god, because the upside of being right is better than the downside of not believing and being wrong
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I actually explained my take on Pascal's Wager here:
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Then we have a lot of praying to do. Religion is not some unifying part about afterlife, every religion have its own vision of after life, there were more religions than one man could ever learn about during human evolution. So if you prayed to every diety we have records of, just to be sure you know, then you would still miss majority of the gods people worshiped in human history, and probably end up in dozens of different hells. Idea the "real" religion suddenly materialized in last few thousands of years is extremely improbable to me. I respect someones dedication to one faith, but for me neither religion ever came close to having proof of existence, beyond their authors putting them into written form and using each other as inspiration. And at that point, i might as well pray to fantasy gods too, just because i know author who made Scientology shouldnt make it any less viable source of information than Bible, because we dont know who originally wrote it.
And imagine i told you, you gonna get every wish, 100 million dollars and new car, but just after you die. If that doesnt sound like good deal, then why would anyone expect getting reward after your brain ceased to function, when you can no longer give any feedback, only then you are getting the reward that never had any merit (proof) to it outside of faith, i dont buy that and spending time on that seems to me be as reasonable as praying to Elvis Presley and expecting that is the only thing that can save me from hell.
And in the end, even if Christianity (or Abrahamic religions overall) are correct, that still means that 99.999% of people who ever lived are in hell for having different faiths, so why be concerned and just go with the flow, at least hell will be super diverse.
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It is not only Russell's Teapot which applies to the question posed (i.e. whether or not God exists). Occam's Razor and Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem also apply. It takes knowledge and understanding to analyze available evidence and produce a sound argument for the existence of God, something not everyone has. More importantly, it takes honesty and humility to accept such a reality, and even fewer possess those. When it comes down to it, belief in anything is strongly influenced by one's own desires. That is why we have those who believe without understanding ("blind faith") and those who disbelieve despite evidence to the contrary (denial). Our perception of reality is seen through the lens of what we want to see, making subjugation of one's desires paramount in perceiving reality as it is.
TL; DR: The burden of proof is on the claimant, but the burden of acceptance is on the audience.
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sorry, couldn't resist the funny. life's short, gotta have a laugh.
but if you are looking for more serious answers, then I would like to suggest a book called Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Much of the book recounts his time in a concentration camp but there is also some discussion of logotherapy which the last third or so f the book focuses more heavily on and which I found the most interesting. I won't say that it gives a definitive reason for the purpose of life - after all, it is likely impossible to know from this side of the last door with any real degree of certainty - but it does have a very interesting take on how our perspectives play into feelings of worth and accomplishment. I had found it originally while trying to learn more about the topic of emotional intelligence; had been expecting something more academic based on how it was recommended to me but still was a worthwhile read.
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thanks man i will read it cause i like books so much
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there are some big ones but especially from religious but we cant prove it yet ! and thats the problem dude
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The purpose of life is love.
We are all just atoms, colliding with other atoms.
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just make sure your atoms are colliding with other atoms that are over 18 years old(how ever that works), or you will be punished for your love, unless your a priest.
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it boils down to that whole 71 virgins and 1 whore thing. 18 seems like that magic number. time vrs experience.
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Not really.
For example the nuclear fusion in the sun producing helium-3, helium-4, deuterium, berylium-6 from hydrogen
Another example is the carbon-14 on Earth
The rate of 14C production can be modelled, yielding values of 16,400[14] or 18,800[15] atoms of 14C per second per square meter of the Earth's surface
Carbon-14 decays into nitrogen-14
Everything radioactive will decay into something else at some point. And radioactive stuff can be produced by cosmic rays etc
“Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed”, Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier
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whats the diffrence between him and a priest so what priests are immune ???
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sex, drugs, rock and roll.
speed, weed, birth control.
life's a bitch then you die.
fuck the world, lets all get high.
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There could only be a purpose for life if there was an intention in creating it. Period
This means that in order to believe there is a purpose you need to believe in an intentional creator of life.
Simply ask yourself prior to this if there is a God. If you answered positively, ask yourself if he has intentions. If you answered yes, you should ask yourself what are those intentions. If you got this far, you got your real question and (hopefully) answer.
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i do believe what you say but everytime i think i get nothing ! cause i cant find my answer no one could
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By thinking about god and trying to figure it out logically, you will never find an answer. you will keep convincing yourself with what you are already convinced is true.
The only way to learn about a/the creator is by meeting him.
The only recorded event that I know of where a large number of people met God himself together and he spoke to them was the biblical Mount Sinai revelation. An event that happened to 2.5 million people is much harder to discredit.
Maybe you should find out more about that.
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yep for some folks life is easy just like that and they dont mind .. i`m affraid im not like them
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alkalies was dipped into the the fountain of youth by his mother holding him by his ankles...
luckily he wasnt named testicles.
