Mine is A virus named Tom.

1 decade ago*

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Alundra fo sho. Things like Super Meat Boy aren't 'hard' so much as merciless, which is more of a genre than difficulty setting.

1 decade ago

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I agree, Alundra was pretty hard, but not hardest.

1 decade ago

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Ah man I used to love Alundra, never managed to finish it though. Couldnt get into Alundra 2 though, it didnt have the same appeal.
Also, Landstalker was great for its time on the MegaDrive/Genesis!

1 decade ago

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Alundra was modestly challenging, but the snow king sword was OP. Last dungeon was hard without a guide although.

1 decade ago

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Battlefield 2 modern combat

1 decade ago

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I agree, couldn't beat that last level in the singleplayer, the one where you have to disarm the two nukes under 10 minutes or whatever. I was always getting killed instantly, and getting 10/10 stars in a level, I think the highest I got was 9/10 stars on one of the levels.

1 decade ago

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I did it through pure luck. Run. Die. Run. Die. Run. Die. Run. Win.

1 decade ago

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Dark Souls and State of Decay (those damn Ferals!) -> is not game difficulty; it's POOR/BAD controller design (on PC)
I beat battletoads & Double Dragon back in the day, also Golden Axe III.. Ahh what a times! XD

1 decade ago

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hate when people complain about dark souls controls(not specifically implying you, just in general), i beat it multiple times with keyboard and mouse. There is a mouse fix which improves pc controls. I agree that it "had" poor design, but that doesn't make the game hard.

Back to OP: Dark Souls and Ninja Gaiden 3 on hardest difficulty are by far the hardest games ive ever played.

1 decade ago

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GennyLam, think you missinterpreted me (not offended, I know what you mean); but anyways what I meant State of Decay, NOT Dark Souls!
I loved Dark Souls, yes, I used almost all available fixes on the PC version, played both with kb & mouse and a xbox-like pad, it had their quirks but notthing I could not handle. I was awesome and still is! DSFix is a must with that game, think the author is "Durante" (or something very closely to that). That fix was moslty for graphics, but also had stuff in there for the saving and FOV and fps lock part.

So, is State of Decay which has crappy designed/ported? controls on PC, just tried it yesterday with a pad and it was so much easier! could not believe it. Camera (mouse) and "mash-to-escape/run-for-your-life" is real hard to do with KB&mouse. That's what I meant, sorry if I wasn't clear enough :)

1 decade ago

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Oh man, i apologize for being somewhat aggressive, you absolutely right that i some-what misinterpreted your statement.

  • Durante did a graphics fix but there is an actual mouse and keyboard fix that optimizes the controls more so.

side note: never have i seen such a non-hostile back and fourth apologetic internet conversation of sorts hahaha

1 decade ago

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That's my angle :P want to get along just fine enjoy non-hostile conversations and make friends, don't care language or distance. I mean, we are alegedly nice civilized people, right? XD
Sorry, I'm hijacking your thread by going offtopic..

1 decade ago

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Yes. I hate vsing the Ferals.

1 decade ago

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It depends on what you mean by hard.

Games like FTL and Dark Souls aren't hard; they just force you to live with the consequences of your actions and deal with things not going perfectly, rather than quick-saving and quick-loading all the time. Kinda like real life.

Games like Super Meat Boy or Super Hexagon aren't exactly hard either; just strict about the timing required. Not that there's not a challenge there, but if you slowed the game down a little it would be boringly easy.

In terms of puzzle games though, which a virus named tom is I guess, my personal award for best and also hardest puzzle game I've played is undeniably Spacechem.

1 decade ago

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Hmm i agree that dark souls isnt necessarily "hard" but that's only because ive come to understand all the enemy patterns. Upon first play through regardless of the choices you make, its still extremely difficult because you just don't know what to expect.

