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"You can't enter giveaways for games you already have, and even if you could, it's not allowe"
Thought so, and makes sense that it wouldn't be allowed
"Your wins should be activated on your account only"
Knew that, just was curious if this was an exception (Suspected it wasn't, and in hindsight should've mentioned that in the post and title. I added it, but I can guarantee that people will think I added it after I found out, not because I forgot to mention it...)
"You're probably getting blacklisted to oblivion by now, so you wouldn't be able to enter for your friend anyway"
What do you mean?
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When you are blacklisted by a person, you will not be able to enter their giveaways. They won't be able to enter your giveaways either. This can be reversed by them removing you from their blacklist (it is not permanent).
People blacklist for different reasons. Although you might have good intentions and do not fully know the rules here, some people might dislike the fact that you didn't read the rules and research before posting, so they would blacklist you.
You can check if a person blacklisted you by going to their profile and trying to open any of their giveaways. If you are blacklisted, you will get an error message stating it.
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And, I did read the rules and research, but I just like to double check. Not to mention I interpret things differently than most people do, on everything!
So, I read the rules, and got (mostly) the same thing from it as the majority of people (probally) did. It's a shame that some people will go after someone because of slight differences in thought proceses...
Ah well, thanks!
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"You're probably getting blacklisted to oblivion by now, so you wouldn't be able to enter for your friend anyway"
What do you mean?
Welcome to SteamGifts, blacklists mean you can't enter the GAs of the user that blacklisted you, and they can't enter yours. Dw about them, they're given out by people like free candy for literally any reason.
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I knew what blacklists where, I was confused about the "to oblivion" part (:
Also, (From what I can tell via research and context), "DW" means "don't worry". If so, thanks for the sentiment!
If not, what does it mean in that context?
Though, come to think of it, why do people "hand it away like candy", if it will also negativly effect them, since now they can't enter your giveaways?
Eh, humans are weird
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"DW" means "don't worry"
Correct :)
Though, come to think of it, why do people "hand it away like candy", if it will also negativly effect them, since now they can't enter your giveaways?
Your own response is entirely correct haha. Some people just really like to "punish" anyone that doesn't 100% allign with their views or even mildly annoys them.
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Correct :)
Great! Love it when I guess correctly about human society! (Doesn't happen much. My rock is very secure!)
Your own response is entirely correct haha.
Yeah, one of the few times that I am not happy I am correct about humanity, but I have known that fact for years!
Some people just really like to "punish" anyone that doesn't 100% allign with their views or even mildly annoys them.
Yup! Even if it punishes themselves as much, if not moreso! I mean, look at social media. You can tell by looking at the comments just how sensitive people are. It's just depressing, really
come to think of it, what happens if a person blacklists someone who whitelisted them? Or if you try to whitelist someone who blacklisted you?
Edit: come to think of it though, sometimes that "prevents you from entering their giveaways" is good. For instance, if most of their giveaways are "shovelware"... it could be nice to preven them from showing up!
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Absolutely nothing interesting! ๐ Both parties still lose access to each other's giveaways, BL always supersede WL.
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Too true, had been inactive for a while, New there was something around the 85-90% discount mark for games being classified as bundled/ free Regardless if they where free or bundled before. Since I couldn't find it back in the FAQ or search I made a topic to get clarification.
People where helpful but I also got 5 free blacklists shrugs .
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huh. When was that?
Also, I joined a bunch of giveaways a few days ago. A person said "hope bots waste their points here!". I asked what he meant, and it turns out those games where "shovelware". I Just went through all my selected giveaways, and removed all of those, and hid them. Guess what? Of all my hidden games, all of them are from that user...
I thanked the person who warned me (I mean, one of those games was 99.99! To be fair, I didin't notice when I signed up, but looking at the description it seems like it might be worth 2 dollars...), and mentioned that all the games I hid so far where from him! Will probally get me blacklisted (kinda a shame. He has some real gems there), but that's the price of the truth at times! (sadly)
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If the winner does not activate the game on their Steam account that is connected here, there is no way for anyone to know where the game key went. The winner could have sold it or traded it. If that rule is removed, there will be a lot of people just entering for games they don't want for themselves, but to profit off the generosity of others here. That is the reason that all games won here must be activated on your connected Steam account or you will receive a suspension.
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i didn't even know you could enter for games you already had on your account and people can check if they wanted before they even send the key (if less than 50 copies) and can report people who go against the rules here - and that could get you in trouble and maybe kick off the site
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You can't (I was 98% sure you couldn't when I posted this, but after a few comments, I know with 100% certanty you can't)
And, yeah, makes sense it could get you kicked. I wouldn't have done this unless it was close to an anmbiguas "yes". It is a, literally, ambiguas no (:
So, yeah, this question is now as much philisophical (Is this moral), as it is a rule-based question! (Main reason I haven't closed this thread. I like philosophy :)
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oh i thought that was automatically the rule it did - cool
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well, the only way around those issues are pretty difficult (Such as constant syncing, which consumes bandwith like crazy. Or syncing every time you join a giveaway, once again really resource-intensive. With the DLC's, same thing).
So, they had to choose the "lesser of 2 evils"... (I, personally, hide DLC's of games I don't own. But, that's just me)
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I think it was already implemented that you can only enter dlc for games you owned....
Because All the dlc I see pass by is for games I own, never for something I don't
Regarding syncing true. Just wanted to point out the exceptions since you stated you can't,
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So, I get why you can't enter givaways for other people. But, let's say I have a friend who I want to get a specific game for for their birthday. Is it, then, okay to enter it (even if I have that game... so might be an issue there), and gift it to them, as my plan was to buy that game as a gift?
I mean, in this case I'm not using the giveaway to enter a giveaway for them, I'm entering it for me, but with the intent of giving it to them...
What would you say that is?
Just wondering, thanks!
P.S. I suspected (before any comments even) that the answer was a hard and fast "NO", just wanted to double check (:
P.P.S. I realize (now) that people probally won't believe my PS, but, ah well
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