So it's not possible to give the website a private link, and then have a new gating rule to check if the users are part of a specified group?
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Hi Knsys,
can you add a simple Textfield to search for Usernames on the sgt tools Entries page and what do you think about a "Report" button directly on the sg invalid Entries page after a giveaway has ended (instead to report sgt ID here at sg forum) ?
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Hi knsys,is it possible to send Steam group invitation via Steam API call/function ?
Suggestion:If a user pass the sgtools check,the sgtools website sends auto invitation (instead of a link) to a specific (ga creator) group.
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Mhh,the "protect" part isn't necessary inside the group because only valid entries receive a invitation to this specific (invite only) group.The rest works as usual.The ga creator/group admin creates a group only giveaway.
Sgtools makes the preselection.
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But you'll need a private giveaway to make the "filter" anyways, or something to show at the user trying to "enter". Or are you talking about something new that just takes the filters and do the group invites without displaying a specific giveaway?
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Yes Knsys,something new,different from usual private/invite only giveaways.
You set the rules/filters as always but receive a invitation (instead original sg url) to a invite only steam group from ga creator.With only valid entries the ga creator can make a secure group giveaway for a specific userbase.
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...the rest works as usual.After X number of invitations sent or a timelimit for the invitations the ga creator create a group giveaway with the available sg giveaway options.
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or you can call this a enhanced version of the "Charitable Losers" group checker with an automated process for the invitations :-)
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I'll think about it, since it requires a new level of integration with steam and to have a dedicated steam account for sgtools (right now is using my api key, and I don't want to be in 10000 groups with giveaways and have to look if I'm allowed or not to join them :) ).
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Are there variables for num_won_X like there are for sent, e.g. num_sent_group? If not, it would be great if you could implement them.
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I want to do a group & regionrestricted filter. Because there are users with difficulties to obtain ROW games, I want the filter based on real CV or numbers. So users buying in their local, restricted Steam store most of the time, but buying a ROW $1 bundle once in a while, are still able to join. Same for groups.
I only want to exclude users that do mostly group/region restricted GAs in real CV and numbers.
If you have an alternative suggestion, how to achieve that goal with the given variables, feel free to tell me :)
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You are right. I wanted to do ratios first, but it should work without. Thanks :)
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Would it be possible to add a whitelist for a sgt giveaway?
Let's say I want to do a real CV ratio filter, but a couple of users, who contributed to SG in other, major ways, do not pass the filter. I want them to be able to join, but I do not want to give them the direct link, creating invalid entries.
First I wanted to suggest a whitelist for sgt users, but that would be another variable to store for every user. I would guess a GA based whitelist (limited to a certain amount of users?) would be less strain on the server.
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Why not to just give the url? My Infraction issue command accepts a list of innocent people who won't get striked if found as "invalid entries", so if you want to report that giveaway, you can tell me the list of innocent people and they won't get an infraction.
And don't worry, I only apply infractions if the giveaway creator ask me to.
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I remembered reading somewhere that you will not apply infractions if the GA creator "leaks" the link himself.
If this is not the case, everything is just fine, thanks :)
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Hi, knsys. I might have discovered a bug. I don't know if it's a known problem, but I'm also not sure if I should post it here in case it can be exploited. Should I add you on Steam, or just post here (or somewhere else)?
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Recently situation in two of the groups I'm a member of got me thinking about a problem of silent ninjas. Problem that I think could be very easilly be solved with fuctionalities already present on SGT (to be exact with Login through Steam and cross-checking SG profile) if you'd decide to add such a functionality so I thought I'd propose it as a New Functionality "Ninja Un-Silencer"! :D:
Silent Ninjas are a problem. Present both in private groups as well as on forums. In most cases ninja remains silent because he already had the game on his main account but snagged it anyway to farm cards on his alt for example. So I was thinking if you could add a simple functionality - Dropper adds a key on SGT in the same way he now adds a GA link. Ninja who wants to get the key must log in into SGT, SGT checks if he's aa user on SG (this way people cannot just log in with their non-SG card-farming alts), if he is he got key revealed. And Dropper can then see who revealed the key the same way he can see who entered GAs. No special rules or anything needed, because if someone want to drop key for user meeting criteria he can simply put it in some old GA and make SGT protected GA link, only purpose of this functionality would be to get rid of Silent Ninjas who grab keys for their alt accounts, because of whom other users who lack game on their main cannot get it.
