The second worst? Man, you should see more. :p But literally, if it wasn't for the flawless 3d, I'd agree.
For me it's the movie The Others. And that's because I pay attention to detail, and this movie had major flaws.
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More? I've probably seen more than the average person. Even some that almost NOBODY has heard of.
And as for the worst, many might agree with me on this but it's the 2016 Ghostbusters.
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Bloodsucking Redneck Vampires
Big Money Rustlas
Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter
Adam and Eve VS the Cannibals
Cutey Honey live action
The White Dragon which I own
Morons From Outer Space (ok maybe more people have heard about this one)
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Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. I won't say why, 'cause spoilers. The only redeeming quality about it was Bruce Campbell's cameo.
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see I was thinking about MoM in your earlier thread, because I LOVED that film and heard many people talking shit about it
but after looking at the imdb rating I figured there were plenty of others that liked the movie as well 😅
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I felt that cameo was weird. Ashy Slashy is fun as always, but what was the idea? Here's a simple man working hard, street vendoring isn't easy… and I'd understand why the kid couldn't know why you pay someone for their service, but what about Doctor Strange himself? He didn't just steal food, but made our beloved deadite-killer smack himself for two weeks?
I… didn't get it. And it didn't help that the whole movie was a messy collection of gags — which is fine for Ashy's series, of course, but it felt like ruining a good Dr.S character.
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Considering the theme of the film, yeah, it would seem out of place... but you have to remember that Sam Raimi have been close friends with Bruce Campbell since high school. So it would only make sense that the director would insert a Stooges-like running gag in an alternate universe. 😉
In truth, I appreciated the humor because the film's primary plot was just downright horrible. And people thought whiny Anakin was bad.
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Yeah, I guess that's a good way to look at it, Sam Raimi focused on stuffing the movie with gags and jokes (that's more or less what he's known for), so for us to focus on the (nearly absent) plot or (rudimentary to none) character development is a mistake.
It's a trap!
My concern is that most Marvel characters will never recover from such treatment. Disney is on the warpath against all of its own IP.
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That's interesting you named Hereditary because I often see plenty of hate towards it as well as Midsommar. There a lot of people who aren't fans of Ari Aster.
I thought it was interesting and different and I enjoyed it, but I feel I'm in the minority.
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Well, this is certainly interesting considering that both of these films fall into psychological horror, which is in itself a quite slow genre...
I'm just your opposite, I like Hereditary far more but just as you, I can't really tell why :D Might just be personal preference!
However I somewhat agree with The Babadook as well, when I first watched it I didn't really get what it tried to tell, I only understood it the second time.
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Frankly, I could just open any mainstream rating of "the best of the best" and go from the top, they usually consist of professionally made, decent movies that are definitely not awful, just horribly overrated (like The Green Mile or Interstellar). And then there's truly awful stuff like Avengers or Deadpool (actually, by now I should have learned that I shouldn't waste my time on blockbusters, they are just not for me) and horribly banal movies like The Green Book or Druk (both still worth watching because of actors though).
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Forrest Gump -- currently #11 on IMDB's list of highest-rated movies. To me it was always just an above-average movie. I never understood the absolute adoration.
Fight Club -- currently #12 on IMDB's list. Again, it's fine, but I don't understand the cult-like following.
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i cant see why si manny people live Joker. for me its like same drama that was crap and when they saw that there is noway that anybody will watch it they slapped Joker on it and hyped it to hell and there's a hit
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No Country for Old Men. This movie sucks ass (imo obviously). It's been a while since I watched it, so I don't recall many details, but I remember being so, so bored, and almost falling asleep through the entire movie. Now, I'm not dumb and can appreciate quality things even if I personally don't like them. But this wasn't the case. I gave it a 3/10 score. But it has an 8.2 imdb score with 962k votes, won 4 oscars (including best movie of the year) and has a total of 163 awards and 140 nominations. So I'll... just take my leave.
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The Batman (2022). Great cast, great acting, but shitty script and some of the scenes were just bad.
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Superhero movies... like all of them. I mean - first 2 or 3 were nice to watch, but then it's like endless repetition of the same cliches or adding more and more ridiculous stuff to avoid repetitions...
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Oh yeah, I couldn't even finish that one, I thought it started quite alright but after half an hour I got bored out of my mind.
Should probably finish it sometime just to make sure that it wasn't just my mood that day or something like that.
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Was just gonna comment this one, it was so painfully boring that i couldn't bring myself to even finish it.
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Anything Marvel put out since Endgame, it's been on a steady decline in quality ever since
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I more or less am in agreement. I liked the show Wanda vision. But the movies are quietly on a decline in quality.
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I completely agree on the Avatar there. I never went to the movies for it, and could never get myself to watch it on TV either. Every time I give up after half an hour. It's just horrible in every possible way. I also avoid superhero movies like the plague. But not to end the post on a negative note, I actually have a movie recommendation. A movie that I think is absolutely great to watch. That's Masaki Kobayashi's Seppuku, or Harakiri.
