Should I do it?
Oh, I don't know... sounds like they might be more familiar with Steamgifts than me... I could make a mistake and try to give away the game inside a puzzle for example... Hide a link somewhere and then people don't see it... This guy seems more experienced with this :p
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Do not ask users or developers for keys or gifts, whether in comments, chat, or outside the site
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If you're asking in an unrelated context, say for a single key for your own use then even if site support can prove it they can't action it. That line is referencing purely in the context of obtaining keys to giveaway here.
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I asked a friend to buy me a game once and said I'd pay him later (and did), I wonder if I'm banned from using the site? =)
But yes like EggShen said it seems pretty clear they mean about asking for keys to giveaway here, which IS a disgusting practice
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If support banned this user. they'd have to ban all the giveaway groups who essentially do the same thing.
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I'd give him 50 made up keys and let him deal with the consequences.
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Here's a database already waiting for you - xD
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I wonder, if he really sent those keys, if the mail sender would "verify" some XD
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Say it was a test of his good faith, and he failed it. You'd totally generate 49 legitimate keys for him once you knew he wasn't just fishing for keys for himself. Ask him to promise not to activate keys for himself again, and do the same thing.
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Yes though it will first try to use the key in question. You still cannot check to see if a key is used without trying, but ASF does provide more info than the default.
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heres another way, give him legit keys revoke unused keys before the giveaway ends
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haha You've quickly risen up the list of my favourite developers.
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sounds like one of the mails the admin of the original traders group sent out a while ago.
and to be honest, if games cant get greenlit without "promotions" like that, they probably shouldnt be on greenlight in the first place.
stuff like this is the only reason why steam was flooded with trash in 2015 and especially 2016.
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if you really wanted to help dev without intention of getting personal gain you could just tell dev about SG and let him make GA himself. Even if he don't meet requirements if he told he wants to make fetured GA for his game he'd get dev account withoiut meeting 100$ non-bundle criteria 9in past there's been dev accounts with 0 or 1 games on them making GAs on SG).
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I know who it is! It's that level 10 guy who has that shiny white van!
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Not if they're written on little strips of paper :-p
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T-then who are u? why are u in this van as well?
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Really scummy thing to do. Even though a user doesn't get 100% CV after the 5th copy, giving away in massive amounts still generates considerable CV. I remember that guy who made the 25000 copy GA of some game a few years ago, and he straightaway shot to level 10 with the SGv2.
I'd say don't deal with him but you already happen to have a "surprise" brewing for him, so good luck!
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The CV is less than you think for larger scale giveaways. For example, if you're gifting a $10 game...
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Thanks for the lunch time read :D. Though I still recommend making a support ticket to get his butt booted from the site. Dev keys are usually a grey area but this case seems to be clear cut to me.
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As a member of Charitable Losers, I feel something should be done in the group as well...
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I see his membership there is what really strikes us as a sore point. Dev key beggars are nothing new around here, but that kind of exploit seems to turn many morality compasses towards an alarm bell. (And now try to disassemble that metaphor… =D)
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I've passed the matter on to Delta and he'll make the final call.
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I've already passed the matter on to Delta and he'll make the final call. I may be a mod, but I'm mostly inactive and it would be bad form for me to make a call on a matter like this. The above is just my personal view on the matter, though I should probably state that I'm generally fine with dev sponsored giveaways so long as their is a clear benefit to all parties involved. If he was willing to do a review/video or was part of a curator group, this wouldn't be much of an issue for me, though I know many here do not share the same sentiment.
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Thanks a lot indeed for the update. I am in no position to make assumptions, so I won't do. I am sure Delta will take the matter into his own hands and decide for the best, whatever his choice will be.
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How do you find out who previously gave away a particular game? Or did you just search inside that group's history and happen to find the person there?
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Also, only one of those 2 giveaways has 15,239 entries, like it says in the email
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It is. I don't give many fucks about begging for dev keys as long as they are for promotion only. I actually like some of the guys doing promo work for smaller studios here (even though ironically I have sent out more Artifex Mundi keys than the official Canadian representative, but I guess it will change eventually).
