The last of Us was OK. It really didn't deserve all the hype it got though.
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I also don't really like the Last of Us, never got why people liked the story so much, it was pretty obvious what would happen the hole time. Sure better than most shooter, so maybe for a shooter it's an above average story but nothing special really.
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I personally disagree, was not all about the story, it was about everything, mainly about the graphics imo, but also the developement of the game as you proceed in it is AMAZING, there is a lot of fucked up things you dont expect, and i played it in hard, and the survival/stealth skills necessary in order to completion certain mission was very cool . Also the gameplay was great, the evolution of relations created in-game was also captivating, i mean, i only have one bad thing to say about the game:
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Its the journey that makes it great, I personally enjoyed it
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Last of us story is a rather generic one, with that said, ive seen this wasteland plot countless times in movies and very few were able to accomplish half of what Naughty Dog did.
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bad rats actually does seem interesting to me but only to play it as a time killer
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I love the ending of ME3 (with Director's Cut DLC though). Oh, and I liked Dragon Age 2 more than Dragon Age Origins. And I totally enjoyed Watch_Dogs, it was worth every penny I've paid for it.
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And dude. They are the best.
Well, I love M&B:Warband. All my friends tell me that I have bad taste in gaming for it though. Also, I hate politics and the said friends think Im ignorant for this too. What else. I think thats it?
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um dude sorry to inform you but both Blonde and Blond are correct. M&W is ace though, you have a good taste.
update: nvm figured the blonde thing
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Oh, my apologies then :)
Thanks for that too! Haha I really can't wait for the new one to come out. I've been following Taleworlds forums religiously.
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Where's the woman in this photo? I can only see a plastic toy...
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well I understand that guys would find that girl pretty, but she's the kind of girl I'd never talk to (and vica versa though haha)
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Yeah she kinda is. Looking back that was a bad example to lead with. ;D
I followed up with a picture of Hayden Panettiere though. Shazam gorgeous! :D
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I also liked dubstep before it was popular but still like it (it's more like electronic then anything else now)
I don't agree with this worlds morals (violence, sex before marriage, pornography, drugs, drunkenness, idolatry, abortions, killings, blood transfusions, gays etc.)
I don't believe in evolution or the "big bang" but believe in the bible
I really don't like violence or cursing in video games, tv, media, or movies (especially when there is no reason to have that in there)
I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses and love to serve my creator (Jehovah)
I believe in the hope of the resurrection on a perfect paradise earth
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Well... that blood transfusion thing confused my until you mentioned that you're a Jehovahs witness.
But if you don't mind, can you please tell me WHY you think that blood transfusions are bad? They safe lives, after all.
(I don't wanna start a major discussion, just curious.)
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I think blood transfusions are bad because in the bible it says blood is sacred and you must not eat blood (which would also apply to putting it into your body using different ways, like injecting it).
Leviticus 17:14 says: “You must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh, because the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood. Anyone eating it will be cut off.”
For more scriptures and to see an article of my belief: | Article on blood transfusions
Also they are now moving to bloodless surgeries to avoid the risk of transfusions (things can go wrong like your body rejecting the blood).
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Ok 'hovah, if you come to some random house as you people usually do, and the owner of the house pokes you with a knife a few times and you bleed massively, dying, would you or would you not refuse transfusion??? Of course it would save your life, but having to live with that alien blood in you would be far worse, am i right? You filthy sinner you!
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That's fucked up. You know that religions are great for controlling masses, and starting wars, etc. Well, from what you said, JW seem to be a nice little controlling bunch.
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No really, you remind me of a bee, is kinda funny.
Bees are social animals like us, we have a lot in common. Many humans societies act in the same organized way, but unlike bees many people don't fit in a strictly structured world.
You're lucky enough to be able to follow a religion and feel happy about it.
But other guys need to have it their way, even if it looks wrong for you. Just let them do things the "wrong" way and face the consequences, if any, you don't need to save them.
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DUDE! I fell asleep during the Matrix too! :D
That movie was just THAT boring!
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Disliking the Matrix may be unpopular, but it is widely believed that Keanu Reeves is a horrible actor.