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This is actually quit a good idea to counter the nameless ninjas: SGTools protected key drops! ^^
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Hey Knsys, this is actually not a bad idea from Zelghadis to counter the ever present nameless ninjas especially if they already own the game and only use the key to boost their other Steam (card farming) accounts.
SGTools protected key drops! ^^
And maybe if possible with the standard SGTools requirements functionality.
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I know it's old comment, but saw it just now - as stated in my original comment I don't think SGTools requirements are needed - if you want SGT requirements for keydrop just post the key in some old private GA of yours and make SGT protected link to it ;) The main idea is to see who viewed key the same way we can see who viewed GA URL.
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On the "not activated"-page it would be nice if you could add a section with "marked as not received"-giveaways.
I recently had a winner who showed three games not activated; I asked them why and about a day later they responded that "it's been fixed". As you may have guessed, the fix was to mark the games as not received...
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I hope you reported them for Misuse of Giveaway Feedback. The result would be a very justified Permanent suspension.
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I did it once, ticket still open after almost 2 months, user claimed to gave away the game to a friend from gib A in a comment on a gib B. At the time was showing as not activated. now is marked as not received...
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The difference is that an unactivated win is something "bad", while marked as not received can and usually are be legit. That could lead to easily blame someone for something they did not do, we humans are fast to judge someone for a result that would need manual investigation to know if it is something fishy or normal.
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I don't know how feasible it is, but it would be nice if there were an option to check whether a user created giveaway(s) for a certain game, how many, and then use it as criteria for a rule. I'm thinking of this because there is too much CV farming of ClickTeam Fusion 2.5 thanks to the current Humble Bundle and it would be nice to have an automated way of checking against that.
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There have been several games thought time that has been exploited for cv farming but that is how steamgifts works. Bundled games do give a 15% of their total value to fight against it, and there is a diminishing return after 5 copies are given, so it should be fine to stop the massive farming.
Giving an option to filter that kind of behavior, when it's perfectly fine by steamgifts rules would lead to quite a big drama on the forums and you'll never filter every person who used one of the "you still don't know" games to boost cv in the past.
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I'm aware of that but it still yields too much imo. I just calculated it and even at the 15% reduction rate the $1 tier yields 17.25 CV per dollar spent, which represents a 94.2% discount on bang for your buck. Not only does it break the initial 95% discount criteria for games to be added to the bundle game list, but it almost does it twice -- that is to say a second time even after the 15% CV rate has been applied. I guess I'll just have to start making use of the whitelist then.
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the thing is you now realize this specific situation - but only because it has one expensive product - while in reality you missed dozens even far worse bundles in the past, because they simply had no 100$ game in them but rather several 20-30$. in reality this current HB gives onbly 17$ CV - it's still a lot, bbut it's comparable to 96% sale. You want to filter out all who made GAs for ClickTeam Fusion 2.5 because you noticed this particular game - but at the same time you will be fine with someone who gave away let's say BundleStars RPGMaker bundle which had much greater value - because you didn't notice these games because they were DLCs for something you don't own, or because they were 20-30P nopt 100P (but there were a lot of them making cumulative value much higher than this 100P).
The truth is that good value bundles will pop up every now and then - nothing you can do about it, because it's simply impossible to keep track of each and every one of them forever and ever, and singling out just one because you notice this 100P game is not really fair solution ;)
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Fair point. I haven't really paid close attention to the those bundles with (overpriced) software as they don't generally interest me. But then I also don't recall any of them having the effect of making the point generation go so crazy to the degree that it has the past couple of days and it seems like the main factor for that is because of the value of Tier 1. The only thing I can recall having quite a comparable effect on the point generation was way back in the days when 10 million copies of free shit like Dota 2 were spammed on the site. Anyway, did any of those previous software bundles yield anywhere near as much combined value ($115) for only a $1 investment? Stuff like this kind of breaks the CV system as it currently functions imo.
