I was about to say the same thing, but usually there's a "new offers in 24 hours" or something like that. Not seeing this, only the 48 hours (wich is usually for the discounts). And the Community Choice really changed to once a day instead of the usual 6 hours.
Looks like they're really changing it a bit. Not that there's reason to runt about, there's still tons of games on sale.
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"These offers end in 1 day and 19 hours" above the main discounts.
And pardon me but most of these thousands of games are not even worth the discounts.. I won't waste even 0.14 on Dead Bits with it's 97%(Even though it gives cards) or that Outlast crap with it's 98% discount.
I've checked the discounts, none of them is worth it.
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It says that right above the main deals screen actually. When the sale started it said "new deals in 2 days".
And most "discounts" are laughable really, many games that were at -50-75% at the recent exploration sale are -20-40% now while last year the autumn and winter sales were either the same or the winter ones were higher, not vice versa.
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yeah, but at that time, people usually owned a real box with printed manuals and other goodies. And, more important, you could give away that box, sell it trade it for something else. Now with online distribution and DRM you don't even own your games any more, you just have a subscription, you can't give it away once you played it through or give it back in case it's not as expected, you depend on steam not going out of business or running into technical problems. Otherwise all those games you have collected will become fairly useless. Having THAT in mind, I think it's only reasonable to ask for high discounts on sales and cheap prices in general.
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that only applies towards the top bunch I think the bottom bunch, past the reccomendations bit is daily. It also says above them, "New deals every 12 hours"
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Not really as they're also 24 hours, I've checked.
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The Painkiller series is 60% off.
One thing you seem to be forgetting is that every Christmas most games spend their time at 40-50% off, then are bumped to 75-80% off for flash sales or daily deals.
If ya can't afford an extra dollar or three for a game then should you really be buying them in the first place?
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Depends how much money and manpower/resources they are pumping into SteamOS project. I don't know what Valve's time-schedule and goals are, but so far that project hasn't done very well.
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I am sure they are smart enough to leave a little in the bank.
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Honestly Dont know if Ill be buying anything. Feel so burned
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I think you meant completely off topic...but it looks like it's only 2.50 at gamestop. Could be from there
EDIT: Square Enix deal thing sounds more likely
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nope, gaben is not going bankrupt because you bought a lot of cards and he collected tons of gems from the auctions :D
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do you know who else have it? I think that price does not exists in http://www.steamtrades.com
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yes it might just go to 50% off. that's what happened in the summer sale.
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Yeah, sorry about that, mixed up between the two of them.
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They "auctioned" over 200,000 games off in the "pre-sale" event.
While the big titles didn't get a discount (cause people are idiots and bid far higher than the game sells for without discount, let alone with), most of the smaller titles got big discounts.
While its true that the community choice is 24-hours rather than 8, it allows people a wider range of access and considering most community choice votes were repeats to begin with. This isn't a loss.
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I'll be content as long as I see the Bioshock Infinite Season Pass at at least 75% off, I'll be happy. I've already gotten a whole bunch of stuff, either as a gift for my birthday [such as Binding of Isaac Rebirth and BlazBlue Calamity Trigger], through the auction [the Two Worlds Collection], or a nice grab off the Humble Store sale [read Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition]. There isn't much on my wishlist that I'm actually intent on buying right away as of now.
I would be hoping for Morrowind to hit 80% off, but it hasn't gone over 40% since they introduced the canadian dollar, so it's probably not going to happen.
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It's too soon to tell but considering how they'll introduce new daily deals (Just about 2 hours ago they have a thing for Broforce, Dead Space 2 among others)
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Few last Sales are not the same for me. Dont say sales sucks but not something special, other sites offer good deals also.
This sale dont have Flash deals? Community vote game only change one time per day?
Btw Steam top seller Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is in GMG with DECEMB-202014-GREENM 20% OFF 10.72€
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Why so entitled?
I hope that one year they'll stop doing any sales and THEN people will learn to appreciate them. It's like the saying goes "You don't know the true value of something until you lose it". Oh and of course "the more you have the more you want" which is basically what's going on with people complaining about discounts. 90% off everything would be perfect, am I right?
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I bought Metal Gear Rising Revengeance for 4 euro, which was 80% off. Seems pretty good to me. Can't say I'm displeased. Not the best sale in the world, true, but still works for me.
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Am I the only one that still, after about 6 hours, still refuses to believe that this is the crap I have been waiting for since the summer sale?
No cards event, main discounts per 48 hours instead of 24 hours like in the past = less games, "community" discounts per 24 hours instead of per 8 hours = less games.
Dare I say it...? Gaben.. going.. b.. a.. n.. k.. r.. u.. p.. t..?!?!
I am still in the hope that tomorrow they will surprise everyone and actually do something with the useless cards.. Still got 70 of them for sale for $0.55 each..
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