I've got two tattoos on my forearm and wrist, but I don't recall seeing them in my dreams; there's only been one time where I've been aware that I was dreaming, but nothing in particular triggered it from what I remember, it just happened once and never again :/ Maybe you'll have better luck with seeing yours if you get one though!
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I never paid attention to it but I don't think I ever had my tattoos in my dreams, no.
Keep us updated if the reality checks work out for you. I only once got in control of a dream but woke up from the excitement. I would claim that my dreams changed in structure and complexity tho ever since I read about lucid dreaming.
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You can make a RC with your fingers only. form a square or triangle or whatever and look at it every few hours.
In your dream your fingers will look different. This worked for me , but nothing special happened in my dream.
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I need to try that. Sounds like a weak trigger though, if I get it right I need to convince myself that my fingers are always in a triangle shape and when I see my fingers in the dream, not forming the triangle shape, it will give me that moment of realization?
I heard telling yourself every hour "i'm awake! i'm awake! i'm awake" is another method - I just tend to forget doing that...
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I think forming the shape and concentrating on it is to train your brain to automatically do it when yor asleep like the "i´m awake" method. So you "remember" it and then you realize sth is wrong maybe xD
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i have dozens of tattoos. but i never see me in my dreams, or at least i dont recall myself.
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More than 40% of my body is inked.
And I don't dream about it.
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Most of the dream I remember are like FPS view , I don't see my body.
I remember being shot and waking up with the pain, if you want another funny subject :p
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From what I read the first person view is the most common one to dream in but you still see your arms and legs when doing something with them or not? But I totally understand not focussing on them, I wear wristbands for years (from festivals, so I can't take them off.. well until I get new ones and cut off the old ones) but I couldn't answer the question whether or not I see them until I did research on lucid dreaming - since I've never thought about seeing them. If someone's interested: yes, I see them, which is why I need something else to trigger awareness xD
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I don't have tattoos on my forearms, so if I'm fully clothe with a t-shirt you can barely see the tattoos I have on my arms (they stop on the elbow).
And I don't recall seeing my arms and legs anyway :/
Sorry :p
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I tend to change between being different people in most of my dreams, or at least the ones that I remember with more than a "holy hells that dream was weird even by my standards... wait, what was it again?" almost always makes sense during the dreams though
but on the odd occasion when I am myself in a dream I don't tend to notice, or at least don't remember, any identifying features one way or another
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Wow I've never been someone else in my dreams, it almost sounds like a dream of someone who suffers from dissociative identity disorder (not trying to offend you but it would make sense, doesnt it?).
But I'm pretty sure everyone had these type of dreams in which everything changed quickly, it felt normal while dreaming but after getting up, it just didn't make sense at all..
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I have two theories. one is that it's connected to how I often imagine myself as different people in order to get perspective for stuff I'm writing, resulting in my imagination developing the habit
my second theory is simply that dreams are bloody weird
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Other theories that came to my mind are that you either want to be someone else, pretending to be someone you are not or some sort of buddhism, any chance you believe in it? I could also imagine someone who's transgender dreams about being someone else but heck, it all sounds so freaky and crazy and I'm neither a psychologist nor try to hurt you but it's so interesting to find theories, really :3 As you said, it could even be something simple as having your mind gone too much in writing (not even in a bad way) just that you think a lot about it and it can reflect that in your dreams.
I only remember that I was a videogame character once, but I was still myself just locked up in a game which was pretty scary might be related to me playing Pony Island hahaha
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Can't say it's ever happened to me, though I don't sleep much.
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No need for tattoo, there are better ways.
E.g. if you wear glasses, you could check if they're on your nose, or close better eye and see if you can see clearly with the worse one - in a dream, you'll see clearly.
If you wear a watch, you could try to check time, etc. It's basically finding an object that is not you, that you carry with you most of the time, and you can easily check if you still have it.
There are also universal ways - my favourite one. Close your nose and try to breath. You'll be able to, always, in a dream.
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Hm I do wear glasses and the problem is I also see them in my dreams.. At least I remember some dreams about them, for example me losing or cleaning them. Didn't think about checking if I can see without them in my dreams but if I reach a certain level of lucid dreaming I want to check that for sure, good idea :3
If I'm closing my nose to check if I'm dreaming, I'm already aware of that I could be possibly dreaming. Which is why a visual trigger works better in the beginning I'd say since I'm hoping to get that "wtf"-moment when I look at something that I know for sure is different in reality.
Often enough I've been aware of being in a dream but I couldn't control it and it was more like watching a movie.