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I don't think that's actually an unpopular opinion; Reeves' is often the butt of many jokes about wooden acting in many forms of media. I do agree with you, but I think his woodenness helped in a few roles:Point Break, Bill and Ted, and Dracula. In all those films he came across as utterly clueless, a dupe, and mostly naive. It works for him.
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i think religions should be banned from earth, maybe not a unpopular opinion
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Completely agree with this one. They do nothing but harm.
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I LOVED Hellgate:London. I played it for several months maybe. Yes it had its flaws, but I loved this game nevertheless. It was my dream came true - I always wanted an FPS game with hordes of enemies like Serious Sam but with Diablo-loke RPG mechanics like leveling up, collecting loot, many slots of items you can equip etc. I always wanted a fast-paced fun FPS Diablo and I finally got it.
What I dream of now is something similiar but with modern graphics, physics and all that kind of stuff, Hellgate is terribly outdated.
Too bad I didn't like Borderlands that much though I played it a lot too. Just one active skill, the only items you can equip are a weapon and a grenade mod, no huge hordes of enemies etc... Maybe one day my dream will come true again and someone will finally make something similiar. Sigh.
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Not really, Journey it's an "art-game" even The Stanley Parable could be consider an "art-game" Gone Home on the other hand it's just boring and a very cheap easy-to-write unoriginal story :v
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•I dont like blondes too :D
•I like listening to Jehovah's Witnesses even when i am not even thinking about changing my believes
•I HATE Mmos and Moba games, i just cant get fun from them (less a very little bit from some MMO but it doesnt last long)
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May I ask why you like listening to them even though you aren't considering their beliefs? I would invite them into my home and have long discussions with them this past summer--After doing a lot of research on my own I came to the conclusion their central beliefs are faulty (this is apart from all the bad press they get for being a cult).
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Because is interesting know what other people beliefs, i have no "real" religion, i am agnostic, so i like to understand all i can
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I could actually add that to my list too. I'm agnostic as well and highly unlikely to be swayed by anything anyone says, but I really enjoy hearing and understanding different beliefs. I still feel that allowing everyone to believe what they want/need to is important and constantly calling people out on how "stupid" their religion sounds is a terribly rude thing to do. Although I'm not religious myself, I can understand how important those beliefs are to the people who hold them.
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Not that i remember but sure it was in more than one of the magazines (i dont know how to spell it on english) but i prefer listening directly to them, it is really intersting
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I've never played a well written Rockstar game. Grand Theft Auto 3, 4, San Andreas, and Red Dead Redemption were all embarrassing any time a cut scene popped up and my girlfriend was in the room. Childishly cynical and professionally misogynistic rehashes of what they saw at the movies that weekend.
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I don't care about most AAA games, especially FPS games, and am more excited about winning a $2 DLC for a Paradox game than I would be winning BL:Prequel, COD, MOH, or whatever acronym is the FPS flavor-of-the-month.
I don't really care about watching The Classic Doctor Who, I've seen enough. I like the Fourth Doctor well enough but would honestly rather re-watch Doctors 9-11 for the third time than watch any more Classic Who.
I don't tolerate racism, homophobia, sexism, and classism, and don't really tolerate those who accept these things, especially if it's based on religious reasons.I find it aggravating that at this point in human history we still see these things on a daily basis, so institutionalized most people don't even realize it is happening.
I dislike anime, with very few exceptions, and most of those are merely byproducts of nostalgia.
I don't like The Walking Dead tv show, though I still read the graphic novels as I did before the show ever aired, and will continue reading.
I don't like dubstep, and never have. I don't like a lot of modern pop music frankly, and I don't mean just the Top 40, I mean pop in the sense of Popular music which is much more wide-ranging in its genre classifications.
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"I don't tolerate racism, homophobia, sexism, and classism, and don't really tolerate those who accept these things, especially if it's based on religious reasons.I find it aggravating that at this point in human history we still see these things on a daily basis, so institutionalized most people don't even realize it is happening."
That's not an unpopular opinion is it?
Honestly I don't think any of yours are really that unpopular.
