Okay guys, so yesterday i bought the Humble Indie Bundle X, but i buyed it 6 hours lately after release, because i dint sleep the whole night and i was like zombie, i was waiting for the bundle to launch, but suddenly i fall asleep in 20:00 (bundle was launced in 21:00 and dont know exactly when in the US launch, but this is the time in my country in Europe) right on my desk, and i woke up in 2:00 in the night, is this considered as early buying and will i get the bonus games releasing in the 2nd week ? I payed 1$ .

11 years ago*

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You have to beat the average to get the bonus games now. So you won't get the bonus games.
But you can go to your profile and increase your payment/donation to the price stated and get the bonus games.

11 years ago

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You need to beat the average price to get the bonus games.

11 years ago

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This. It doesn't matter when you buy it, as long as you beat the average.

11 years ago

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No, i once buyed the Origin bundle for 1$, and maybe before 1 month i have seen the extra games and i was "is this a glitch or something?" but people say this is for the Early Buyers. And i am talking about the games that they are releasing in the 2nd week

11 years ago

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They changed things

11 years ago

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Are you sure about this? If this is true it will be very dissapointing

11 years ago

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Yes, they changed the policy starting with Humble Indie Bundle 9 back in September if I remember correctly.

11 years ago

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Yes they did change it, you wont get more games for 1$.

11 years ago

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Yes, they changed that a few months ago.

Not really disappointing in my opinion. You still normally get a handful of games for a dollar. How can that be disappointing? What’s disappointing is the low averages of most game bundles :/

But as other has said, you can still increase your payment if you wish. But the average price locks to the average price at the time of your initial purchase. So it probably won’t be the average seen on the front page.

11 years ago

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"More games coming soon!
Pay more than the average of $5.44
to unlock them when they arrive!"

The term "Early Buyer" was once used for everybody who bought before the games were released. It used to be the way you wanted: pay more than 1$, receive the bonus games. Now, only for BTA on the moment you bought the game (later it can be more than you paid, but this doesn't matter). Now being early buyer doesn't change anything. BTW, you can still increase your payment and, if you reach the BTA with your increase, reach the new games (you can do this at any time before the end of the bundle)

11 years ago

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You can also increase your payment for an additional 30 days after the bundle ends to get the BTA games (only if it was not a gift purchase).

11 years ago

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Didn't know this! Glad to know :)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by kamengtaiv.