Truly a brilliant movie. One of the rare examples where the word 'riveting' would be properly used to describe it. :D
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i hated Bladerunner 2049 on multiple levels, which bewildered and offended most of my friends because they loved it and since i'm the "cyberpunky one" they thought i'd love it too.
i get really bored and annoyed by Guy Ritchie films which is another that everyone was so sure i'd adore because, and i quote, "you talk like a character in his movies!" i mean, i swear a LOT in casual conversation but i'm American so idek.
also put me down as another for not liking most superhero movies. the last one i genuinely enjoyed was Thor Ragnarok but that was p much an outlier, i think i just enjoyed the soundtrack and how colorful it was. i don't outright hate the raft of offerings from Marvel and DC, but i still refuse to watch them at this point because i have better uses of my time,. like washing my hair. or reorganizing my albums. or slitting my own throat with a butter knife.
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Oh no, not my boy Ritchie!! I love his work and follow him since his first film
Its alright not liking, thats personal taste for each one, but i dont think Ritchie fits this topic; Reason being i defended Ritchie a lot in the past because its a trope to hate on Ritchie, he is regarded by waaaay too many people as some sort of Tarantino copycat/wanabe, wich i in turn find extremely reductive and mislead.
Tarantino have a huge fandom, a fandom that often overlooks his flaws and overpraise his films, so o i feel like Tarantinos fanboysm hurt Ritchies reviews and perception (even more so on the US)
Btw im a fan of both and i can recognize flaws and dislike some films by both.
I just never considered someones dislike of him as unpopular, more often dissing him is the mainstream
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Guy Ritchie is critically acclaimed and has high ratings on the bulk of his films, so his body of work does indeed fit this topic. i legitimately have only heard good things about his films so we are clearly in different spheres of people having cinematic discussion.
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i hated Bladerunner 2049
Put me in anything with Gosling in it. I wonder how he is still an actor(#). I would only watch him if he dared to play alongside Daniel Day-Lewis.
(#) To be fair, he's not the only one who doesn't deserve to be an actor.
also put me down as another for not liking most superhero movies...
As 76561198082881386 pointed out, the first 2-3 were ok. When a lot piled up afterwards, it was really tiring to follow. And you had to watch them in the order they came out, because you'd miss the hypothesis premise, whatever hypothesis premise they were supposed to have, anyway. For example I enjoyed the first Deadpool, I couldn't last more than 10 minutes in the second.
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i didn't even like the first few MCU films, if that's what you're referring to. it was all cardboard with no substance to me. but i understand that a lot of people enjoyed them regardless. i just didn't.
i mostly enjoyed the first Deadpool but haven't bothered trying the second because they got Brolin for Cable so i can't comment on that one.
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The first Ironman was οκ, as a blockbuster (or popcorn) movie. Of the rest I have seen very few. They made me think, whereas if I wanted to think, I'd rather see something closer to reality or more philosophical or sophisticated. If I had known Deadpool was going to be part of this hodgepodge of superheroes, I probably wouldn't have seen it.
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Yep, definitely one of the most overrated movies in the history of Hollywood. Then again, pretty much every high-rated movie with Hanks didn't deserve such a praise (IMHO, of course).
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Every MCU movie ever? (OK, I really liked the first Iron Man)
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The first of the new star wars by disney. I left the cinema sincerely offended and baffled at the ridiculous rehash of the first films beats and saw everyone around me excited, i think i never felt so out of place like wth is wrong with people, was i just transported to another dimension with doppelgangers instead of humans?
Nowadays it became trope to hate on disney star wars, but that first one was just star wars 1 again and the nostalgia worked i guess. I recall perusing reviews right after and fingind very few bashing the film for just retreading the old script
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"That was just Star Wars Episode 4" was the reaction everyone I was watching the movie with had as well. I really did not hate it though, it was fine, though it's hard to get excited about a slightly worse version of a movie I had already seen.
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Pain & Gain
I don't know what that movie is supposed to be good for. If I had to intention to kill my brain cells I'd know some quicker and less painful options.
Other candidates:
Bad Boys II
All Transformers movies.
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghaz
Most of the Fast & Furious series. And it's just getting worse.
London/Olympus Has Fallen
Swiss Army Man (The trailer was so promising, the movie itself ... ugh)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
The Equalizer 2
Every new Jurrasic Park movie. Okay, I don't actually know anyone who considers these great.
And last but not least: Most of the horror genre.And pretty much every slasher movie. So. Fucking. Boring.
There are way more but those are less popular.
Edit, for more:
The Art of Racing in the Rain
Creed II
The Thing
The Goonies
The Secret World of Arrietty
Eddie the Eagle
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So, in contrast to my other topic, lets try the reversal.
You know what to do so.....
I have to admit that people loved Avatar (not the Last Airbender) but I think it was just awful. It's actually the second worst movie I have ever see.
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