Same. I bought the Zero Gear four-pack for jetta since he asked for it. He also said he wanted to give me something in return but I rejected that.
So then I try the game and I expected something horrible, but no, it's actually quite fun. By far one of the funnest racing games I've played in years. And yes, I do not like Mario Kart.
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Well, for me it was:
Just Cause 2, it's a lot more than i expected, it's just to awesome, i don't have a powerfull PC but i'm glad i can run this one at high settings =D
Binding of Issac is another game that surprised me, at first it was something like "meh it's a zelda clone" but after a while it's something incredible, also the DLC adds a whole new game
On consoles:
Gugnir (PSP) i love the dept heaven saga, and this game have a very good story, gameplay, effects, interface and everything
Ghost Trick (DS) This is another "i'll never gonna play this game" but i give it a try and it has some interesting twists, history, it's not the usual graphic adventure game
Mighty Switch Force (3DS) and finally this "little" game, it's my first game on the 3DS and... wow... it was more than i expected for a cheap game, and also i've got some DLC levels, so yeah, it was a really good choice for my first 3DS game (it was $3.99 USD)
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before i got it i didn't see any videos or gameplay, just screenshots and i didn't see anything special just another GTA clone, until i see the planes and it was "hey there's some planes on the game, maybe i'll play it sometime", but when i got it and played the first time i say "omg!!! O____O is that really the whole map and you can do ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!??????????", i didn't enjoy to much a sandbox game since Vice City and GTA3, this was more than i expected
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The Binding of Isaac. Some people may say it's just a flash game. I say they're stupid.
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Already have 15 hours in it, got it last week (Summer Sale).
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I agree, Saints Row: The Third is a solid game. I was expecting crude, poorly executed jokes that just made me roll my eyes (I.E Borderlands). Instead, I found a lot of it very funny. Certainly an enjoyable game that has some impressive voice acting.
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Costume Quest. I bought it, and Stacking, fully expecting some stupid experimental titles. Both set themselves APART.
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Only got stacking and I have to say that it was awesome! The theme and visual style of the game is great. Can get a little repetetive, but overall a great game. Wish I had grabbed costume quest as well but sale was over by the time I got around to that :(
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Oh! Good to know. I bought the double fine bundle during the sale. Actually Haven't played any of them, yet. Been too busying playing Dragon age: Origins, have over 50 hours of that so far.
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Costume Quest looks like an inane 'adventure' marketed to ten-year-olds... right up until the first fight. Then it calmly steals the awards for graphical excellence and elegant simplicity, and sends the previous titleholders to cry themselves to sleep in a corner somewhere.
Stacking is just nifty all-round. Each challenge has multiple possible solutions, you can ask the game for hints, and you're rewarded for finding every solution. You're also rewarded for goofing off (See Hi-Jinx).
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I would say dod:s and cs:s..
In the past they seems like SHIT to me but now they r kinda fun ^^
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I know Crusader Kings 2 got a lot of bashing in the regret thread, but come on it is fairly easy to see if this is a game you would enjoy or not. Too many people just buy stuff on sale without even looking at what their getting. I knew that this was a game I would probably enjoy.
But the surprise was that the game actually made me FEEL like a feudal lord! Having to plot for generations, making alliances, wriggling around to find a way to make war that would not make everyone hate me. In books and movies I always felt bad for the poor kids that were forced by their parents to marry for some alliance, etc. Wondering how their parents could be so cold, so cruel. In CK2 I don't even think twice about it, they SHALL do their duty!
There are games out there that claim that you get to be the bad guy bla bla bla. In CK2 I had my first born son assassinated since I saw that he was both cruel and stupid and would have made a horrible ruler.
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L4D2. I am terrified of the concept of zombies, but my friend wanted someone to play it with, so he got it for me when it was $5 last week. It's really fun. My first game, my friend told me to walk up to the witch and startle her since she was blocking our path and I had the lowest hp. I walked up to her and killed her in two shots without taking damage. I'm still not sure what happened.
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19 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by KjaerBeto
16,703 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by wigglenose
162 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Trancephyre
126 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Superefg
261 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by DaveFerret
48 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by wigglenose
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54 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Aoryl
43 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by kctan
81 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by tmznix
16,348 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by FFX2
We had a lot of "what game you regret" buying on the last week, possibly because the summer sale hangover, but there isn't only regret and self loathing post sales. We got a lot of incredible surprises and hours of fun in games that we aren't hyping too much, and I want you guys to share that good moments with me!
I bought borderlands expecting a poor's man fallout 3 with cartoonish graphics, but man, the game is surprisingly fun, spent a lot of time with my incendiary sniper rifle piercing bandits on the wasteland...
Same thing with bastion on the last sale, I was waiting for a artsy game and nothing more, but in the end I had fallen in love with the game and played it till the last achievement, truly a masterpiece for me.
And you guys, what games gave you more than you have asked for?
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