Hey guys, just wanted to remind a quick suggestion here to get attention on a something. recently i started doing freebies/bundled games for my blue hearts and there has been a guy that hasnt claimed his game on site and i didnt know how to reach him properly didnt want to email him to reveal mine therefore i comment under his steam profile and seems so that he has reported me for fraud and my account is currently locked for fraud thing. the message i sent is
''yo you won the sg giveaway check for key etc.'' he prob reported me and i dont know what kind of a person just do such thing. i dont wory about fraud lock but what if it happens to others anyone faced this problem before

4 months ago

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It might be Steam's automated system. They check for suspicious words (like "giveaway" or "key") as those are frequently used by actual scammers.

You can send them a notification by commenting under one of their giveaways, or comments, here on SG.

4 months ago

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he had only groups giveaway so i didnt think looking old ones, thanks for the info but what i worried is that has he logged into steamgifts or just somewhere else i think i will mail next time incase

4 months ago

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As ExcelElmira wrote, the user probably didn't report you..
The steam itself did the ban because you wrote you "won" and maybe also "steamgifts" it triggered steam's automated system to lock you for fraud...

4 months ago

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i still have some scammers comments under my profile with like some bet sites so didnt know how that has worked but thanks just suprised for it

4 months ago

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just got a message as you said prob some new way of steam


The content that led to this account lock closely resembles a scam that is currently circulating on Steam. Whether this was intentional or not, please note that posting messages that can be confused as legitimate scams can lead to an account being locked in this fashion. Provided you aren't involved in malicious behavior, there is no risk to the account other than having to go through the unlock process so that we can confirm the account is secure.

We've gone ahead and removed this lock. However, we'd need you to avoid posting content like this in the future.

If you have any further questions, please let us know - we will be happy to assist you.

Steam Support

4 months ago

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