i only mentioned it so soon as so people don't come back and say they would've joined had they known soon
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Its fixed now, but in cart 599 I posted the issue as well, other users where so kind to point out my mistake.
But in short:
I copied the template from this thread but didnt remove the "" that was inbetween the ()
Making the chosen word linking back to the same page you where on regardless what link I put in between the brakets.
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oh ok good to note - i thought i'd done it from 1st to 31st before but ok guess i was a little bit later before
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i think looking at my last two trains it is ok if the time on the 31st is before the time on the 1st when the cart is made so if i make it at 6am i can have it go to the 31st as long as it is before 6am
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That makes sense because that is technically less than 30 days of time.
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Let me fix something:
**Cart #xxx**
<<< [Previous]("previous link") ||| [BUMP](https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/jZXr2/3rd-annual-xmas-community-train-starts-1st-december) ||| [Next]("next link") >>>
"optional text by creator"
To appear as code, you need to enclose the code between these accents -> `
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thanks like i said anything at all is ok but yes i'd love it to maybe get towards 1000 carts
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Just a quick update before i get asked - YES you can add region locked games as long as you know the correct region locks - please do NOT put region locks on games that don't have them and if your unsure please ask here in the thread first to avoid mistakes
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update: i will be starting with an un- bundled game (i just bought today) - any guesses?
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Faery Legends of Avalon, maybe? Was personally thinking of getting it, so that's my first guess.
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sorry but i don't know that game
edit: looks like it was bundled in 2016
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no worries saw it was bundled before on barter (which is where i take and get most my info from) so if cart one ends up having been bundled before blame them (lol)
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I am sorry to add 3rd year in a row but i think it's important:
For december we already have the Christmas event with boxes (and better chances to win) and the advent calendar. We just finished our community train like a month or two ago.
I'm not sure this is the right time for yet another train.
I appreciate your enthusiasm though.
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i will add that you don't have to join but i am still going to go ahead with it since i have plenty of games and dlc saved up be a shame not to use some of them you can just stop by and say hi and feel free to simply enter for some of the carts
i am aware of the boxes and i do also contribute to the event as well
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With all due respect having a bunch saved up keys is not really a good argument when my point is this is not in the right time.
You can still use your keys in the existing events and create a train in the off-season when nothing really is going on - like february.
It feels like the regular donors just being milked/extrorted for yet another reason.
I hope you don't mind me being honest.
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i don't mind at all and i never ever said that anyone has to give to this train (like add a cart/giveaway) - i do understand the idea of a off - season one but since i already started telling (letting people know rather than begging) about the train a fair few are very interested in this and unlike most trains of similar fashion (like the one from September you mentioned that i put around 100 carts into) - i have no restrictions in what people can add so all the lower end keys are mostly what i want - i want it to be a good way to get rid of all those common games and dlc that they have no other use for
i never wanted this to be a reason for people to go out and spend £££+ on brand new keys - if people do this it would be up to them , i am grateful to everything and anything - i do hope we can get to around 1000+ carts this time but time will tell i guess - i hope you drop by and enter for some games when it starts :)
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I'm with the MJnose. Don't like it (have stored enough points), feel free to skip ;)
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Is there any reason to exclude inventory gifts/direct gifting?
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no i don't really understand it and has many restrictions but if you can safely gift it to the winner then sure it be ok
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not that you might care but i added in the first two links so you can get past mine
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Can I have cart 39? Edit: Just want that cart because the number is in the game's title.
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i can't reserve but if you make it now - minus the links you have a better chance to be able to add it when the time comes
also i will see if who ever takes 39 is ok to swap
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bumping - in the hope of some more giveaways getting added
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Friendly Warning:
Public Service Announcement
If you're thinking you might create some giveaways for this train from the Jingle Jam... be aware that those keys are supposed to be redeemed by December 31, and this train doesn't end until December 31 (and then winners have 7 days to redeem).
Thank you again for another great year of Steam Gifts
From all the awesome mods to the great people behind the new magazine and beyond
This place keeps growing from strength to strength and while not prefect it is still a place
to come and feel safe and enjoy gaming and friendship
This is where I come in again with my 3rd annual x-mas community train
(we know problems around using the word X-MAS have come up because not everybody has Christmas
but i chose to keep it the same as not to confuse people - if there is strong objection i'll change it)
Here for reference is links to the first to trains I ran:
Train 1 - https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/IIini/community-xmas-train-feel-free-to-join-we-need-more-giveaways-to-be-able-to-continue-thanks
Train 2 - https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/GFu5J/xmas-community-thread-train-2-happy-holidays-enjoy-the-spirit-of-giving
I show these not to brag about what happened before but to inspire and show what kind of games/dlc people included before
Now as i say this you might have seen others do trains and they show the rules of the train and carts (each giveaway linked)
and while this is more of a very super relaxed train there are still rules:
The Rules:
Rule 1 - Must be a Steam key (obvious but i thought i'd say it anyway)
Rule 2 - Level 3 maximum (to allow more people to enter but feel safe in their items going to real accounts)
Rule 3 - Must be invite only (so only people who see this thread can enter the giveaways)
Rule 4 - Important to not start you cart before the 1st of December and ends on 31st of December (anytime that day is fine) but it needs to last the month
Now that I have said this all what do I allow to be part of this train:
Everything and yes everything like the rules say as long as it is a Steam key
That means:
Free games (games given away at places like gleem)
DLC (of any kind it does not matter if you or anyone is giving away the base game)
Games currently in bundles
Games un-bundled
Your own games (as kinda a promotion)
games costing 1p to enter or 50p to enter (or even the rare 0p) or anything in-between
it doesn't matter if it gives full CV, part CV or no CV at all
Also I should say it doesn't matter for two points (which i had brought up to me in the former years trains)
1 - No it doesn't matter if someone is already giving away the game in the train - it doesn't matter if it's already given 1 time or 101 time it is ok to post
2 - If you have multi - copies of the same game they can be in the same giveaway or different giveaways (both are ok)
Here is the code for easy cart linking:
Cart #xxx
<<< [Previous]( "previous link" ) ||| BUMP ||| [Next]( "next link" ) >>>
"optional text by creator"
If you need help with linking just ask - also please put the number of the cart because like other years I am going to try
to do them A.S.A.P in blocks of 10 carts
oh and I didn't know where to say this but yes you can make as many carts in one go as you want or spread them out over the month (like I will be doing)
I do also know many of you participate in other Christmas events included CG'S wonderful box/present event (i also add to that) so feel free to save your best for those events and send me the junk carts (joke nothing is truly junk if somebody wants it)
I am posting this early this time so it might be included in to the SG magazine and to let people know to save up giveaways to be able to take part
Thanks and please ask any questions you might have
I will be taking the first cart and any that start before December 1st or end before 31st December (of course i ll take in to count time zones) or are high than level 3 will NOT be allowed (sorry)
All are welcome to join and please remember to have fun and if you can't or don't want to add any carts a bump is also needed to let more people know about this and (I know this is a lol coming from myself) please, please, please enter some giveaways this only works if carts get people ride on them
Thanks again and let's make the train and 2024 - even better
Please and this is important do NOT make fun or bully anyone for the carts they choose to add/donate to the train (if this is found I will de -link your carts and black list you)
This is to be friendly event for the season of giving
Here is cart 1 - https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/Fi53g/
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