The giveaways are free so there really isn't a whole awful lot at stake, and it's easy to be wrong when calling someone out. (So they leave such determinations until the giveaway has ended and the gift giver has a chance to make good on their obligation.) (Or use the report button I guess) I suspect that's what's up with that, 'though I'm certainly not certain.
(Yes, it is forbidden, even when it seems ridiculous)
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If you had read the FAQ you would not have to ask.
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Afraid she's gonna make you go to bed since it's way past your bedtime? Let's try to be nice here. He's right. The rules are an important read on this site.
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Okay okay mommys and daddys, with or without kids, I give up. Feels good to moralise on the internet doesn't it? But lets skip it. I could tell it is not allowed before i created this thread, since everyone is so cautious with calling out, and act like, well, like you above me. I was merely looking for opinions on that matter.
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The point is this: you should learn the rules if you are going to use the site. The FAQ is there to help you with that. Failure to read it means there is a good chance you will do something dumb, or worse. If you're too arrogant to accept the good advice which others have offered, don't expect any sympathy when you screw up.
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I agree that he is a bit childish. But the comments in this thread have nothing to do with moralizing. The problem with moralizing is assuming some sort of objective morals and attempting to make others feel guilty about not following them. While in reality there is no right or wrong, nobody has to be good or evil. I used to moralize but I have serevely improved in that area.
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I was merely looking for opinions on that matter.
No, you were not, from your OP:
and the other guy responds with "No calling out". Is that forbidden?
Also, if you find it rude (which seems so by your reaction) that TheDopeFish tells you to pretty much read the FAQ, imagine how you'd feel if you created a giveaway for a pretty new game as a first and everybody would be lke, Sure... Fake! Seems Legit and so on.
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There is a difference between calling out on somebody and telling other people to be aware that there are plenty of factors that give this GA a 99.95% chance to be fake/made because the creator thought he'd get the game, not have to give it away.
However, this difference is not made here.
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Basically, people were becomingly increasingly rude towards the creators of allegedly fake giveaways. The problem was that not all were fake -- some people were actually stepping up with great first giveaways of AAA games, and they were upset with the insults. So site management decided to put in place a blanket ban on such comments.
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I get what you're saying.
Yes its not nice to call out, yes its easy to be wrong, but people kinda overreact.
Besides 8 out of 10 times I saw some one calling out a GA was fake, it turned out to be true...
But I still think its a good rule tough.
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Even if we assume your numbers were accurate, which does more damage? Wasting your completely free and constantly replenishing "P" on a fake giveaway or possibly alienating a new, contributing member of SG?
IMO, there's absolutely no good reasons to call out a giveaway creator even if you feel 100% sure. Simply report the giveaway and don't enter.
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While I agree that it's comparatively more important that we not alienate new contributing members, I will say that the posts of "Fake!" have saved me a couple of times from investing in giveaways that were likely not legitimate.
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It's fake. The guy only has like 4 games and he has Black Flag on his own wishlist.
Well, not "fake", just some clueless idiot that would rather disappoint lots of people than read the text in-front of him telling him how the site he's on works.
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The reason the "Calling Out" rule is there is because regardless if whatever the person is being called out for is true or not, that person is being harassed in a way (or the calling out could lead to harassment).
While it may seem harmless to point out that you think a giveaway is fake in your opinion, if it turns out not to be, that could seriously offend the giveaway creator. Imagine how it'd feel if you decide to giveaway a AAA game to a random stranger out of the kindness of your heart and then people started peppering the comments with "FAKE!" or whatever. Sounds extremely discouraging, doesn't it? People don't lose anything of value by entering a fake giveaway and there is no way to tell which are truly fake, so it's much better to avoid offending the people who really are giving something away than to "warn" people that they might not get their 60 free automatically-replenishing points back.
The same situation is with any kind of "offense" someone might get called out for on the forum. Those can lead to witch hunts (because some people apparently like throwing rocks at others who they were told did something wrong) and there have been cases of people being wrongly accused and harassed despite having done nothing wrong.
Oh, wait... you weren't asking "why" it's forbidden but "if" it's forbidden. Yep, it is. Read the FAQ. Stuff are there for a reason. ;)
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The same situation is with any kind of "offense" someone might get called out for on the forum. Those can lead to witch hunts (because some people apparently like throwing rocks at others who they were told did something wrong) and there have been cases of people being wrongly accused and harassed despite having done nothing wrong.
You nicely explained some of the people in this topic.
Entering a possibly fake giveaway with your "free points" is still a flaw that could use a fix. Its an opportunity cost. Big AAA games usually consume a lot of pts. While you could enter some other giveaways, you choose to go for an AAA title, which is unfortunately fake, losing the chance for winning other giveaways, that are not fake.
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that person himself is in need of ac 4 , just have a look at his wishlist ;)
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I just created a thread about this when I noticed that one.
Why not just explain him how it works instead of just waiting to get suspension of bad feedback ?
Can someone translate this to spanish ?
"Hello, looks like you're new to steamgifts. Welcome among us ! It seems like you created a giveaway for 3 copies of [...], and I suspect you might not know how the site works.
By creating a giveaway, you commited yourself to buy and gift 3 copies of [...] to 3 randomly selected users. You can refer to the Spanish FAQ if you want to understand how the site works, or write a support ticket if you have any trouble.
If you created this giveaway by mistake, you can head here, select the giveaway you created, and delete it.
If you didn't create it by mistake, disregard this message... And welcome !"
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I agree. Besides, I didn't see the giveaway process (which is at the center of the site) explained at all in there. Some other aspects were, but not the giveaway / gifting process...
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Hmm creating fake giveaways INTENTIONALLY to get MARKED UP CV is also harming the winner.
I have been a victim of one where the person creating the giveaway which I won from over 4,400 other people INSISTED it was not fake but I never receive the game in anyway and he wouldn't copy the code to our steam chat window.
His other fake giveaway has also not been marked received.
A fine example of sick mentality where there's no shame nor guilt.
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You don't get any cv until it is marked as received.
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Hang on -
Did you just call out someone for calling out?
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Yup, it is forbidden.
From the site rules:
"Do not call out submitters in giveaways. Please click the report button or submit a ticket, do not comment on the giveaway claiming the giveaway to be fake."
"Please do not call out users in the forum or chat. Submit a ticket in the Support Forum."
If you believe that a giveaway is fake, let us know by creating a support ticket.
Closing thread.
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I've been looking through the giveaways and came across this
Not sure whether is fake or not, i carefully read through the comments and suprisingly, there was no questioning about the giveaway being fake or not, until finally, someone comments "fake", and the other guy responds with "No calling out". Is that forbidden? I've also seen the same case on forums, people complaining about "calling out", whats up with that?
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