Do you care if a transgendered person uses the same bathroom you do?
Unisex toilets.... Been there, done that, problematic at best.
Once upon a time in America, there was no such thing as "separate" bathrooms. If you had to go, you went. Of course, they were all stalls, and almost always single-occupant.
Then people started making toilets for groups, and men's bathrooms started using urinals. That led to laws being passed and a separation of the sexes for bathrooms. Still, there was no prohibition about using one gender's bathroom or the other. Men stayed out of women's places, and women had no desire to use the men's.
Then people started getting weird, and it became necessary to pass laws forbidding entry to the "wrong" bathroom.
Now, we are arguing over which bathroom a person should use if he/she is uncomfortable using the one that other people would expect. The answer is simple. Use the one that will not make the other people in the bathroom uncomfortable. If you are uncomfortable, you are one person and can use a stall for privacy. It is unreasonable, however, to make everyone else uncomfortable just to suit yourself. That would be both self-centered and selfish. No laws are required to accomplish reasonable, social behavior, nor should there be a need for any.
It seems people have thrown out the past 10,000 years of human wisdom and no longer know how to solve life's problems, thereby making things more complicated and/or more difficult than they need to be.
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In general, poorer residents used pots that they were supposed to empty into the sewer, or visited public latrines. Public latrines date back to the 2nd century BC. Whether intentionally or not, they became places to socialise. Long bench-like seats with keyhole-shaped openings cut in rows offered little privacy. Some latrines were free, for others small charges were made.
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^^^ That's further back in time, and only in some parts of the world.
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I mean honestly, that's a pretty good point. But I think the more important fact is that people shouldn't feel uncomfortable by a trans person using the same bathroom as them. Bathrooms are the place where people should mind their own business, so really the only people causing discomfort are the actual predators, which are going to exist regardless of changes in the law.
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Tolerating something and being comfortable with it are not the same thing.
We know that persecuting someone who is different just on the grounds of their being different is wrong. And therefore human decency also means tolerating those who are different and/or we do not fully understand.
This doesn't mean you also need to be comfortable with something or someone you don't understand.
I feel those are separate things, y'kow?
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Wouldn;t make more sense at this point to use just one bathroom for all genders, races and whatever? Just make sure everyone can have some privacy.
PS: I hate going to a public bathroom.
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Does Transgender mean that they look like the "opposite" gender, or does it only mean that they feel like the other gender but biologically are their old gender?
EDIT: Also, I (male) actually dont care anyways, because I only use cabins. I dont care wheter a male is in the next cabinet or a woman or some mix.
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I have yet to ever assault someone, but you know, those icky trans people are always up to something.
But in all seriousness, I'd prefer unisex bathrooms, not only are they more private and comfortable, they're really good for the disabled, and single parents with children the opposite gender than they are. And people who just want some damn privacy in public restrooms in general.
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I would however find it funny if feminists would fight transgender people because of unisex toilets. Because if we have unisex toilets, like the transgenders want, the feminists will say "UH NO! Male people always pee the wrong way and they suck anyways and they should not go in our bathroom".
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So as you may or may not know some people here in the U.S. are losing their minds over the possibility of transgendered kids using the same bathroom their children use in school. The reason presented by those against transgendered individuals using the bathroom of their choice is that they are worried their children will be preyed upon by trans sex offenders. The whole argument feels a bit silly to me. Obama stepped in to attempt to protect civil rights and the states are suing back. It's all a big mess of discrimination and prejudice. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
Oh yeah. Here's a few gibs nobody seems to want anymore:
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