Try it out, says I already own it so idk.
I had the base game and this is supposedly a DLC.

GI0HY-NKWXD-FMTV? ? = Ask me a ?uestion.

Comment if it worked for you so others don't fail trying.

9 years ago

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Someone taken it.

9 years ago

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Not sure what you're trying to say. If you attempted to redeem it, shouldn't you know 100% whether you used it or not?
Certainly you know if you already had it, and afterwards you could see if you (still) have it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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So you just won the game, and instead of rerolling because you own the DLC already, you decided to post it on the forum. At least that is what I understand from what you wrote. If that's true, you didn't act properly.

Next time before acting like that, consider checking here if the license has been activated. If yes, mark as received, if not, ask for reroll (because you own it already)

I hope that you do not get into troubles because of that.

9 years ago*

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Pretty much. -_-

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I'm not calling out anybody, I refer to what OP wrote himself.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Calling out rule is supposed to prevent witch hunt and accusing someone of doing something, without any proof. Without that rule, we'd have daily dose of "XXX scammed me, please report him, here's his profile: YYY"

I'm not calling out anybody here, I'm trying to explain to OP what he did, what he should do, and why he acted wrong, based on his own statement and public SG history.

9 years ago*

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the problem is in this situation there is no hard proof that he won a game he already had. he could have won, activate it and later post another key here. all in less than 1 hour.

the only proof that support can have is by contacting the ga creator and asking if the key matches the one posted here. but that's up to support, not us.

and yes, that's calling out... you are pointing fingers at the guy and everyone else is gonna check what he did.

9 years ago

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At least that is what I understand from what you wrote. If that's true, you didn't act properly.

That's why this line exists. He can correct me, or the original post.

9 years ago

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that's like claiming "is this fake?" in a giveaway. -.-

9 years ago

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I'm not claiming anything. And I didn't notice anyone being banned for asking if the giveaway is fake either. Moreover, I saw many guys asking if giveaway creator understands that he has to deliver the game to the winner. And if you want to compare such posts to my trying-to-be-helpful one above, at least use proper comparison.

9 years ago

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you never saw anyone getting suspended for asking if it's fake?

ok, do as you wish.

9 years ago

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If you think otherwise, just report my post and let support deal with it.

9 years ago

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Calling out refers to referencing a negative event that occurred elsewhere.
In circumstances where the OP mentions doing something negative, they've effectively called themselves out, and you're free to respond.

Consider calling out to be synonymous with pointing out something negative that isn't obvious from the information at hand, by referencing another matter.

since the necessary information is present in this thread, it is not calling out.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I've never seen anybody being suspended in such situation.

People get suspended if giveaway creator does NOT state that the game is not the one described, and people jump on the witch hunt train accusing him of making a giveaway for a free game, without having any proof. THAT is calling out.

If giveaway creator states himself that it's not the proper game, what people usually do is pointing that it's not allowed, and suggesting deleting of giveaway. And I've never seen anybody being suspended for such message. You're not accusing anybody in this scenario, you're referring to what OP wrote himself.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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There have been a bunch of people who replied to comments like that saying it was calling out and that the users could be banned, but as far as I know no one got in trouble for commenting on a giveaway where someone admitted something was wrong that they broke a rule. What people did get in trouble for was commenting that certain giveaways look sketchy without any proof, because that's baseless accusation.

9 years ago

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Basically that. :)

You can make polite, generalized statements for the sake of clarification, but making an accusation without the OP providing direct proof is calling out.

Likewise, I've never heard of anyone punished for calling out a regifter within the giveaway comments of the regifted game, though it'd definitely always be better to take a 'Hey, are you familiar with the rules?' approach to it to be safe, rather than a 'Ugh, you ****ing regifter' approach.
I mean, for the sake of a positive atmosphere, if nothing else :X

9 years ago

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I'm not interpreting it as it having anything to do with him just winning it. I checked his Won page and nothing is marked there, and DLCs can't be tracked by other means. So how are you assuming that?
All I know is that he attempted to activate some key and now he's confused whether he used it or not so he posted it here. Which I find strange because he should know if it became activated or not.

9 years ago

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Then check it again, because you most likely missed it.

9 years ago

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I checked his Won page and nothing is marked there

You should look again. ;)

9 years ago

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As I guessed, he doesn't want to give up his game, since he believes he doesn't own it. He's asking if there is a bug or something that he can solve, question is legit

Actually War of the Roses: Kingmaker is bugged, it should be a DLC but it activates the base game AND the DLC, he could not know

9 years ago

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Regardless of his intentions, he should not post on forums the key that he won in a giveaway. He should either make sure that it activated, based on instructions I posted above, or ask for reroll. Posting it like that is not proper.

9 years ago

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Ops didn't see that part, you're right :P

9 years ago

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Go to this link. You'll see the activation date and will be sure of what happened.

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by MtvYoloSwag.