My dad had severe CTS, so I was prone to it in the beginning anyways. When they did the electric test, he failed miserably and on the highest setting, that they were willing to go anyway, they couldn't even pick up the signal in his fingers.
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Oh, the mouse isn't the problem. My right hand is perfectly fine. It's the awkward angle my rest sets on the laptop keyboard. i don't really want to invest that much into making the laptop ergonomical since I am going to build my own gaming PC soon.
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I already have one. That's what I was trying to say previously :p that's why my right have is fine.
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I was thinking of getting one of those, but soon this laptop is only going to be for school since I will have a gaming PC. Don't want to have to carry a cooling pad along with my laptop around campus :P
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It happened to me as well. But it is the other side of my hand. First 2 fingers, a bit of my thumb and back of the hand. Wrist pain & stiffness too, of course. It came & went... but 20 years later, I had carpel tunnel surgery. :P thanks Veterans Administration! lol
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I know my time will come someday to get CTS surgery :P not looking forward to it, but I accept my fate.
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If you're planning on a desktop soon anyhow you can buy a USB keyboard and just plug that into your laptop temporarily.
And no, unless you could eyes getting red, cause every now and then they do get awfully red. Almost like pink eye, without the itching.
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I have no where to put it :P when I buy the parts for my PC I'm going to renovate my desk too.
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I've been gaming for aprox. 25 years and I can't say that I've ever ran into a problem like this.
Though I did break my toe playing Track and Field on the NES many moons; the only bone I've ever broken in my body.
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Ouch, how does that happen? I haven't broken a bone in my body either.
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Was doing the hurdles on the powerpad and I curled my toes when I came down.
Still goofed up to this day.
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Probably not as painful as some of these other injuries I have been reading! Did hurt though. Lead to about 3-4 ingrown toenail "operations".
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I have the on my right hand as well. The skin returned to normal color, but there is no texture there anymore, and there is a small callas.
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I used to get a small ache in my wrists, but I just got a mousepad & keyboard with wrist-rests and a powerball and I've never had any ache since.
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I will get those when I build my next PC. Hopefully, spending the extra money getting a more ergonomical setup will save me from the thousands in health bills later :P
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Do it. :) Research a bit on Ergonomics and make the investments. Well worth it in the long run. :)
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Btw... Every wrist brace I've ever used (First was a bowling glove designed to keep your wrist straight) have gotten in the way of using a mouse when worn. The parts of the brace that cover my palm rest on the mouse and makes holding a mouse akward.
So, if it is just wrist pressure you need to comfort, consider an Ace bandage (grippy wrap) with a little padding just on the bottom of your writs, where it would wrest on a keyboard wrist pad. This basically gives you a "wrap on" wrist pad without covering the palm of your hand and getting in the way of the mouse. .02 This might also be helpful for those times you want to take a break from the wrist brace.
I hope this helps. :)
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Luckily, I don't have to wear a brace on my mouse hand :) and when I do wear the braces it's not to restrictive. It's more just to correct my posture.
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Is it in your hand or arm? I haven't experienced this yet and I spend a lot of my time in the day (and night) on the computer.
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You might have CTS. Might wanna rest your wrist (might be to late, though) otherwise you'll need surgery. Sorry to inform you :( that's how my dad described his CTS exactly. When it gets extremely bad you'll feel it in your shoulder which is the stage you are at. Of course, I'm not a doctor, so you should go see one ASAP to get it checked out.
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You might wanna hope :P the recovery period is long and you can't do anything while you're recovering. You can only lift up to 5Lbs if I'm correct and they wont allow you to work at all for I think a couple months.
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Yeah I would get it checked out ASAP, because the longer you wait the more severe it will be.
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My mouse pad is super old (maybe 7-8 years) and is holding up pretty well actually and I get mad sometimes while playing Battlefield 3 and everyone camps the crane. Mine is just dirty, but no rips or anything bad like that.
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Mine mouse pad is pretty old as well, starting to rip a little near the top though :(
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I slammed my knee on my desk really hard one time after a jump scare. Almost took out the desk, and had a nasty bruise for a few days. Nothing serious, though. Also bruised my hand by slamming it down on the desk, but that was more of an anger management thing than a purely gaming related issue.
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Sorry to laugh at your misfortune, but I was just imagining someone breaking their desk like how you described xD. I messed up my elbow badly by rolling it off the edge of my desk once. I just remembered that reading your injury.
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playing some games i've start here grinding my teeth together and that has fucked one of my back teeth (broken the bottom of the tooth on another), tho i think the worst was when i threw my mouse in angry and it bounced and hit me in the head that hurt A LOT.