But this guy also won USD 2,000 worth of games, over USD 1,300 worth of unbundled ones, many of those from high levels or from the Charitable Losers group giveaways. And apparently the only charitable thing in him is the amount of time he put in entering as many groups with high giveaway amounts as possible.
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Funny...I was just considering whether to blacklist him the other day, smelling a rat.
Plot twist: I just corrected my failure to do so.
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I had decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and didn't BL. So I just corrected my failure to BL.
When possible, I say things in confusing ways.
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I guess it's a language thing. I'd say I failed to blacklist him. I corrected my failure to BL him by BL'ing him. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[Edit: If I had failed not to BL him, it would be like I was trying not to BL him, but in the end I couldn't stop myself, so I ended up BL'ing him.]
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Off topic but how the hell is your Steam profile blue? o_o
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Ah, possibly. What makes some users blue then? I've never seen it until today.
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That's neat, but for some reason it doesn't work for me. After changing something and hitting "Save", I get redirected to the "Sign into using your Steam account" page, and upon signing in, I am redirected to my profile page, on which the change wasn't applied.
I tried a dozen times trying different things but nothing worked. Any ideas why?
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Yep, I checked thoroughly and tried both "save" buttons. Still nothing. Maybe my version of ES is messed up.
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ES profile changes take a while to show up. Yours is blue atm for me.
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Argh, what the hell. I don't see it on my own profile, and yet I can see it on other's. :(
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I had some weird issues with ES a while ago. I cleared all cookies related to steam and fixed it.
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When ES starts ot act up on me, I usually just click on "Clear cached data" in the Enhanced Steam neu at the top of the page and it fixes itself.
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Tried that first along with reinstalling it. Didn't work for me.
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Well, it doesn't show for me, so there's that o_O
(I mean it's no different than any other user's - and I do have Enhanced Steam)
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Nope, definitely not orange o_O Seems like I'm doing something wrong indeed haha
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I don't even know where– what.
I probably don't have the latest version then.
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I just re-installed it and now it's completely broken haha. Awesome. -.-
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No, no, no. It's gone. It won't even appear on steam's page anymore. And yes, it is installed.
Whatever, I guess.
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Found the issue. I was still using firefox 42 for whatever reason and ES wasn't compatible with that.
The hell, firefox?
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Creator of ES dropped support for FireFox some time ago.
Now they develop only Chrome version, and you need newest FF version to be able to use it (I'm not IT-educated, but I think it's like FF can now use chrome "versions" of addons, so ES creator don't have to create two separate versions - one for FF and one for Chrome).
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Well, there is a version for firefox - thing here was that for whatever reason my firefox showed as "latest version" even though the latest version is 50 and I was still using 42?! So yeah, simply updating made it work again.
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Very, very few Russians can speak English with little to no mistakes. (And a few other nations as well, for that matter, but this guy is Russian.) Granted, those who do, can do it pretty damn well, to levels where they can even mostly drop the accent.
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I dunno if it's true, but Russian is also difficult for English speakers to learn apparently.
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English is a fucked up language and I say this as someone who studies English literature XD. Most native speakers cannot speak it perfectly so expecting non-natives to do so is a bit mean. The overall quality of the email is surprisingly good and it is rather easy to follow the logic throughout the text.
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As someone who is hired to write English documentation, I can safely say that this kind of work is specifically done mostly by people who are not native English speakers, because the natives actually have quite a poor grasp on their own language. And I am not talking about the typical hillbilly levels of dumb but even educated city people as well.
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I know what you mean. I wouldn't say that native speakers have a poor grasp, but rather that they have become accustomed to the nuances of the language. English is naturally very vague, which is unusual trait when compared to other languages. Without proper context and tone, the particular usage of certain words/phrases can have completely different meanings. This is why you can very easily have misunderstanding between peeps when fragments are taken out of context (i.e. Fuck Twitter).
I'll admit that my grammar is rarely on point and I have to go through various drafts/edits before I submit my work and even then a mistake can slip through :/. Helps that I have used to speaking with non-natives (I'm 1st gen Canadian) in everyday life so I know how to be as clear as possible, but it is not easy :/.
Fuck this messed up language.
Love the poetry it produces though :/.
