Just askin,
P.S. How to do clickies?

12 years ago*

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I had one on my elbow. Work injury. They had to go in with some scopes and also remove a bunch of muscle tissue. Knocked out and everything.


Are you having surgery?


12 years ago

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Nah, already had one, broke my hand, just askin for personal experiences. IMMA STALK YOU XD

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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You had surgery because you broke your hand? :S

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I went under three times because I munched my arm long boarding.
Also clickies [words] (link) Without the space

12 years ago

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Go to forums. Open top most sticky topic. Go into comment formating and read your brains out.

Does stiching your skin on finger so bone isn't on top count? ;)

12 years ago

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Yep, a surgical hernia treatment. Botched as fuck, couldn't train for three years and the loin's still acting suspicious under strain ;/

12 years ago

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MY right shoulder got fucked up and multiple specialists have said I'm fine. But it's almost constant pain... No cash left for doctors... FUCK :<

12 years ago

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There's a very special place in hell for careless doctors and people making bad shoes... I'm sure of it.

12 years ago

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Here's hoping. My friends brother was diagnosed with crohn's and one of his doctors was trying to say he was anorexic and tried to change his diet. lul

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I had myself removed from my appendix... or maybe the other way around?

12 years ago

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I had my appendix removed also.

12 years ago

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I had surgery on my wrists a few times because I broke them a lot when I was younger. I'd say around five times total; I also broke my left femur in half when I was two years old.

12 years ago

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Good Emperor. You sure it's not some kinda brittle bone disease at this point...or fapping too much? Also, breaking femurs is not something you do routinely, those bones are HARD.

12 years ago

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Yeah, I'm rather skinny and brittle I suppose. For my femur it was while my mother was in the bathroom. She always tells me the story for some reason... "I was in my parent's bedroom, on top of the blanket chest and next to the bed/bed framing... I enjoyed planes when I was younger, apparently, and there was a plane outside the window, so I stood up to look at it. I walked forward to get a better look and my leg fell in between the little opening between the blanket chest and the bed frame and I fell backwards or forwards at that point'. Then the femur just snapped and I was in a lower body cast for around seven months. I didn't need any metal plating or those 'nail' things they sometimes put in though, which is great at least.

12 years ago

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Yeah, I can imagine it happening like this. Still not much fun.

12 years ago

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It's not like I remember it; it would have been a lot worse if it was at an age I could remember. :P

12 years ago

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I had surgery on my foot. A concrete pillar fell on it and crushed it. This was in 2007. Still have a metal plate in the foot.

I also had lasik eye surgery which is by far the best thing I've ever done.

12 years ago

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When I was 16, I dis-placed my wrist while playing football. It was just a nasty fall thanks to some jackass and I had to undergo an operation that put two metal pins in my wrist to correctly re-align the fractured bones. Had to wear a cast for 6 weeks before the pins could be taken out. Would have been so much easier if I just broke my wrist lol.

12 years ago

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I've had a total of six or seven feet surgeries. I was so young when they started and it's been a long since the last one so I really can't remember for sure. I had a congenital condition on both my feet, and at the time the doctors didn't know how to fix it and sort of used me as a quinea pig. They ended up taking bone from my hip and implanting it in my feet with screws. I'd say when they removed the screws it was my seventh surgery but I'm not sure if that even counts since it was such a small surgery and I didn't even have to wear a cast. It's nice being able to walk properly.

I've also had appendicitis. I got hospitalised because of severe stomach pain but the doctors thought it was nothing serious. They ended up keeping me there for a couple of days before they agreed to take a peek inside just "to confirm there's nothing wrong". It was supposed to be just a minor surgery but it turned out my appendix had burst while I was in the hospital so in total I had to stay there for a week. I calaimed damages for mistreatment (abdominal cavity full of pus is no joke) and they paid me couple of hundred euros.

All this happenede before I turned 12, and fortunately I haven't been under the knife since.

12 years ago

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Nope. Once I almost had a surgery, which was a doctors mistake and didn't happen, because they realised it.

12 years ago

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I had once on my right knee but wasn't something serious (topic anesthesia).
For clickies you can do this [ Description ].(http://yourlink.com)
Just remove the dot "." in the middle and you're set :)

12 years ago

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I was circumcised.

12 years ago

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I don't think that counts as surgery...

12 years ago

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ye no anesthesia, no information just AAAAAAAAH my weenie!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

12 years ago

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I had double, so 2 cuts. 5 years. Got up on the O.R. With doctors all around and cables with sensors attached to my body. Luckily I'm myopic and decided to close the eyes, don't remember if said "I'm conscious". Just didn't want to watch.

With years I discovered that was the only day I saw truth and matrix is real.

12 years ago

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It happens again.. PROTEST

12 years ago

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I've had quite a few of them, though my most recent one was Kyphoplasty. They basically drilled a hole into my vertebrae, inserted a metal rod with a balloon attached to it, inflated said balloon a bit, and then filled that up with bone cement. Thankfully it has helped quite a bit with the pain in my lower back, and has also added a lot of stability as well.

I had several of them done during that procedure, and I'll probably have it done again to fix a few shoddy vertebrae in my upper back and neck area. I've been saving a couple of really special games in my backlog for when that happens, so I can have something to do during my bed rest. Mass Effect and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. :) And I'm hoping that Art Rage 4 goes on sale before then, so I can have an art tool to play with too.

12 years ago

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I've had a friend that complained of pain and restricted movements after a similar procedure on his vertebrae but also another that didn't have it affect him much and has resumed dancing since,so I was wondering whether the pain you're still experiencing(?) bearable?

12 years ago

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I've had 3 surgeries. 1 of appendicitis and 2 of Pilonidal Cyst.

12 years ago

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Austin Bunyonectomy on my left foot.

To do clicks

[What you want to say] (http://www.insertlink.com)

Note: Make sure there's no space between the brackets and parenthesis, I just made a space because it would've shown up as a click and you wouldn't have been able to see.

12 years ago

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I can tell that you're Asian from the way you posed this question. "Has any of you had a surgery?" I'm half Filipino, and everyone on my mother's side speaks exactly the same way. ;) Good day to you, fellow Pacific Islander.

12 years ago

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ooooooooo BUSTED.

12 years ago

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Hey, I'm proud to be Indonesian :D

12 years ago

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Yes. They cut my head.

12 years ago

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Did they implant a microchip as part of a secret brain control program?

12 years ago

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Surgery in my jaw several times :) My teeth are pretty much just thrown in there, so I've had a lot of stuff done to both them and my jaw. And for someone who doesn't like to put stuff in my mouth other then food's and stuff (No, no dirty jokes here), it's not fun to be needing that kind of surgery at all :P

12 years ago

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I've had 2 shoulder reconstructions and one bone graft on the same shoulder. Having the surgery is fine it's the recovery time that sucks.

12 years ago

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Yes, wisdom teeth extraction

12 years ago

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Knee twice, wrist, and back. All hockey related injuries, all minor though, thankfully.

12 years ago

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On my eye when I was 3. Then my wisdoms when I was 22.

12 years ago

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Do never ever break your wrists! t
They tend to annoy you for the rest of your life! Had surgery on my left wrist and I can only bend it for about half as before.

12 years ago

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Struggled with distended radiocarpal ligament. Sounds scary, uh?

12 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by ZekentJR.