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"I don't tolerate racism, homophobia, sexism, and classism, and don't really tolerate those who accept these things, especially if it's based on religious reasons.I find it aggravating that at this point in human history we still see these things on a daily basis, so institutionalized most people don't even realize it is happening.
That's not an unpopular opinion is it?
Honestly I don't think any of yours are really that unpopular."
1.You must live in a utopian society fairy-world then where we don't have fundamentalist religious people influencing world politics. Please send a unicorn to my house to pick me up!
2.I'd say well over half the kids who use this site love anime, look at how many avatars feature characters.
3.Most people like some form of popular music whether it's dubstep, pop music, or what deceptively gets called metal, rock, and rap these days.
4.Most AAA games are expensive because they know people are gullible and will pay upwards of $40 to own the latest title on release day, hence how popular pre-release prices are, even if half the games that release aren't fully complete.
6.As for Doctor Who, YMMV on how much you agree or disagree, but most Whovians I know would consider my opinion near blasphemy.
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BoI Rebirth (although I still want it) will probably turn out to be too identical to the first one.
TF2 Is not a very fun game.
Although GMod probably is won't change this because it has become a part of its game I think it should fix the damn accuracy/recoil of weapons.
L4D2 gets boring quickly after finishing the whole story and playing a bit of the vs modes.
FC3 was a great game in the end but it took a turn for the worse when entering the second island (don't wanna spoil exactly what I mean).
Guild Wars (the first one) is probably still one of my favorite MMORPGs - only problem is there are so few players now.
BattleBlock Theatre requires too many gems to be able to buy all the heads...
Indie Game The Movie has a DLC? Wtf.
I think Cowboy Bebop is overrated and only 5 or so episodes are done well. It has good music but as a whole it wasn't great.
I also think FLCL has way too much shit going in, it turned out stupid in the end (I know it's supposed to be a kind of stupid funny and tell a "story" but it was crap).
NGE wasn't too great either.. I didn't end up liking any of the characters, most of them were actually rather annoying with how they acted. It didn't have the best story either.
Cloverfield sucked.
Paranormal Activity movies are stupid.
Most "scary" movies are stupid.
Gravity was too slow and not entertaining.
I'll stop for now, I'm sure there are more I could come up with.
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i liked cloverfield when it came out because of the marketing strategy and the suspense i had of it while watching it in theaters. at second watching it's really not a great movie
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you loved prometheus but cloverfield can suck balls? tell me why
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ok, just wanted to know. do you know about the marketing thing they did? didn't like that too? i thought that was really genius, using the internet and the hype for it is a nice idea in my opinion. and i saw it right when it came out and had only the short trailer as info, so for me first watching was really nice, cause i wanted to know from what they are running.
at second watching i totally agree with you, not a great plot and so on
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No, i actually dont know the marketing they did, show me please, im curious
But what made me watch the movie was the trailer, and imo it completely fooled me, i dont know if the problem was mine or the trailer itself, but the trailer was not relevant about being a movie in first person, all the shots that showed was all random and seemed like a 'normal movie' , i dont know if you are getting at what im trying to make clear
I don't like to fooled, hated 47 ronin because of that, Rick Genest was in it, posters, trailer, made people think that he was an important character etc AND HE FUCKING APPEARED IN THE MOVIE 4 SECONDS WHUT
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i know what you mean. if i had thought it wasn't shot from first persons view and had seen it then i would have feeled fooled too i think. i hope i didn't make too many gramma mistakes in there ^^
when i remember correctly this was the only trailer they released a year or something before the movie started. that was all, no more info. as you can think forums went crazy about it, and me too :) so the marketing was doing no marketing, that was a nice move of them in my opinion.
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Cowboy Bebop has good music...Good music? well that's an understatement
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"BattleBlock Theatre requires too many gems to be able to buy all the heads..."
so true, but there is a way to circumvent it
here's a tip: to save on gem costs, trade away all your heads to a friend you can trust (if you cannot find anyone, maybe a multi account), then buy them;
they're cheaper if you have less in your inventory
I recommend buying one set (square, cylinder, triangle, circle) at a time then trading it away to hold, but just be careful, when you're one head away from completion (as in every single head of each set except the last one) trade every single head back to your account then buy the last one. it may be expensive as heck but at least you'll get the achievement for buying ALL THE HEADS ;)
also, buying one set at a time prevents you from buying heads that you already have. it will of course get progressively more expensive the more you buy, but then again you can only save so much anyways
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Every opinion is unpopular depending on who you ask.