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Well, nose trick works for me always. Remember that reality check only works if you do it often enough (in real life) that it can trigger in a dream. If you start doing nose trick every 2-3 hours, and you somehow memorize to do that without reminder - it will work always.
Choosing proper reality check depends mostly what you consider appropriate to do on daily basis. Checking if you can breath through your nose closed takes less than a second to check, and close to none effort, that's why I like it.
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I think part of the goal of reality checks is to get you to consider whether or not you're dreaming throughout the day, so you want to do something deliberate to check if you're dreaming multiple times a day. Once you get in the habit of doing reality checks during the day, you're more likely to remember to do them when you're dreaming.
The one I'd first heard and I've used a few times is to just try reading something, looking away, and reading it again and seeing if it changed.
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Me too, for some reason I can only remember really bad nightmares and love dreams (neither of which occurs very often).
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I have been mostly unable to remember my dreams since before I was even a teenager, so for me it doesn't really matter I think... In my early college years I slept longer than I do now, didn't really notice any difference. I also have a cat now that wakes me up whenever he feels like it, so that's not helping either.
I don't really mind all that much, apart from the fact that it makes acquiring a skill like lucid dreaming hella difficult :)
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This is because sleeping longer increases number of REM cycles, as well as their duration, while getting interrupted makes it easier to stay awake / remember the dreams, due to immediate switch from awake -> REM, and not going through non-REM stages.
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there's different states though. i'm pretty often lucid as in knowing i'm dreaming but i miss out on the point of where i can control it and do whatever i want. and i hope to be able to achieve the awareness of the capacity to make decisions beside the other "requirements" in order to experience crazy stuff
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I always thought they might assist in lucid dreaming, but I never seem to notice them in my dreams. I find that looking at clocks works well.
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The times I tried this I already knew I was dreaming because of something illogical happening or triggering some kind of uneazyness. Some people told me that I should find a "token" like in Inception but my response was wtf, How I'm gonna remember/care in a dream? I mean, there a lot of things happening so it's kinda hard to focus in an object linking to this realm. Like I'm in the middle of a combat and I freeze and say to everyone "stop, I got to check if I got my token in me" wtf.
The most difficult part for me in this kind of experience was trying to stay in the dream enduring what was happening while trying to mold it without been sucked away to the sheets in my bed. I think if you dedicate enough and you put energy before sleeping you wouldn't need a tattoo or a reminder. But all this stuff I wrote doesn't answer your question so I say to myself "fuck off".
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I'm having the same problem. Knowing you are in a dream is one thing, but the awareness of other factors is a huge part of lucid dreaming. A reminder is to help reaching that state along with meditation that I'm trying to start doing soon and other techniques that I read about (going to bed, setting the alarm to 4-5 hours, getting up, staying up for a bit and relaxing in bed again without falling asleep to soon, then concentrating and "letting go", as far as I remember).
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In my experience I achieved lucidity through meditation training. The alarm thing to try to breakdown the rem stages wasn't a thing I even tried because of fear. I don't want to artificially mess up with my sleep cycle; just by itself it changes and varies so I think it's something delicate; if something wakes me up through the night I prefer that it isn't something that I induced. But, in favor of this "method", a lot of times I was waken by X event in the night/morning (a sound, dogs barking, urge to pee etc.) and if I carefully tried not to shake me up (I don't know exactly how to express this: think it like if you try to not be entirely wide awake like you're during the day, so it's easy to doze off) and I got to sleep again I would usually enter at least a strong vivid dream, with some kind of lucidity, not entirely controlling, but living it very vividly. So I casually hit a rem stage (or pre rem, don't remember the exact order exactly) sometimes. So, this alarm clock approach is surely more methodical, but I don't know, for me it messes with something delicate.
While I certainly wasn't trying "too" hard to achieve lucidity I did my "homework" which consisted in meditate maybe three nights a week just before sleeping or being actually conscious and decided that I wanted to control my dreams, and also writing down what I remembered I dreamed. This exercises didn't give immediate results but instead, along time, maybe two weeks later, or something like that, I started to recognize I was dreaming and slowly I gained some control. This wasn't every night, and along time passed and I stopped meditating this maybe happened once a month. So, surely with constant practice you will achieve more.
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That awkward moment when you are from childhood (mostly) "friends" with lucid dreams and do not understand why people are so interested in this, and come up with all sorts of strange ways to learn this. But seriously, I once helped a book, which I was reading at all easy to realize dreams, manage and memorize them later.
