1) What's the harderst game you beat in your gaming career, and the longest?
longest MultiVersus 530 hours to 100% achievements
hardest, i dont recall at the moment. Indivisible??? had some crazy hard bosses and platforming at the very end. every single jump would be some 7 thing combo where you couldn't miss anything
2) Is there a game you give up to 100%? If yes, which one and why?
Awesomenauts. those last few take ages!!!! and the game died so no way to do it now..... i came back to the game every few years to play more. such a shame its dead now
3) What's your meaning of "completionist"? Just beating the game or achieving all the achievements in it?
i count a game as compete when i uninstall it.
if i enjoyed the game and it gives you a NEW extra thing at the end to help you 100% i will often go for full achievements.
but if its now go find every last crumb i usually bail after finishing the story and grabbing all the easter egg/FUN achievements
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also have 100% of them in tf2. wish i didnt.... had about 40% with 300 hours and went on a community server where you could type some/give all command and it would give you every achievement + all the in game items to go with it. HATS, for all the poor hatless players. all i wanted was some hats. thought it would only give me the ones with items...... now no way to earn any of them
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I have played Awesomenaust a lot, but haven't gotten all the achievements.
I am not an achievement hunter at all, but I have checked all the game's achievements right now. That must take some time to be finished ...
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since the game severs shut down its impossible.... they are still selling al the dlc tho, even if you cant use it
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1) What's the hardest game you beat in your gaming career, and the longest?
(you wrote hardest wrong!)
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Oops, edited, thanks for it!
I didn't know Chronescher, it looks cool tho!
I agree about games with no sense achievements, I've an example for it in my library: Keebles. The game was not bad, I finished it (all levels with full stars and best time) in like 20 hours, and for the last achivements I've to play and spam the same thing for like 30 more hours of nothing, just for farming.
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Chronescher is a great game, was really fun but also very hard for me and since there is no guide/walkthrough, unless you get lucky and find a level you are stuck at somewhere online, you will stay stuck, so if you ever decide to play the game and manage to 100% it, add me and help me! lol!
But yeah, if achievements add stuff to the game, like exploring extra stuff, get one for finishing certain parts just as a 'way to go' or other interesting stuff, fine, but when it's just to add playtime and annoyance but not much else I wish these would stop! I do try to get them but some are just not worth it anymore and just add frustration to me, same as those hardcore, no death, speedrun, etc. ones that I will try if I think I can do it, else I will just try to ignore them ^^
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I play games for fun in the first place, therefore I get achievements while it's still fun.
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I fluctuate between wanting to be a completionist/100% achievement guy and just wanting to play games with no achievements. That said:
1) The original Demon's Souls PS3 had achievements tied to RNG and grind as well as world tendency and other wild stuff. I love that game and the series it spawned but some of those weapon trophies took an age to get the materials for and I had to do an extra NG+ cycle because I missed one thing to do with world tendency one time... Compared to some games it didn't take that long, just frustrating.
2) I've just gone back to it, but Monster Hunter World (and Iceborne), mainly for the gold crown achievements. I'm BACK IN but I don't know whether I can stomach it or not. I just wanted to play more MHW and this was a good excuse.
3) Completionist, to me, is doing everything interesting within the actual parameters of the game - achievements/trophies as meaningless (but usually fun!) digital records are secondary. I will throw my hands up and say I have used SAM on some of my Steam games where I have 100%'d them on PSN or Xbox to make the achievements match (I have never used it to trigger anything I've not achieved on a platform), and that really throws things into perspective. Achievements/trophies are best when they are fun to achieve and add to the game experience, not if they are frustrating and artificially add to the playtime.
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Another fair use of SAM in my opinion is when a game has bugged achievements you should have to 100% the game but you can't have them.
I'm not a big fan of Souls Games (for the stamina), but about Monster Hunter it's a very cool game, I've a lot of friends who has it and probably I will buy it one day!
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I don't bother with games that are TO difficult to 100%, if I finish a game and see there's just a few missing achievements I will try and get it, if it's to much of a bother I just ignore it haha.
I gave up on 100%ing the Attack On Titan game, played about 35 hours, got all the achievements apart from 2. 1 being for completing the gallery, which requires you to create 1 of each type of equipment at each level, and the achievement for getting all the other achievements.
