Hint 1: You will need to identify as many of the images as possible. You will find that they all are part of the same set (or perhaps two sets).
Hint 2: Once you have figured out the sets, then the cipher should be clear. Though you may have some unidentified images.
Hint 3: Given the nature of the sets, there are very limited choices for any images that you cannot identify, so you can brute force it if you want. Alternatively, there is no distortion on the images. A reverse image search will work.
Hint 4: Some of the images are less clear than others, so I thought that I would help with the most obscure. For the Time Magazine cover, I am looking for the person on the cover, who is the politician Huey Long. For the first one, I want the circled baseball position.
The trick is to notice that each of the pictures, as hinted in the title, contains the word short or long. They are:
shortstop shortbread daddy_long_legs / martin_short long_island longans short_ribs / windows_shortcut long_division longfellow short_track_speedskating / short_cast / short_story apache_longbow_helicopter shortening / Actress_ShellyLong(on_the_set_of_Cheers) shortwave_radio Oscars_best_picture_shortlist shortsword // longhorn_cattle British_shorthair_cat_breed shorts // "Long_Tom"_Cannon Politician_Huey_Long Longitude / Longshot short_stackpancakes / Shorthand // Longmire(from_the_television_show_of_that_name) Long_johns_or_long_underwear / Chess_Grandmaster_Nigel_Short Short_Back_andSides(Haircut) The_Long_Goodbye / ShortCircuit(Movie) Long_PlayingRecord(LP) Longshoreman Shortcate / NY_Times_Crossword_Editor_Will_Shortz Long_Walk_to_Freedom Long_Nosed_Monkey Elizabeth_Short / Shortsightedness / Disney's_Shorty_McShort_Shorts Longship Short_Circuit // Strawberry_Shortcake The_Big_Short
Now it should be clear that we are looking at short tones and long in Morse Code. Reading every short thing as a dot and every long thing as a dash, also allowing a / to represent the end of a letter and the // to represent the end of a word we get UPPER B D ONE M UPPER I which should lead to the steamgifts giveaway Bd1mI. The second correction was necessitated since I had originally read the uppercase I as a lowercase L (which I was very embarrassed about).
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This is my fourteenth (or possibly fifteenth) puzzle of 2016 after:
13th Listen Up
12th Analogy Chains
11th Phoney Numbers
10th Mommy, Where do I come from?
9th Let me make myself perfectly clear
8th Simple addition
7th A list of words
6th As Easy as ABC
5th Movie Stargazing
4th Queens Play
3rd Keep Your Distance
2nd Hunting Lie and Hoe
1st Mixed Bag - [Not linked and now closed as I will reuse part of this in a later puzzle]
0th History of Computer Role-Playing Games
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Before reading about this one...
I solved the previous puzzle but the solution makes no sense...
edit: Oh, i see you posted a solution... Bach 4,4...was that always 4,4 or did I miss a correction? I had 4,2.
Too bad the support/hints were lacking, won't spend the same time on a puzzle again :/
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It was unfortunately originally 4,2. I had two questions come in to me about indexes I had got wrong. You asked correctly if I had made an error on the index on "Trying to get a chap to go away" (should it be 8,2 rather than the orignally posted 8,3), and bellthecat asked about whether the 4,2 should be really 4,4. I apologise for getting both of those wrong.
Fortunately this puzzle, has no fiddly indexes for me to get wrong. Though I will check again now to ensure that the slashes are in the correct places.
And indeed, I have again made an error. The text reads exactly as I coded it, but unfortunately I screwed up again. I will make the correction immediately. But I have proofread this version 3 times. I am pretty sure that that should be the only fix.
FWIW, this is a more straightforward puzzle than last week's
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I think I have things identified and deciphered with the right method since I come up with something that makes sense, but hmmm not solved yet.
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Still there for me.
Mirrors here, if you want:
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Different strokes for different folks. It is interesting to see which puzzles appeal to different people. Probably the most popular puzzle this year has been Movie Stargazing. Though Simple Addition and A list of Words also had their fans. This hasn't been one of the big winners, but when I thought of this, I liked the AHA on this one.
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Well last week's puzzle (Listen Up) proved to be the hardest this year, at least measured by the number of correct solutions. So I decided to go with something a bit more straight-forward this week. I call it A Short Excerpt from a Longer Work and it is below.
The prize this week is Injustice: Gods Among Us Complete Edition (http://store.steampowered.com/app/242700/)
Regrettably, about an hour after I posted this puzzle, I re-read it and found an error. The correction is in the image directly below the puzzle. Subsequently, blead01 also found an error. That correction is also at the bottom underneath the puzzle.
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