There is LITERALLY, nothing you can say that you wont find at least a couple people to agree with you on.
A ton of people hate dubstep, a ton of people also like dubstep.
Tons of people hate blondes and love blondes.
No fucking clue who Anita Sarskeesian is, but Im sure a lot of people agree with you and disagree with you.
Paying full price on something isn't an opinion. FAIL
A FUCK ton of people enjoy EA games, even people that dont buy EA games due to their stupid DRM, (same for uplay)
Again, a FUCK ton of people enjoy Beth games, they wouldnt be racking in money if they didnt.
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Posting pics of yourself for likes and stuff like that is retarded.
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Even if it's not for likes or call the attention, i still hate it, idk why...
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Prometheus is a good movie, borderlands2 is mediocre at best, Terrence Malick movies are completely unrelatable and unwatchable and Dream theater is awfully cheesy.
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i find it to be a very linear game. Also i dont know if its just me but all enemies seem to appear just so you have something to shoot at, it seems that they don't inhabit in that planet, in a open world game this usually destroys immersion
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29,168 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by FranckCastle
Let's express a few unpopular opinions to make some people cringe! (gaming and non-gaming related, well mostly gaming) I updated the list because I have nothing better to do in the gloomy Aberdeen at 22:05 in the evening.
I hate dubstep, actually I listened to dubstep before it was cool. It was just a random underground UK electronic music genre, not particularly well-liked back then. Real dubstep I think what became of dubstep sucks.
I don't like blonde girls, dunno it's just not my thing.
I didn't like Half Life 2 and the Mass Effect games. They were a bit cheesy and uninteresting for me.
I actually enjoyed (and still enjoy) Post Apocaliptic Mayhem
I think Anita Sarskeesian has some valid points, and although her show has it's flaws it's still a welcome initiative.
In my opinion bundles hurt the gaming industry, they hurt it bad.
I actually pay full price for the (few) games I like.
I actually like EA games, they contributed hugely to the gaming industry and even if they mess up sometimes they still reserve recognition for that (same for Uplay)
I like that Bethesda games sometimes come out stupidly dumb, and feature less (FO3, FONV, TES games) because they give the implementation of features to the modders, and they make the game much much better anyway.
I think MOBAs and MMORPGs are dumb, and for me gaming is still not a social activity. (like reading a book isn't social either)
I like the community of L4D2, never had a problem with them. (even strangers)
I think under 18 we shouldn't sell coffee and energy drinks.
I like Gone Home, Dear Esther (one of my favorites) and basically all walking simulators.
I have no problem with gay people and lesbians whatever, but for some reasons I just can't get to like transvestites.
I think people shouldn't eat meat at all
I think cannabis isn't a drug (there I said it)
I think alcohol is the worst mainstream drug one can have. (Still, I couldn't say no to a nice old-fashioned George Dickel)
I think Hamas and Palestine should stop bombing Israel (whooaah dude but Israel is the REAL terrorist, fuck jews (khm I mean zionists!) -- probably the most unpopular opinion ever
I think communism is a pretty cool concept
I hate anime and I don't understand why people like it.
I think some costume girly movies are kinda cool (BBC Pride and Prejudice, Atonement etc)
I hated 47 Ronin so bad that I stopped watching movies for two months after seeing it.
I think Buddhism has one of the best philosophies I've seen in a religion (with Sufism (a sect of Islam) a close second)
I think art (classical music, poetry, literature altogether, theater, painting) is dead and humanity just lost one of the most important part of its heritage
I don't like Friends, Big Bang Theory or How I Met Your Mother, I think Community and Arrested Development are the best series ever.
I haven't seen any of the Star Wars movies and I don't think I will ever watch them.
I thought LOTR was a bit boring.
Anyway let's hear some unpopular opinions guys! Knock yourselves out :)
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