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did any of those previous software bundles yield anywhere near as much combined value
even more - thuis is what I tried to tell you - just nt in a single product like here, but dpread ampong multpiple products so you didn't notice. RPGMaker bundle for example was something like 150-170$ in 10,20 and 30$ DLCs for tier 1 - but since these were DLCs and not with price of 100P but rather 10,20,30P you never even noticed them ;)
As for point regeneration - it goes both way - the same way you notice current bundle because of all these 100P GAs, the same way other users notice it - because of that many more than usually would do go to bundle site and buy this bundle - with let's say RPGMaker DLCs bundles they didn't notice them on GA list same as you did, so they didn't buy them so much
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I have a user showing 3 unactivated wins from the same day and I couldn't find them on his SG wins page. It turns out they are part of a pack called New Reality Studio Pack and this is on his won page. The 3 games missing are:
AI: Rampage
Love is Blind: Mutants
Rabiez: Epidemic
He has the other games from the pack activated on his steam account. He is from Russia, maybe those 3 couldn't be activated in Russia? I guess he is just stuck with 3 unactivated wins then?
Also, the same use has an unactivated win for Tomb Raider, but his SG won page shows a win on that day (different time) for Rise of the Tomb Raider - Digital Deluxe Edition and it is activated on his account.
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I've just checked and they seem to be true positives.
All of the three games for New Reality Studio Pack are available on RU region with the same appid as WorldWide (in fact they just have one appid). The pack itself is only available on one subId.
About tomb raider, he may have received the normal edition instead of the digital deluxe? Digital deluxe does include Tomb Raider inside the package.
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Tomb Raider makes sense, but does't a pack of games like the New Reality Studio Pack force you to activate all the games from 1 key? How could he have 3 of the games not activated. I could understand if he deleted those from his account, but I remember reading that Steam doesn't let you delete individual games that you received in a pack.
It doesn't really matter to me anymore, I was just curious about how this is possible.
Edit: Or maybe he just happened to have all the other 23 games and didn't activate that key to get the remaining 3.
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There is a problem with DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2. SGTools doesn't recognize it as activated, which may not be that surprising since it's not even visible when checking games owned by the user.
I can see the game in my library and via store, but not when checking the owned games.
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This has been fixed and Steam API detection for the said game is working normally, so it can be removed from the whitelist.
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Hey man! I don't know if this is the right place to post, but my account has recently been flagged with "unactivated wins or private profile" when entering certain SGTools protected giveaways. I've not had any problems up until now, but checking my own profile using SGTools, I can see that some DLC I won back in 2012 for Zombie Driver called Summer of Slaughter might be the culprit. I don't know how long it has been like that, so I'm not sure that's the issue, but it's my only guess so far.
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SGTools seems to be having some hiccups at the moment. When checking non-activated wins for some users it will just return "User ... has a private profile or SteamCommunity is down" even if the user's profile is public and Steam Web API is up. It may work again but can stop working after a while.
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to avoid this entire cache fiasco thing i requested (sorry btw), can the cached results be cleared upon sync so these types of delays/issues don't continue to happen? now i'm not so sure the pro's outweigh the cons anymore after seeing the aftermath of it being implemented. i didn't realize that happened more then it was posted here, but the increase of those types of posts say otherwise.
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It's easier to just don't cache steam fuckups results :)
I'll do that when I get some free minutes. I actually didn't think about that scenario when doing the cache.
But yes, steam dies really often, they offer an awful service (api) with the amount of money they are earning.
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I'm thinking in extending SGtools with a new and huge functionality, but before implementing it I would like to know if people really is interested in the idea and will use it.
The idea is to make a more flexible filter for private giveaways, but what does that mean?
You'll be able to create a set of rules for your giveaway and input a private giveaway URL. People (and you) will use "login with steam" to identify themselves and the tool will give him the url if and only if they met all the restrictions.
Once a user is given a giveaway URL, he'll be flagged as a valid entry for that giveaway. When the giveaway finish the creator will be able to check if the winner is flagged as valid, if that is not the case you'll be sure that he got the url following the rules.
What kind of rules/filters will you be able to use?
The giveaway creator will be able to see in the tool's giveaway page a list of the people who got the giveaway link and a tool to check if an entry is valid as detailed before.
Any suggestions or ideas are welcome, even those who think that this tool will be useless :)
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