To get that last achievement I would need to grind resources for about 20 hours... so f that haha
Oh and Mad Max as well, got all the achievements apart from 1, after I finished the game and all the side content I noticed the missing achievements, and it requires me to do all these stupid little challenges in the game, there's a BUNCH of them, and at that stage I just couldn't be bothered haha.
Generally I just do all of the content I can in one play through, if I finish all the games contents and side contents then I'm happy to see it as "I completed this game" , and won't bother with achievements unless if it's not to much a pain to 100%
Some achievements are just ass, like "A Story About My Uncle" all the achievements are challenges really, so I finished the game and didn't get a single achievement haha.
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I am a 50/50 person.
I really love achievements in games, and I think a game without achievements always lacks that little extra spice. However, I play whatever.
Now, I say I'm 50/50 because I will get all the achievements as long as I consider it viable. Otherwise, I quit and play something else. Some games involve you playing multiple times to get them, and I usually prefer to move on to something else. I would only highlight Graveyard Keeper. Actually I'm missing 3 achievements out of 125 I think. But I lost one without realizing it and it requires me to start over. At some point I will. So it isn't complete yet.
Of the games that I have completed 100%, I don't think I can highlight anything. They weren't that difficult, maybe just tedious. For example: there is a freebie that is not among my completed games: "Hidden Lands". It's a game of finding differences. It's cute, but repetitive. The achievements are few, but I had to play 500 levels to get the last achievement.
Edit to finish answering.
There are several games I abandoned without all the achievements. But there is one that I wanted to complete because it is one of my favorites: Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition. Unfortunately I suck at landing blows and doing combos.
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I watched some gameplay about Graveyard Keeper, that's a really cool game, and good job about Hidden Lands! :)
I've never played a Batman game, and I've only Batman Arkham Ciry GOTY edition in my library. Is it good as Asylum if you played it?
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Sorry for the late answer.
I have Batman Arkham City GOTY, but I haven't tried it yet. Yes, I have heard, as Grafh19 said, that it is more tedious to obtain all the achievements... something related to Riddle's puzzles.
By the way Happy New Year! :D
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I finally got 100% on Batman Arkham Asylum this year, don't think I did it when I first played it on my Xbox 360 years ago but was finally able to do it on steam, just won Batman Arkham City on here and I'm trying to 100% that game now, way harder than Asylum but I think it might be doable
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Someone told about Batman Arkham City's achievements being a pain. Something related to Riddle.
How cool you have all Batman Arkham Asylum's achievements! What do you think about it? Too harsh?
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Batman Arkham Asylum isn't too bad, some are hard to get but honestly it's doable, I'm struggling on Arkham City, got all the riddler trophies but yea the challenges are pretty brutal, you got to do them all as Batman, then Catwoman and then Robin and Nightwing, it's pretty hard but I'm chipping away at it little by little. At least the game is amazing so I don't mind, it's a little bit of a grind but it's still fun.
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Monster Prom was probably the worst I think... since you need to get every single little interaction in the game. You need so many tools and spreadsheets to keep track of where you are.
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1) What's the hardest game you beat in your gaming career, and the longest?
2) Is there a game you give up to 100%? If yes, which one and why?
3) What's your meaning of "completionist"? Just beating the game or achieving all the achievements in it?
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Hardest to 100% was Rabbit Hole 3D: Steam Edition. I teamed up with another achievement maniac like me ad we divided game stages between us (50/50) and each of us made txt file with step by step isntruction for each stage. I took 1st, he took 2nd and so on. Last achievement was to beat whole game in one run - so we took our instructions, glued them together and put next to screen, and then followed them to get whole playthrough.
It was fucking tiring. This game opened my eyes when it comes to achievement hunting - if it's no fun, its pointless.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut - because it's actually 3 games glued together. Also I almost completed it with online save... And then it broke xD And there is no way to recover save from server... so for 100% completion achievement I hat do complete game from the beginning second time xD And yeah - save broke at about 99% of completion. It broke literally at door to last boss battle xD
First game I gave up to 100% was "140". I beat about half of it and decided that it's not the king of game that I enjoy. Literally learn stage by heart and execute with 100% accuracy to beat. Just no. After that I started to abandon more and more games. If they are not fun, then why bother?
Completed means 100% of achievements or seeing all content. Beaten means - seeing ending screen. At least for me.
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1) Longest game to 100% is Bloons TD 6 with over 850 hours of gameplay, it was not the hardest but the one required the most grinding.