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Heh, tell me about it. Actually taming the English language is a gargantuan task. My work is largely based on the Chicago Manual of Style, and when people see how thick the physical book is, which mostly consists of grammatical and writing rules to reach the goal of a uniform and regulated English… well, let's just say it can be surprising how many pages you can dedicate to the apparently complex topic of where to put a goddamn comma.
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Fuck Oxford commas :P.
I mostly use MLA format, which has gotten a lot more lazier with the new 8th edition :P. I actually prefer using Chicago Style since I find it more informative, but it doesn't relate to my field of study unless I digging through history/philosophy texts :/.
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Too lazy to care :D. Honestly, their new citation guidelines is "do what you want."
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In 10th grade we took an entire semester learning about what a comma is used for and how a comma is used. After a whole fucking semester most of the kids still didn't know how to use a comma.
A whole 4.5 months learning about a dot
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English is a fucked up language
While that is true, I still absolutely love the English language.
"The Chaos" by Gerard Nolst Trenité actually is my all-time favourite poem - because English is so messed up and irregular.
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Haven't been reading a lot of poetry lately (mostly Early American stuff lately) but I would recommend The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver by Edna St. Vincent-Milay or The Drunkard's Child by Frances Ellen Watkins. Word of warning, there is a good chance that you will cry at the end (if you are sensitive to this type of stuff).
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It's not a typical poem but rather a list of words that are spelled similarly, but pronounced completely differently from each other.
Thank you, I'll check them out! Also, thanks for the warning, I'm not, so it's all good :)
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a typical poem
No such thing. If you want to see confusing shit read e. e. cummings or Ezra Pound for the classic mind fuck and Christian Bök and bpNichol for new age mind fucks.
Read Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner if you hate life.
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Fair enough. Talking about mind fucks, have Morgenstern's "Das große Lalula".
(Hint: None of these 'words' even make sense)
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I know, right? :D Oh that's cool! I love stuff like that, honestly :3
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I am aware that a lot of native speakers don't know English very well. I have friends from UK and USA that have dreadful grammar and they don't even seem to know the difference between "than" and "then" or "your" and "you're".
While my English is not perfect, It's mind-boggling to me that there are native English speakers whose understanding of the English language is so inferior to mine; me being Croatian who didn't learn English in school but have instead learned it by playing games, watching movies and chatting with people online.
Anyway, like I said to talgaby: "If someone wants to promote something in English then that person should have near-perfect to perfect grasp of that language." The grammar in that e-mail is absolutely unacceptable.
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The conflict that you are pointing out is the disconnect between colloquial and formal English. English relies upon mutual assumed knowledge of the given context and tone. While this may work in casual conversation, this type of language can be extremely vague and difficult to understand when written down. The phrase "Go fuck yourself" can either be seen as a playful retort among friends or an angry exclamation between strangers, but you wouldn't know that when seeing it written down in absence of context. This is why many native English speakers can't write for shit. They are unaware of the difference and write in the manner in which the speak.
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They are unaware of the difference and write in the manner in which the speak.
Precisely. Writing is like singing in that most people think they can do it well.
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To be fair old chap do you have any idea how bad the French and German teachers are in England (main languages taught) ? Joking of course but we English are a lazy linguistic people who will have a shock the day we all need to speak mandarin to our new overlords.
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I agree. I take my hat off to anyone who learns my language, which makes it easier for me to communicate with more people. Some players get frustrated at a paid game with too many grammar mistakes and obviously overlooked an editing session. Still, in casual conversation, I congratulate and appreciate the multi-language competent, despite fluency flaws. It is really nice in Thailand to be able to speak with Germans, French, Swedes, Russian, and others who have adequate English skills.
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I'll have you know that my English is perfect... as long as you ignore the syntax, grammar, and vocabulary.
At the very least, I can avoid most word crimes,
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(Took a peak, it's a level 10 user with all the giveaways being 3-5-10-50 copies, even some 250... not gonna reveal their username, of course, but makes me sick when I see what some users are willing to do in order to "get free games" directly, or indirectly by gathering CV)
EDIT: I've masked the identity of this person for a reason, stop trying to go around it. They informed me that some users sent them hateful messages and that's not nice, please stop. You should set example for others, not degrade this fine community further.
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