Well, it's been 7 days since the person won one of my GAs. Since I already sent him/her the key, I can't ask for a reroll. I contacted Steam Support and the key has not been used as of when they wrote me last night.

Question, would I be able to give the key here for a ninja to take or what should I do? I'm looking for opinions/options that I may have.

11 years ago*

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Try adding the person on steam, make a support ticket (here on SG)

11 years ago

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If you drop the key you should ask the mods to delete your giveaway, otherwise you're gonna end up with a marked as not received when the winner eventually tries to redeem it.

Did you add the winner on Steam to have a chat with them?

11 years ago

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Tried to add to Steam, they never responded. The winners were banned here on SG but no longer. It's been over a week now.

I did send in a ticket to support on here to remove it from my account as if I never had it, but from what I hear will probably take awhile.

11 years ago

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Any other suggestions as to what I am able to do?

Or just wait until support is able to get to my ticket & remove the GA before I can put up on here?

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by TrickyNick77.