When you created a giveaway before the update, there was that asterisk telling you that a game have previously been free or in a bundle.

Now I've got noticed of the existence of the bundle games list... and it's relativekly okay... but I still think it was more handy to have that asterisk telling you immediately that a game gives you just 15% of the CV instead of all of it, avoiding thus surprise attacks and having to open more pages. (provided you, unlike me, actually know of the existence of said list here http://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games)

Now I know it's just a minor thing, but I think that suggesting doesn't hurt anyone after all, no?

10 years ago

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I believe some mark of bundled game would be nice everywhere, not only in giveaway creation. Asterisk, another background color, icon... anything would do.

10 years ago

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Well, I said asterisk because it was the one I was used to, but of course any signal would do it =)

10 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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maybe something when you got full Points, because the list contains more bundled games then full points

9 years ago

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One way or the other is fine, as long as you don't have to double check in the bundled list.

It's just slightly easier, but still easier =)

9 years ago

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yes please. It would be frustrating to give a steam gift in the giveaway and only get 15% of its value cuz it was a bundle at some point and you didnt know...
Also, it might be worth considering to give the 100% of points when the giveaway is a steam gift and not a gamekey...

9 years ago

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Your suggestion has been repeated over the years, and will never happen. People are ****s, and will lie and cheat for that full value.

9 years ago

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Well, if something really is a steam gift there is no way to "cheat" for the full value as it was bought for the full value (or discounted price, but that can still be done now with never-bundled gifts, and anyway it will not be bundle-price), a different thing is how to check with guarantees its a gift, and that I agree might not be simple. If it is possible without much hassle it should be done, if its not practical then yeah u are right and that second suggestion is not worth it. But in any case the indicator of which games will not be considered full value should be there, that is not enabling cheating in any way, simply giving information on how will the giveaway be valued (cause personally, I would not give a steam gift as giveaway if it will not get full value, id rather give it direclty to a friend and give here a key for it instead).

9 years ago*

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The problem is, there is no trustworthy way to identify what it is without a lot of trouble. Got a key? you just know some users will offer a second key for the winner to say it was a gift. Boom, full value. Moderating all of it would be way too much trouble.

9 years ago

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Yes, that I agree might be the case. There might be other ways though, like trading the gift with a middleman steamgifts bot, or gifting to that middleman account. But that is some pesky coding and also with the amount of games flowing through here probably not practical either. was just thinking out loud, but if as u say it has been brought up many times before, then i didnt say anything

9 years ago

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Not something SteamGifts admin is willing to do anyway. :P

Similar sites had their bots banned a while ago

9 years ago

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So to sum up: yes please bring back the asterisk or somethign similar! :P

9 years ago

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Gameminer recognizes direct steam gift links (that generated link contained in the email when gifting). If SG can recognize key codes and HB links, I don't imagine it's too hard to add a third filter.

But given the nature of this site, I'm not sure if the distinction between gift and key is necessary at all. The recipient has to activate the game on his account, and it doesn't make any difference if it came in the form of key, link, or gift. Steam gifts only have inherent extra value for trading purposes.

9 years ago

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Then people will click Gift and do it over chat.

It isn't happening. Reduced value is here to stay, because then people can't try to cheat for full value.

9 years ago

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They don't have to police other forms of delivery methods.

If the gift was sent via SG's interface, SG would know whether it was a gift, key, or HB link. That can't be cheated.

9 years ago

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By what? You clicking on Gift? Does mean a thing, you can still deliver a key by picking that.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I've been missing the asterisk as well. Bringing it back would really cut down on the "Why I no get my CV? Halp me plz!!" threads.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by CicalaKid.