9 years ago*

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Simple answer...do not buy these games on Steam...

I get it some are hard up to have everything on Steam...but they want there cake and want to eat it also.Why do so many want to have it there way all the time and when they can not they throw a hissy fit like a 2 year old who can not get his way,then start threads like this.

Yes i hate DRM and to be frank i wish i could get more at GOG but the fact is i can not,so i either have to say fuck you to DRM and not play most of the games i want,or i deal with it and avoid the most annoying ones like always on for single player and so on.
The one i dislike the most is Denuvo which they claim is just a tamper proof not drm,though if you ask me it still a form of drm.It does keep you from using said content. i dislike it for it can not be cracked proper,at least with the others if i for some reason lose my internet for a long period because say i can not afford it i could still play games with a crack but not with Denuvo.

Over all i have used Ubi and Origin with little issues at least not anymore then steam up and downs and disconnects.Though i have to admit Steams imo is the most user friendly version.I doubt DRM will ever go away even know CD Projects has proven sales are still strong even when DRM free,its more about price and access.As long as publishers like EA and so forth think that DRM even nets them 10% boost in sales they will use it.

9 years ago

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+1 . Always online on SP games is purest BS of them all. Yet to try to use Uplay but they dont have nothing really appealing to make me try it but zero issues with Origin or R* Social Club.

9 years ago

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Not joining. Uplay is what it is, and it's not as bad as many people make it to be. I don't expect them to remove their own DRM only because they want to also distribute through Steam. If I was a product manager at Uplay I wouldn't want to invest my R&D resources on something like this instead of developing more games or improving existing ones. Allowing control of the font type and size in Child of Light, for example, would better serve me as a consumer.

9 years ago

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boycott Steam ftw ! :)

9 years ago

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No, I will buy all the games with uplay drm because of this thread.

9 years ago

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Really dont care cause Uplay isnt so bad, I mean look at Denuvo destroying SSDs...

9 years ago

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I don't really see the point of DRM within Steam sold game Such as how when you download the gave via Steam, it gives you a key that you have to enter in the game itself to make it work. That should be automatic. Also things like Dragon Age Origins Ultimate (or whatever it was called), some of the DLC would not function in the Steam version due to an issue with the DRM that was fixed with a patch that had not (and may still not) been released on Steam.

9 years ago*

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EA seems to "break" some of their games on Steam(Spore, Mass Effect comes to mind) so you need to tinker a bit to make them work but same games on Origin dont have such issues .

9 years ago

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How about we boycott Steam for better customer service instead? :)

9 years ago

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Ironically uplay works fine for me when I use it through steam, I've only had "problems" (actually they were just annoying) when I need to use it on its own.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Why are we boycotting Death Ray Manta? I thought it looked like an okay game.

9 years ago

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nice group!! considering steam it's the same than that uplay thing.

no steam = no play your steam games!!!

haha but well you guys still complain about things that you already are using it.

9 years ago

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I had issues with Uplay when it first came out, because it was a broken mess. It's works really well for me now, so I don't see it as a problem. I could see this being less than favorable with lower end PCs if running both Steam and Uplay causes your computer to run poorly, but I haven't experienced this at all.

9 years ago

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Good try, but steam is a DRM too. Boycotting one DRM on another is just favoritism and highly hypocritical. This is why I only buy on GoG and off websites.

9 years ago

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if you read their group page, you would have know what they say about uplay, they don't complain about the uplay dmr,but the multiple dmr over steam (uplay + steam required )

''No more Uplay and other adicional DRM!
We are sick and tired of redundant DRM's on games we bought here.'' (here mean steam )

9 years ago

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then the solution is to buy Ubisoft titles on Uplay. only one DRM per game, problem solved, no need for the group anymore. xD

9 years ago

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And Rainbow Six Siege just grown on your account? :P
I mean there's no logical connection between the first two and the third sentences - boycotting one while not the other indeed a funny thing to do, but how that's in connection to you only buying at GOG (while having a new game that's also double-DRM'd). I'm totally confused at this point :D

9 years ago

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Actually no it did not just "grow" on my account. Every game I have on steam I either won or has been gifted to me. My friend Hunter of Ajax gifted me Siege and Killing Floor 2 in the past week. I did not request that he did, he simply did randomly.

9 years ago

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I thought that's a possibility, thanks for telling :) ( I noticed you said you buy games only on GOG and stuff, not play. Sorry, curiosity will kill the cat. And me.)

9 years ago

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Don't worry I get asked that a lot. "If you never buy steam games then why do you have hundreds of them!?". Friends, freebies, and steamgfits.

Anyhoo. The reason it is in connection to me only buying on GoG is because GoG is a DRM Free platform where not even the platform aspect is a DRM since GoG gives you 3 different ways to download your games. Via GoG Galaxy, GoG Downloader, and straight off the website off a clickable option.

I do also buy off of humble bundle for DRM free games occasionally. 1¢ deals are hard to resist.

9 years ago

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steam fanboys, steam fanboys everywhere!!

9 years ago

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Doesn't make sense at all. If you don't want double DRM, don't buy "other DRM"-protected games on steam. It's as simple as that.

9 years ago

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