The tittle says it all, I can't pay for ESEA, so that's not an option... I'v been playing it for around 5-6-7 years so i got a lot of experience some ESL cups won, some 2v2's, 1v1's etc

9 years ago

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CS 1.6 teams? I don't think they are still around anymore, it's been maybe like 5 years since I used to play at semi-professional level. :D

9 years ago

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ik the 1.6 scene is pretty much dead, but i wanna get back to it, since i preffer it more than GO for the team play at least, i was really good at calling when i was in my peak with my folks and 5 nah, but more like 3-4

9 years ago

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I know what you mean dude, I used to co-ordinate my team back in the day, but we usually switched between us based on maps. I usually made the calls on dust2, nuke, inferno, mirage. Man, those we're good days. If by any chance you find anyone to play with, hit me up please, I'd love to get back into it. :D

9 years ago

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I made a new group to hopefully team counter-strike players from ALL the games together to have fun. I mean it's not really a team, but we would be able to play against other clans if we can get enough people interested. From GO, Source, to 1.6. I actually made a server for CS 1.6 if you want to come check it out. It's a vanilla, 16 player server with bots so you're never lonely. They go away once more Human players join anyway. But if you ever want to play any Counter-Strike with me, feel free to add me! Love me some new counter-strike friends.

CSGC Group:

[CSGC] Vanilla Server:

9 years ago

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