1 decade ago

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Well, sure. But the first time playing any game you don't necessarily know what to expect. Take the legend of zelda, which in it's 3D incarnations is in general a relatively similar game. Learning enemy patterns, admittedly mainly for the bosses, but also the tricks to defeating some enemies, such as bouncing projectiles off of your shield, is extremely important in zelda games; arguably more so than in Dark Souls.

The biggest difference is that, if you die in Zelda, you just restart a few steps back with no penalty, you hardly even notice. Sometimes it might even be convenient to get teleported back. While in Dark Souls, a death is real worry, either in the risk of losing souls, or an actual loss.

1 decade ago

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point made

1 decade ago

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I think that the only reason that Dark Souls doesn't seem as hard as some of those other games is because the length that you will be playing the game. I would imagine that if people played games like Super Hexagon and Super Meat Boy for the extended period of time that they would play Dark Souls (Say 50 hours), those games would probably be at an equal level of difficulty because they are all about memorizing patterns and tricks to pass levels.

1 decade ago

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Super Meat Boy & Binding of Isaac.

Also, anyone who says Cloudberry Kingdom wins this thread. Dat Masochist difficulty o.0

1 decade ago

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Agree with the above.....however, I wonder who would be insane enough to want to beat Cloudberry Kingdom? Just doesn't seem worth it, even for bragging rights or anything like that!

1 decade ago

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Not sure if it's the hardest, but I remember playing Genji - Days of the Blade. That game was pretty hard at the later stages.

1 decade ago

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Quake 3 Campaign with bots on Nightmare difficulty :P

1 decade ago

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A virus named Tom surprised me as well, mostly because the puzzle mechanics trick me into slower thinking. And the rest of the game conspires to make that a bad idea.

1 decade ago

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Silver Surfer on the NES

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Wayne's World and Zombies Ate My Neighbours on SNES

1 decade ago

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The Impossible Game

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Arcade edition of MKII

1 decade ago

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Green Bridge Overkill 145+ difficulty in PAYDAY 1, but not difficult as a whole

1 decade ago

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Lies, it was hard but by far not the hardest

1 decade ago

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Did you play it on overkill or overkill 145+? Checking your profile, I think that 35 hours most probably means overkill or hard. If you haven't tried green bridge on 145+, then you can't say it not difficult. 145+ is crazy as hell difficult on GB and heat street. Just yesterday, we beat it after about 6 retries

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Level expert.
I have 4965 games played and 11 won :)

1 decade ago

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Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures.

1 decade ago

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XCOM on Impossible Ironman and Starcraft 2

1 decade ago

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I don't think either of those can be called hard by any definition; unless you're talking about like SC2 tournaments or grandmaster's ladder. Multiplayer can be hard depending on who you're up against, but the single player campaign is pretty easy.

1 decade ago

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Outlast, is the scarest 4ever, and in the same time, its soo hard!

1 decade ago

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Volgarr the Viking

1 decade ago

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Mmmm, probably Dragon Crystal and XCom Apocalypse, I hated\loved both so much D:D

1 decade ago

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games with selective places to save - likeand yet it moves, almost got to the end, quitedat 2-3 last jumps

1 decade ago

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Tower of Druaga. You need to get specific items in order to get more important items, which you then have to use to beat the final boss. And guess what? You have to do oddball crap to collect 'em. Not to mention the fact that there are certain items that nerf the shit out of you. And they don't tell you what does what, and where you find everything. Damn game's absurd.

1 decade ago

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Binding of Issac

1 decade ago

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it's easy

1 decade ago

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Too easy it only take 10 failures to make you a demigod in the game

The expansion is the one that makes it harder, the base mode was easy-medium

1 decade ago

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Gremlins 2 on Gameboy, almost impossible

1 decade ago

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oh yeah, that game was hard ^^

1 decade ago

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On the NES: Battletoads, Contra.
On the PC: I wanna be the Boshy(I can't beat this game), Commandos BEL(It is hard, always save/load, but it is fun to play)

1 decade ago

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Landing in "Flight of the Intruder" (NES)... Game was just great, but that was

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by kot2202.