But in anticipation of the question that it was for the book - apparently at the behest of fate, I do not remember neither her name nor the author. Absolutely nothing.
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Have done some research on lucid dreaming myself. Also have been able to control my dreams a couple of times, but more often it's just the awareness of dreaming more than actually controlling the events. I do no recall seeing my tattoo in my dream ever, and it's in a clearly visible spot.
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I had reoccurring nightmares about the Ring (watched that movie when i was about 8, wasn't a good idea...), and after researching lucid dreaming, anytime i saw the girl or the DVD or anything related to it i could wake myself up. I also manage to be aware of the dream i'm having sometimes and control what i do in the dream consciously and therefore trying to affect the outcome of the dream/where it is headed. However, i have not managed to suddenly start flying off or anything (for some reason it always is really hard to control and therefore wakes me up).
Anyhow to answer your original question: go get that tattoo you really love, but it won't have any affect/help your lucid dreaming experiences according to what I've read so far and have experienced myself.
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This also happened to me, after researching lucidity I gained strength for waking me up during nightmares. But, boy, sometimes the dream really suck you down and you are really fighting to get off!! And maybe if you I did wake up and I quickly dozed to sleep again sometimes I would end right again into the nightmare :s
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I don't have a tattoo but I will say that I stopped doing lucid dreaming after a bout of sleep paralysis, which was one of the worst experiences of my life.
Just be careful if you want to try it, or at least make yourself aware of what might happen so you can try to calm yourself down if it happens to you.
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i dont have tatoos myself but i have been lucid dreaming for a whie now and know a but of how sleep/dreams work and everything. I guess if you are really aware of the tatoo you will see it in your dreams. like for example if you have a tatoo on your back that you recently got because you think it looks nice you wont really think about it and in your dreams might "forget" it and not see it but if its a tatoo you got as symbol for someone beloved one that died for example and have it on your hand where you see it all the time and think of it then you will surely see it in your dream. also when you get a new tatoo the first few weeks/months you will probably not see it in your dreams because its new and still "not really part of you" like if you look at the mirror you will say "no wait thats not me, i dont have such a tatoo... oh wait yes i do". on a little sidenote i have some bithmarks. i mean i know i have them but if you asked me where i would have to look first and go sure and i dont remember seeing any of them ever in a dream before. also there are many "easy" ways to understand that you are in a dream. you dont have to get a tatoo for it or paint a dot on yourself :P looking into the mirror is a nice way to see it. Like you can say at 2PM you will go and look at the mirror everyday and after looking at it you look at the time again. that way you get a double check since one you look at the time and shortly after you look at it again and if its a huge difference in time you know you are dreaming and looking at the mirror helps a lot too because you wont always see youurself in it. just a little warning you might see some weird things and actually wake up from it. Also i dont have much of problem going lucid because my dreams are always weird. like in one dream im falling through the ground and ending up in school (clearly just a dream, no reality) or in the other one i was together with internet friends hanging out (clearly just a dream since they are like on the other side of earth) or once i was in school while it was dark outside (dream again since i actually never stayed longer than 2-3 PM in it XD). you just have to learn to question every single small thing like "what time is it and is it normal to be here and do what i do at that time?" or "is it possible that that happens?". also many people change a lot the place while dreaming. like now they are at home talking to their family and then next second they are in school taking classes and after the class ends they are at their friends house with nothing in between like no going to school or the friends house. sorry for the huge wall of text and i hope i helped a bit at least XD
little edit since the wall of text wasnt wally enough XD : what also helps me a lot is while i lie in bed before i fall asleep i think about a dream that i had already or "create" a dream (like im thinking of a story and trying to imagine it as if i was in a dream) and like when im "already dreaming" before actually falling asleep i still have my consciousness though and its as if im in lucid mode already and its much easier to control everything then.
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I've always been pretty interested in dreams, the meaning of them and how to influence them.
Recently I digged a little deeper and read a lot about Lucid Dreaming and one thing that seems to make the whole "process" easier is to do a reality check.
It was often mentioned that something like a dot you draw on your hand can be a good indicator of you being awake, while it's not there in a dream. Since I don't want to paint my body all the time and want to get a tattoo for a long time anyways, I was wondering:
Do you see the tattoos you have in your dreams? Maybe you never noticed or didn't think about it but I'm pretty curious about your experiences :)
Of course I used Google before asking here and found this on reddit but it lacks a bit of replies. Looks like it sure can be used for a RC but depends on the shape of the tattoo? Maybe even the amount of time since you got the tattoo (and being aware of it, subconsciously)?
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