Hardest game to 100% had to be ReignMaker, it is a Match-3 Puzzle game with some extreme difficulty and unfairness that requires lots of retries to beat several bosses.
2) Recently I've given up on VVVVVVV because of how ridiculously hard and unfair it is. I'd like to complete other games in my library first and then come back to it... 5-10 years later maybe?
3) I've always been a completionist even before Steam days, and I think being a completionist makes you appreciate the game more in its every flaw and every aspect. I'm extremely picky when it comes to buying games or joining giveaways, so almost all of the games I complete are things I mostly like. If you can replay a game with different characters, or on harder difficulties with different endings, I feel like I get my money's worth.
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I'd have to say viva pinata. Its not a hard game to do or even complete but back when I played it we didn't really have any access to google or anything. So it was basically completing the game and then working out what could possibly be one of the secret achievements. I mean I'm looking at the list now and there's some you won't get without knowledge before hand
I've pretty much given up on 100% Orange juice. I had it 100% until the co-op achievements hit. I don't like the mode so I basically avoided the game since. Every now and then I'll unlock a few achievements but I don't even keep up with the dlcs anymore
For completion its always 100% achievements. Anything else is beaten. I mean there's many games that can be classed with completed even without achievements but unless its like a visual novel I probably won't bother doing all that. Or I'm never gonna look back and remember that yeah I did everything.
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The longest game I have 100% achievements in, there are actually 2 I would like to mention and while not particularly hard, Monster Hunter World and The Binding of Isaac both took me almost 1000 hours each to complete. If you played BoI you know the Character achieves and collecting every item can be a slog. Monster Hunter as well with crown hunting, going into the hunt measuring the monster you are hunting then finish the hunt 15-20 minutes later and its a silver crown is so frustrating. The hardest game being Halo MCC, months and months of learning strats and shortcuts for the hardest difficulty, LASO, for all 6 games and finding a partner who is also willing to go through it so you aren't forced to restart the entire level if you die. I would rather do anything else than play Halo 2 LASO a second time.
While I try not to fully drop a game because of a hard achievement, I see it as taking a break and coming back to it later. However there is one game that I am dreading to go back to and its actually Middle-earth Shadow of Mordor. If there is one thing I hate more than anything as an achievement hunter is a speedrun or timed achievement. While I was able to do the 1 hour challenge, the 45 minute DLC challenge, to me, is a nightmare, and I cant seem to get everything done in such short amount of time so I might have put it on indefinite hiatus.
IMO being a completionist is getting all the achievement, but first playthroughs I usually take my time and enjoy the story and have fun. Only after a main campaign is done I will clean up other achievements or do a replay to 100% using a guide to find the secrets I missed. With that criteria I'm more of a casual completionist.
PS. Good Guy Nick achievement in Left for Dead can die in a fire.
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Holy moly, I played a lot The Binding of Isaac on Ps4. You are a legend. And it's the same for me about speedrunning something for achievements, I hate it. Even in TBOI I reset every run without Mama Mega to got every Boss Rush/The Hush hahah.
And yes, I just give up on Letf 4 Dead. My friend gifted me the game to play with him, but it's so fking hard, and what achievement has no sense...
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Binding of Isaac is one of my favorite games. I love the replay ability it has and its addicting 'one more run' kind of gameplay. When i stopped playing after a while I would get urges to just hop into Isaac and do a quick run. I was actually thinking of going back and completing the 2nd file, but thinking about playing Characters I don't like, such as Jacob and Esau or the Lost and his counterpart, I just said naw. lol
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1) What's the hardest game you beat in your gaming career, and the longest?
2) Is there a game you give up to 100%? If yes, which one and why?
3) What's your meaning of "completionist"? Just beating the game or achieving all the achievements in it?
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I don't consider myself to be a completionist at all, I wouldn't even call myself an achievement hunter, maybe an occasional achievement enthusiast would better describe me as a player.
1) What's the hardest game you beat in your gaming career, and the longest?
Longest? Faerie Solitaire Remastered. It's not much of a question since I can simply check on steam that I played it for over 30 hours, it isn't my most played game in general tho. It also wasn't particularly hard to complete, it just took a while because I was earnestly trying to get through all the content the game had to offer and just sort of getting the achievements along the way (I was grieving and using the game to distract me, that's why I went through both the original & remastered + the mobile port).
