It's getting ridiculous...
I've blocked 5 people on Steam today, of which 3 had the Joker from Batman as their avatar.

They all came with that lame story of "Hey my friend wants to trade with you but his list is full, so click here <insert scam site> to trade him."

I'm not even a trader!
What the hell are these? Bots?

Is there a way to prevent this crap? :T
Thanks in advance!

10 years ago*

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I was have got the same about 1 hour ago :/

10 years ago

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yes, those are most likely bots

no, there's no way to prevent this, unless you stop trading (most of those accounts tend to add you if you bump a thread on a trading site) and don't accept random friend requests

make sure to report them to Valve, using the report function on their Steam profile

10 years ago

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But I don't trade...
I've only traded like 3 or 4 times during summer sale, cards for cards.

And, alright, I'll report them. Thanks.

10 years ago

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Sure there is an easy way to fix this, sell all the crap they are trying to scam from you, all I have in my inventory is a copy of gunmonkeys I can't give away (I tried) and I have yet to get one of these scam invites

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Never had one, so it has to be related to a website you visit.
Like Dopefish said, they often come from trading forums (TF2 Outpost, for example). But in your case, if as you claim, you never trade... Then I have no idea why.

10 years ago

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Yeah, the only few trades I did were only on Steam groups.

10 years ago

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Ah, maybe you have a friend who got hijacked by a phisher. Dunno. :P

10 years ago

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Bots, i receive it all days, 500 guys per month.

10 years ago

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Joker?! Don't worry amigo, i te protegeré!

10 years ago

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if anyone sees a guy named doctor medo or jasonss this guy is a total scammer

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by StrikeRaid.