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Well, what makes you think you are entitled to more than that?
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Our Will !! and minds . and souls if accepted by you we humans are better than any species in the world because we have many thing they dont and i dont believe our end is just to die
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So you're thinking because you're smarter than a dog or a cow, you deserve eternal life. I would love to live a life of eternal happiness in paradise, too. But just because I want that, that doesn't mean it's true. Just because you believe in the soul, that doesn't mean it actually exists (there is no evidence for souls).
Also, are we really "better" than all the other species? We are smarter and more powerful, sure. But we also destroy the environment, pollute the air and destroy other species for economical reasons, or even just for fun. Being better or worse than another species depends on what metric you want to use. If you want to see it in a religious context - we are destroying the land that god gave us to live and prosper in. Does that really make us better than the animals which merely live in this world, together in harmony, and only take what they need?
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yep exacly and everyone should think like that but i dont think like that just because i`m smarter than a dog or a cow because they dont have theire will nor a destiny wich they make so yes again im more than an animal or any species just because i have will and they dont
its a solid proof why should i have an purpose after death there is no prove of we have no souls either
part two -
what we do is not what should we do simple .. just because some people are bad does not mean humanity is bad or less than an animal you cant call all humans less than an animal or bad cause there are always bad guys wich theire will allows them to do bad thing wich ! animals or any species dont have so what you do dont make your will any less and truth remains intact !
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there is no prove of we have no souls either
Since I have responded to this kind of reasoning in our other discussion, I would just refer you to that answer. It applies to this statement as well.
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I don't know what's the purpose of life, but I know what is best in life. If that works for you
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its a good one but its not good enough nor big enough for humanity to pursue
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i dont worry for death right now ! im worried that what if there is a purpose and i`m or we wasting our time and life for nothing
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but we dont find it and time is the most valuble thing we lose every secound
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Our cat wears a bell, so he doesn't kill the endemic birds that are near extinction....anyway.
He doesn't have fleas for 23 hours and 50 minutes a day, until 7 in the morning when he suddenly gets a 10 minute itch, until his bikkies magically appear in his bowl 2 minutes after I roll out of bed cursing his existence...
(Okay, I lied to make myself look better, I'm not the one that gets up, I do curse his existence though :P)
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i dont like em birds yep . small version of eagle dont know hes name in english
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In my humble opinion as someone who believes in science (however crude our knowledge may be right now) and empirical evidence or lack thereof ...
There is no purpose but our most basic biological programming, to eat, to sleep, to procreate, and to dominate.
All other purpose you must provide yourself by setting goals, things to strive for, achievements to reach.
I want to create a home, I want to write a book, I want to write a "hit" song, I want to write a movie or play. Or more ethereal, I want to be content, I want to be happy, I want to be free of worry and fear.
I do not believe in a God or Gods, I see those as coping mechanisms to shift blame, remove accountability and responsibility for your own actions. I do not believe in an afterlife, the idea confuses me, because living a boring life rewards you with a ticket to an even more boring afterlife? Or are you rewarded in heaven by getting to do all the things you denied yourself to get there?
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I think also the same too.
In my opinion a lot of things that generally make people happy like helping others or community or seek validation being the best at something are fullfilling their biological programming too, as we are social animals and it plays a big role in our basic well being to help others. That's why I think the lack of that social aspect, a real close group outside your family (equivalent to something like a tribe), in a more individual and selfish society leads to generally more unhappy individuals.
In the end, life for all we know is a precious and rare thing, so even if it has no meaning at all it's a pity to not enjoy it.
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i dont believe it because we may see dreams wich may come true some times (happend to myself ) believe it or not
and if there is souls it means our exsitnse is infinite !and lasts for ever only in other form
you should dominate and set goals for a bigger purpose wich leads you to redemption not in this life but forever !
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wellcome to this topic guys there are some questions wich makes us to think atleast some of us ask this question over and over from ourselves
what is the purpose of life ? shouldnt we ask ourselves ? does it worth the thinking ? (are you satisfied with what youve found in your life rather than only living having a job getting married grow old and die ) should we consider after that ? do we have souls ? whats the point of living if we`re going to die just like animals !! can you even imagine to be dead for ever i cant describe nor find a right answer for it
now i think humans have soul and there is an after life im not satisfied by this living and dying without a purpose i mean there should be a big one otherwise whats the diffrent between us and animals dont forget that we have the capability to think and our will is absoulute wich no other species have i believe in god and somehow i do want to believe there is an afterlife cause i dont find a point in it if there is non ! these are questions i`ve asked like thousands times in years after some incidents wich made my mind clear that i was looking for a wrong purpose
how many people believe in god ? how many of you looks for an answer do you even care ??
sorry for poor english
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