Hardest? I guess FEZ, I remember having a hard time completing that one with how obscure some of the puzzles were. If we include games I finished but not completed then it has to be Electronic Super Joy, I can clearly remember that game's difficulty getting downright absurd towards the end, and its sequels are even worse so I wasn't even able to finish those (the games are good tho, just unreasonably hard).
2) Is there a game you give up to 100%? If yes, which one and why?
Too many to count... or more accurately too many to remember since I usually drop a game when I stop enjoying it, I'd rather walk away with an unfinished game but a good experience than force myself to finish it and end up hating it.
But if you want titles I can provide a few: Brütal Legend (fuck that final boss), TrackMania² Canyon (the last two cups are way beyond my skill ceiling), Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair (I'm convinced this game doesn't even expect most players to beat it given the way it's structured), Riff Racer (love this game but the grind for the last achievement is kinda absurd, and then the game's servers shut down), Batman: Arkham Knight (nice game but a bit of an unbalanced mess so as soon as I reached "an" ending I jumped ship), Celeste (I value my sanity. B sides are evil, post-game looks like madness from what I've seen online). Mind you, these are all games I truly really liked, the ones I disliked I would have never even tried completing/finishing.
3) What's your meaning of "completionist"? Just beating the game or achieving all the achievements in it?
As far as I'm concerned "completionist" implies exhausting all content, that includes every single achievement and optional challenge. But I'm pretty sure that many, if not most, games aren't designed to be played that way.
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FEZ is probably one of the best puzzle-platformers I've ever played, the puzzles can get a tad ludicrous tho so I had to use a guide in order to hunt down the last few secrets, from what I remember some of the puzzles had to be solved by entire forums throwing ideas around and even data-mining the game's files.
I'll never forgive Phil Fish for cancelling FEZ 2 over some twitter drama, a rare case where I love a game but kinda hate its creator.
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1) What's the hardest game you beat in your gaming career, and the longest?
Hardest had to be Bioshock infinite, 2 words, BLUE RIBBONS. My longest was mad max though it wasn't hard just a bit tedious, I did like the game even tough it was tedious
2) Is there a game you give up to 100%? If yes, which one and why?
SCP:SL, after 365 hours I decided to retire after the only server I liked closed down, and the last achievement was unobtainable as it is basically just bugged. It says you need to cuff an MTF as D-class or something by that, might come back to the game who knows
3) What's your meaning of "completionist"? Just beating the game or achieving all the achievements in it?
Completionist to me is doing everything possible in the game either all steam achievements, and/or when there's an in-game tracker detailing what needs to be done and giving you that % symbol. I only 100% games that hold a special place in my heart such as the far cry series (just New Dawn, 6 and 2 left!) and the Assassin's creed series which I am yet to begin, but one day...Or basically any game I genuinely have fun in which I find rare these days
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That's very sad, I hate online achievements. I saw a lot of developers "fixing" their achievements where a server goes offline or where no one is playing anymore (like Little Racers Street). Everyone should do that, playing 365 hours and missing one achievements for this is so sad...
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oh no I must have worded it wrong, I lost motivation for the game after a server I played on closed down (servers are mostly community run other than the 6 officials), there are others but they're not as fun, and that achievement is just a glitched part of the main game itself not that the game closed down.
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SCP:SL is like a big sandbox type game, every match is a new experience, either you escape the facility and become D-class -> Chaos insurgency or a scientist to -> MTF, or be the scps, it's a fun game and I've had my moments but it does require a decent PC as its optimization is on the...eh side, but to answer you're question no I didn't lose anything it's a round reset type game, new round new start, new chances.
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1) The hardest was probably dark souls 3. I suck at this kind of games. And the longest... Arkham City thanks to Riddle.
2) Just like Zoomer I tried to 100% SCP SL, but it was night impossible almost three years ago(Got exhausted trying to get those achievements ,mostly because they weren't firing up when I was doing them)
3) This one is kind of 50/50 depending on the game. For example for games with multiplayer achievements, I'll not touch that side most of the times so finishing the game will be more than enough for me. But then there are games like for example : Spirit of The Island, a decent game by my standards, but with a runescape like grinding levels to get some of the achievements.
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SCP fan nice!, honestly it is a fun game and I know they've added/reworked a ton so I might come back, and honestly all the achievements take some form of luck and time so they could basically all come in one day if you're lucky enough, hope you had fun with it though!