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Ouch about the mouse thing. I grind my teeth a little and I tense up a lot whenever I surf on CS:GO.
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Bill Clinton said it best. "...Going from one state of heightened anxiety to the next." He was referring to gaming on the console. lol
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After reading that I realized I was grinding my teeth just now as well >_>
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I had this with my PSP that my thumb started to convulse, not really on the PC though.
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I never had issues until I started PC gaming. I played on every console since NES and never has carpal tunnel, back problems, anything like that. I also played competitively on the PSP. I don't know why but for some reason my laptop just wants to hurt me :P the CPU is right where your wrist sets when you type, and before they updated it, it would get extremely hot because the fan wouldn't kick in.
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Playing portable devices seems to be much more painful than PC, and controllers more so than keyboard and mouse, at least in my experience. Of course, that probably comes from my posture (at PC, at least passable. On console, whatever works. On portable? I think I broke something, I thought this was going to be relaxing but now my spine hates me)
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The PSP is such an awesome system!
I'm sad that devs don't make games for it anymore... :(
Is your PSP hacked? I have a program on mine that allows me to control any PC in my house from anywhere that I can get a wifi signal from the same router that the PC is using. It's pretty freaking awesome!
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I had this app that allowed me to control the TV's in my house. I used to freak my sister out by turning them on/off randomly xD those were the good old days.
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I was playing Edna & Harvey last night, and in the tutorial the guy was talking about all the injuries and fatalities that happen when you game, like getting your fingers pinched in the inventory, or stabbing yourself on the sharp arrows when you need to go from one screen to the next. I couldn't help but think of that when I saw your thread, even though it's not what you're talking about at all.
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I mean, it kind of relates to the thread. I bet someone has stabbed themselves with arrows while playing before.
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My hand/fingers/wrist/arm are completely screwed, carpal tunnel, tendinitis.. not from gaming in particular, just excessive typing, excessive mouse usage, a bad table/chair + exertion from drawing. ;-;
Lately I've been trying to do some exercises on it to alleviate the pain a little, but I should probably try one of those wrist restraints too.
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My eyesight is also deteriorating, but it wasn't from gaming. I don't know where it came from but it started happening early in high school. Now, it's really bad. I think my right eye is 50 and my left is 40. Although my exes was even worse. One of her eyes was literally 100.
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Terrible eyesight. I almost had carpal tunnel once, but that was due to repetitive strain from writing in school rather than actual gaming.
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I get similar pains in my hands from playing for more than a few hours each day, it sucks because I LOVE gaming... >_<
It's mostly my left hand, as I'm left handed, that hurts the worst from holding the "WASD" position and using the L-Shift and L-Control keys to sprint and crouch respectively in most games.
The pain sucks, but for the most part it's worth it because of my love of gaming!
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I'd slow down buddy or get a more ergonomical setup. You can game for hours on end without injury if you keep your posture correct.
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I'd blame it on gaming, but honesty I have always slouched :/ When I build my new gaming desk I guess I'll put some money into a nice comfy chair so I'll want to lean back and straighten up. Right now I'm just using a basic foldup chair.
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Again, it's not my mouse hand that is messed up :P but thanks for the warning I can move my laptop back a bit so i can rest more of my arm on the table while playing. I also move my whole mouse arm when I'm playing. I find it more accurate then just using my wrist.
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i used to have REALLY bad pain in my wrist when i played diablo 2 & 3 for a long time.
It was definetely related to the massive amount of clicks per minute, trying to grab stuff from the floor before anyone else XDDD
Apart from that, ive been playing shooters basically for ridiculous amount of hours a day without experiencing any pain.
My eyes get fucked up after a while tho. They get SO injected on blood... i was thinking to get one of those gaming glasses but i doubt of their eficacy...
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That sucks. I keep a soft pillow in my chair and so far haven't had anything bad happen.
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Sometimes my back gets sore when I try to sit on my bed :/ used to have bad ring finger/pinky cramps but that improved greatly after I got a gaming mouse with a proper finger rest!
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My back gets really sore to from slouching, but when I lay down it feels like heaven.
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So recently, I noticed my pinky and ring finger on my left hand were becoming numb after playing for a while. I found out that I had irritated my carpal tunnel, so now I have to wear a wrist restraint for part of the day to let it heal. Has anyone else gotten any gaming injuries?
For those wondering, I game on a laptop which isn't very ergonomical. I can still play with the wrist restraint, but I'm not as versatile and usually have to resort to just sniping in most FPS games.
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