Well, I just want to vent out since I´ve been scammed for the firtst time. This shitty bag just got 10 bucks of steam wallet for nothing and despite being reported I don´t think Steam will care


Something was off but I just disregard the thought and it serves me well. I tend to be a cautious person but having to be careful for 10 bucks, really?

Steamtrades is a big no for me and, if you must, at least use paypal protection. Can´t believe eneba is safer..

11 months ago*

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You can't name and point, against site rules.

Some people got scammed for much much worse.

11 months ago

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Thanks for the info, but this is not Steamtrades.

11 months ago

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Seems to me that a scammer added you and impersonated the guy you were trying to trade with? If someone adds you and tells you they're using an alt profile or something, that's a red flag the size of Everest. Only deal with the account of whoever it is you're trading with, and double triple check it's the same account and not someone who changed their name and profile picture to impersonate someone.

Impersonations are super common and not only on Steamtrades.

11 months ago*

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Yeah, I realized now what happened. My friend request was still pending. The impersonator changed name and avatar to match the steam trade profile.
What confused me was that the "true" trader has a different name in steam.
Thanks for that

11 months ago

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It happens to a lot of people new to trading. These scum scammers hunt for users with no feedback who joined recently and count on them not being careful enough to notice the impersonation.

A friend of mine lost 2 CSGO knives worth $150 when someone impersonated me to take the knives from him. I noticed and quickly messaged my friend telling him to "not give me the knives!" and he was extremely confused when there were 2 Filipis talking to him. I was too late though.

11 months ago

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steamtrades profile is not the same as the other one, you probably got scammed by an impersonator

11 months ago*

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That is why I only gift and never trade, I would be a scammers food with my naivity and 0 knowlenge of games value.

11 months ago

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Yeah... looks like you got baited by an impersonator. Always make sure to check accounts of people you're dealing with.

11 months ago

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Sorry about that! Make sure to check his profile next time and see his reputation - this should have been enough to realize that something is wrong. Doesn't necessarily mean that you are dealing with a scammer or not, but its one of the things you should look at. Be more careful next time! Also report him on steam.

11 months ago

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negative 83!

that definitely says something

11 months ago

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okay blocked him, thx

11 months ago

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This person impersonated me to scam someone else in the past. They tend to prey on new users. Don't ever blindly accept a friend request and trade with someone without checking their profile first!

11 months ago

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A browser add-on like Augmented Steam makes it easy to check the reputation of an account.
SteamRep suggests to report theft and scam attempts to Valve.

View attached image.
View attached image.
11 months ago*

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I second this!

11 months ago

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You got scammed by impersonator... just another day on Steamtrades.
Anyway this guy is known scammer he have close to 100 negative rates already. :))) Adding another rep will not change anything and will not save anyone, ppl always discover AFTER they are scammed. So its useless.
They always aim newbies like you - easy target cuz they dont know how to verify profiles and what they have to check. And it works (unfortunately).

11 months ago

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why do people not read i mean this person wants him to be punished but really for not reading they got what they had coming - no one gets close to a - 100 and is going to start trading fair

11 months ago

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That guy is one heck of a impersonator, somebody once reported to me that I have been impersonated :/

11 months ago

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Hate that this happened to you! He's currently impersonating me!

This is him.
This is me.

How has he had that Steamtrades account for two years without it being banned?!?!

11 months ago

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I didn't know people can block someone on steam. I was scammed 46usd by somebody I can't remember right now. Will try to find him and block him right away ^^

11 months ago

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gg, this impersonator is the first person i blocked on Steam

11 months ago

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Ah, the good'ol impersonator. It's one of the easiest scams to detect (augmented steam is your friend, as another comment pointed out), but I got scammed by one, too, many years ago. Nothing you can do about it now, but I'm sure it'll never happen to you again.

11 months ago

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