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HAHAHA, it's not that its hard to 100% , but by God, did they had to put so many of Riddle's little things in the game?
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Hardest was horizon shift due to how bad the gameplay is and how bad it is optimized, longest is binary domain since you need to grind in mp.
Many. Data hacker corruption because i cant find a way to beat a certain area without grinding a lot of hours in data hacker initiation since you cant save there despite the game saying that you can, serin fate because it forces you on getting that 1% rng in certain condition to fish in a certain area to get a fish (it is not even a fishing game)n japanese romaji adventure which still somehow doesnt grant its achievement after i finish the game (i assume it just force you to buy the dlc for it now), topdee and toodee since it forces you to finish all levels without dying in one go, and many other games with dlc that i dont have
It is for beating the game and doing every content that i know.
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1) What's the hardest game you beat in your gaming career, and the longest?
According to hours, its probably slay the spire, it took the longest to do 100% but on the other hand it was so enjoyable that it didn't feel long and I did breaks in between so it did take a lot of years. Its probably not the hardest to be fair I just took my time.
2) Is there a game you give up to 100%? If yes, which one and why?
Many unfortunately. Some games simply take it to the next level to get to 100% which feels impossible. To name two, hollow knight (only 1achievement missing the dreaded p5), and Celeste (c sides and moon berry are just insane). It is what it is. Not for all humans. Many games can fall in this category sadly. It frustrates me but I have accepted it.
3) What's your meaning of "completionist"? Just beating the game or achieving all the achievements in it?
Achieving all achievements of course. I do it when I can, but a good number of games is impossible to do, they require robotic skills and/or too many playthroughs or hardcore difficulties. (1 life etc). If there is a game that "shows" how to do it right, its Hades. Gating achievements behind dlc is beyond terrible as well.
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Happy new year
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1) What's the hardest game you beat in your gaming career, and the longest?
Both of those categories probably belong to Hollow Knight. Though Dark Souls 3 is a possible (albeit unlikely) contender for longest. Reaching 112% Completion on HK took a loooong time and many, many attempts. Whereas DS3 doesn't really have anything resembling a boss rush nor post-game achievements, excluding picking up a couple items in New Game+ to complete the set.
2) Is there a game you give up to 100%? If yes, which one and why?
I mean...there's plenty of games out there that are literally unplayable after the servers shut down cough Battleborn cough. But if you specifically mean games I actively chose to quit pursuing, I could name a couple. Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Mod has an achievement for being in the same server as one of the mod's devs and afaik they all disappeared a loooong time ago. It's "technically" still doable, nut damn I'm not that committed. I was also likely going to attempt to get all the achievements in Elden Ring, same as with previous FromSoft titles. I don't know if this is considered a hot take around these parts, but I GENUINELY consider Elden Ring to be a poorly designed game. The only consistency I got out of the gameplay loop was the feeling of "You're not supposed to be doing this thing yet. Go do something else." Eventually, I listened.
P.s. There's a common thread here. Open World games love having extremely tedious conditions for 100% and I'm just not about that life.
3) What's your meaning of "completionist"? Just beating the game or achieving all the achievements in it?
I label it as getting all the achievements.
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Hello guys, every gamer has a type of style, and I'm a completionist/achievement's hunter, so, I decided to create this post to talk with you!
In this topic I will ask 3 questions:
1) What's the hardest game you beat in your gaming career, and the longest?
2) Is there a game you give up to 100%? If yes, which one and why?
3) What's your meaning of "completionist"? Just beating the game or achieving all the achievements in it?
For me:
1) The hardest and the longest game is for sure Trackmania Turbo on Ps4. I started playing it for fun and after a lot of hours (I don't remember how much) I take all the 200 Trackmasters on the campaign (I remember the platinum was 0.1%)
2) In my Steam career, yes. There's one, and is Starsphere. I got this game for free on Indiegala and it's too much for me. I got stuck on level 9 out of 15...
3) For me if I start a game I've to finish it 100%, no matter if I like/dislike a game. For me it's important to finish a game once you start it.
And that's also a good point of view for reviewing a game, because in my opinion obtaining all the achievements in most cases is equal to discover everything the game offers.
Obviously you can suggest other questions. Happy new year and happy gaming guys. Curious to see new games here. :)
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