Tell me what your favorite roguelikes are! Mine are:


12 years ago*

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ftl and biding of isaac

12 years ago

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Dungeons of Dredmor is pretty fun.

12 years ago

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Castle of the Winds. Played it SO much with my dad when I was a kid, good times.

12 years ago

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ADOM and Nethack obviously, not necessarily in that order though. The UnReal World is an absolute classic, though largely unknown these days. IVAN held a ton of promise but sadly the project died soon. Hopefully we'll see some newcomers improving on the systems introduced in IVAN. And of course you have to mention Dwarf Fortress, even if the main game mode isn't a traditional roguelike.

While great games, I wouldn't call either FTL or Binding of Isaac a roguelike. Both borrow roguelike features, but the gameplay in either game has little to do with roguelikes. Dungeons of Dredmor, well, I must admit I'm not a huge fan. It's a roguelike sure enough, but to a long time roguelike player like myself it feels limited, repetitive and way too easy. Though while not exactly my favourite game, I certainly have nothing against it, and if it lures a couple of people into trying out some real roguelikes... :P

12 years ago

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I'd like to second Dungeons of Dredmor and Castle of the Winds.

I'd also like to point out that Binding of Isaac really isn't a Rogue-like; the only thing it really borrows from the genre are the randomly generated dungeons.

12 years ago

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I'll say a seldom mentioned game: Fatal Labyrinth

It's an old school Sega Genesis game. Simple, but fun. Random generated maps, all item effects randomized every playthrough. I sunk dozens of hours into that game. So simple and elegent, that its a great relaxed "Palette cleanser".

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Roque.