I was hoping to find the steam key I input for a current giveaway. However, I can't seem to view it until after the giveaway is completed. If there is not a way to handle this, I'd suggest it could be a possible improvement.

10 years ago*

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Can you change the title to "[Suggestion] Allow view/change keys while giveaway is still running"?

10 years ago

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It'll cost you 1 soul, but sure. Done

10 years ago

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Thanks, your old title wasn't that clear, and I like this suggestion a lot.

10 years ago

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I wanted to do the same before, so i totally agree with this suggestion

10 years ago

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This is actually a useful and legit suggestion. I can see how the use of this could become quite relevant easily.

10 years ago

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I concur

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Sorry to bump this but is this already implemented? I'm guessing no since I can't find the option... I'm not sure if one of the key reserved for a giveaway of mine is still unactivated or not. Silly me

9 years ago

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No sadly it's not. You can go to /winners for the giveaway but it will be blank until the winner is chosen. Sucks it still hasn't been implemented.

9 years ago

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Awwh, that's too bad. It's been nearly a year since this has been suggested. It's disappointing the feature isn't implemented yet because ability to edit keys seems pretty basic and useful for GA crators.

9 years ago

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Someday, maybe...

Maybe if people end up submitting enough support tickets about fixing cd-keys before they end it would force SG to implement the feature? xD

9 years ago

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I sure hope so! We should start a petition or something :3

9 years ago

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It's also a problem when you have multiple copies and don't have enough winners to use all of them, you can't see the unused keys. Makes it hard to keep track of it sometimes.

It's probably better not to add keys at all when creating a GA, only add them after it is finished, though that is more "paperwork" for the giver to keep track of which keys are allocated to giveaways but not yet assigned to a winner.

8 years ago

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Not if you keep keys in a sheet. For me it is faster and easier to track of them as I insert the key, send it, mark it sent in my spreadsheet. This way I know which I sent and which not.

8 years ago

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Yeah, it's basically what I do as well, though I don't keep track of sent for keys, only for gifts. For keys I strike them out just when I added it to SG for a giveaway. But I should really do it the way you're doing it to avoid the headaches. :)

8 years ago

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I have a status column for them with the USD price initially, then when I make my weekly pack I get what I want and set them to "candidate". After creating GA, they are put into "running" state, and after sending them, into "sent" state (or "pending" if the winner has to be rerolled).

8 years ago

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I do it almöst the same way, though I don't include the price. But I do have columns for "potenially", "running" and "sent" for both key, gift links and gifts.

8 years ago

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I think I'll start managing it this way from now on. My spreadsheet has price, date purchased, name, key/link, source (store or bundle name) and status. So far my status is just "steamgifts" (when I've created a GA) or "can't give away" (for the disallowed games), so it won't be a problem to use it differently. :)

Thanks for the ideas!

8 years ago

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Damn, why hasn't this suggestion received a lot more attention?
I would freaking love this feature, especially for multiple copy giveaways, to keep track of which keys are allocated to which giveaways and which are unused.

8 years ago

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Gonna bunm this one, because I made a mistake in one of the keys i'm giving away and now must remember it and wait for it to end instead of rather just changing it right away.

8 years ago

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As temporary fix you could write a small note to yourself in the giveaway description. Something like "please message me in case the key doesn't work". It will look like business as usual to everyone else but you know what you meant.

Edit: I can't test it but according to Tzaar below it's already implemented.

8 years ago*

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Yeah i am going to do that.
What is implemented is that you can see the key. So I know that i messed up.
But what I was talking about was being able to change a key even if the GA was still running.
It isn't that bothering to have to wait for it to end but it could have been so much nicer to be able to change it immediatly; Especialy if you do a GA that will last a week or more

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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psst, already implemented :X

View attached image.
8 years ago

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you can view keys, but not change them until it ends. if i mess up which key or steam gift url (by cancelling or accidentally clicking the steamgift url myself), there's no way to change the url or key till it ends. xD

edit: but you are right, that's not actually the suggestion here like i thought it was.

8 years ago

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Ohhhhh gotcha. My bad. :X
Well, the title contains what you wanted, but the OP doesn't.

Looks like one of us read the title, the other the OP lmao.

8 years ago

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ahh yeah, there it was.. kinda thought i saw it somewhere xD lol

but yeah, re-reading i saw it the way you read it as well =)

looks like part of it was implemented, but not in whole.

8 years ago

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I am definitely for being allowed to change it while the giveaway is running, though.
Don't get me wrong, that'd be immensely useful. :3

8 years ago

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yeah. especially now that i send steamgifts thru url form instead of email anymore. its very easy to screwup that link when editing out the email portion of it.

fake example:

8 years ago

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I totally agree with you. I just accidentaly placed the wrong Steam Key in one of my giveaways just now, and I can't find the way to edit that to add the correct Steam Key... I guess I can only do it when the giveaway ends before I send it away to the winner? Bummer... :(

Why not before? Just like I am able to edit/update the description of any giveaway, I should be able to edit that at any time. Now I hope I don't forget to edit that before I send it away... (¬_¬)

8 years ago*

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yeah, as soon as it ends you can change it before sending. i have no idea why this isn't already a feature or allowed though. this needs more exposure.. even support at the very top wants/wanted it. xD

8 years ago

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totally agree :)

8 years ago

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Good suggestion.

8 years ago

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I didn't even know you couldn't do that, I give a +1

8 years ago

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Awe, I miss UL! :(

8 years ago

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Necroing because It's something I would like to see in the future.

7 years ago

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sorry for necroing this soon-to-be 9 years old post, just wondering if we can change the key before the GA ended? (If yes, I couldn't find it and would love some guidance, thanks!)

1 year ago

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No, but you can change/edit it before you send it to the winner.

1 year ago

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Noted thanks! will do that

1 year ago

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