SGtools, good thing or bad thing?
Almost immediately after making this, I run into a comment where someone had a non-activated win because the gifter sent them the GOG version instead. Yes, against the rules, but not as simple as buying/trading a key back after selling/trading one away. That sucks.
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Yups. It's not hard to read the FAQ and then follow the sites rules.
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This may sound harsh, but it's the truth: Don't enter for stuff you don't want, it's not hard. What's the point on entering for something you're not going to play & just end up removing? There are people who like to play any game(s) regardless of there quality.
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If you won a giveaway and the game from that giveaway does not appear in your library, the tool will flag your account as having a non-activated win. This is the same thing that would happen checking the account manually for non-activated wins. Either way, if one of my winners has such on their account, I request a re-roll. If they have not yet been suspended for that infraction, they will be suspended and a new winner will be chosen.
Because the Steam Gifts rules state that you must activate all gifts on the account that you win with, there are penalties for not having it so. If you can show to Support that a game has been purposefully removed later, they would likely remove any suspension.
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We're discussing this right now, expect a decision at some point. Please refrain from removing wins from your library until we have released an official ruling.
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You can try to unremove them, not sure if you will be able to or not.
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Yay it works all i needed was to get App ID (from steam db) of the game and sign in steam through browser and use for example for Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops (appid=92700) this link:
Then u ask to restore the game and its back in the lib.
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Not just that, it's kinda rude also. If I would notice somebody who won a giveaway from me and he/she removed that game from his library I would surely blacklist that person.
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Found a solution - or how to undelet them
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I had to bother support 23 times with reroll requests, some of which were denied, but still a waste of time due to previous rule breaking.
I like making low level giveaways for everyone to enter, and I don't care about ratios. This tool is the best damn thing that happened to the site. If you don't wanna fix your mistakes, there are thousands of giveaways every day here.
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this one here the "Hoosier" station had a minimum CV won of 16. I couldn't enter ;_;
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Doh! 48 gifts sent in your first month! You've already contributed more than the vast majority of users.
Did you really want to enter this giveaway? I'll make one specifically so that you can enter, if you'd like. If anyone deserves a chance, it's you.
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Oh, that's generous but I was just curious what was on the train. Maybe I'll find out at a later date after I've won a bit more :P I have joined a few smaller groups now so it's only a matter of time ;) Plus there's plenty of GAs I do qualify for plus all the public ones. I've only been here a month so I just haven't had a chance to get more wins yet since I'm one of those people who only enter for games I do actually intend to play eventually. (As for the giving, I just happen to be in a good spot right now to do it. I have a few more awesome gibs planned (to get me to level 6) and then my giving will probably slow way down for a while and my Win/sent ratio will (hopefully) go up)
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ALL I wanted to do was make giveaways for people who have activated all their games. I know how it is when you're new to the site and you don't know the rules... mistakes happen. And for many things, I am sympathetic.
From my perspective though, having a non-activated win is something you can fix at any time. Many gifters won't care, and that's fine (people should be free to gift however they want to). But if you sold/traded a key, you can buy/trade one back.
Unfortunately for me, it's currently impossible to limit your giveaway to only people who have activated all their wins on Steamgifts. Support doesn't do custom rules anymore, nor reroll if the non-activated win is more than a month old. You can't make a public group on Steam and just kick people out who have non-activated wins, because Steam doesn't support blocking people from a public group. You can make a private group, but then you have to invite every person individually, and I think that's not in the spirit of SG (I want EVERYONE to be able to join, as long as they've followed the rules). Two of my recent giveaways both had winners with non-activated gifts, and I was starting to lose heart. Then I discovered the new SGtools. Finally! So I'm going to try it out.
Here is my dumb giveaway (for the third time). It's nothing special.
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